Park Rangers In Idaho and Wyoming Are SCARED

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Just why are these park rangers in Idaho so terrified?










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Park Rangers In Idaho Are SCARED

What Lurks Beneath is a channel focused on true scary stories and true horror stories, I cover the supernatural cryptids, bigfoot, dogman and scary mysteries. In this channel, you'll find storytelling of the unkown, the supernatural and the paranormal. If you enjoy shows like Unsolved Mysteries or Paranormal Witness, you'll enjoy What Lurks Beneath
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My husband experienced something weird a few months ago, he heard rocks being tossed against the door and looked up and saw ME on top of the water shed! He was shocked and said I waved to him to follow him into the woods. Scared, he made sure I was still in bed, and I was. To this day he still gets scared talking about it.


My brother is a wild life photographer and filmer. He has close to 50 years experience in the mountains of Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, and now Alaska where he lives in the back country. He says he would rather live with the bears than with people in the city. At least with bears he knows what they will do.


If you get that feeling of "Let's get the hell out of here!" then listen to it. I've only experienced that a few times in my life, and I got the hell out of there. It's happened a couple of times when I entered homes or buildings that just gave off totally the wrong vibe, so I made my exit. Our subconscious can pick up on clues that our conscious mind may miss.


I once had an incident in Washington my place of residence. I was hunting in a well known tree farm on the west side of the mountains. It was roughly 7am and the fog was thick. I had been hunting a big draw in the land and the fog was perfect to slip down the side and find a spot to wait for the fog to lift. When I got into my spot the sound of complete silence filled my ears. The buzzing sound of complete silence can drown the rest of your senses ( if you ever have the chance to experience it i highly recommended it it’s the craziest feeling. ) I remember getting the feeling I wasn’t alone. Once the fog lifted I stuck around maybe an hour and decided to move along. As I walked out I looked down at the boot tracks I had left on my way in. To my surprise I had been followed all the way down into the draw by a mountain lion who had walked directly on my boot tracks. There’s not many things in Washington that scare me. Black bears typically won’t go out of their way to hunt humans and wolfs (very very very few on the west side) are normally smelled and heard before seen; but big cats have almost no smell, can move fast with no sound and blend in with their environment all to well. I never returned to that spot.


Almost as disturbing and scary as the monsters we have in Washington, DC.


Many years ago on Sunnen Lake in the Ozarks, an area I know well, was fishing late at night when a huge rock splashed in the water near me. A huge rock and this is not a rocky area. Nobody could/would have been around then. A mile or two away are abandoned lead mines. I fired a couple Roman Candles fireworks into the woods and had a 38. Didn't sleep that night. Now almost 80, was maybe 16 then.


A friend of mine had a creepy encounter out at Wellston, Oklahoma where he once lived. He said the hair stood up on the back of his neck and his forearms one night while he was outside his trailer house working on his truck. He also recalls feeling as though he was being watched and an extremely powerful skunk like odor. He said he ran inside, locked the door and sat up all night without sleep, with his shotgun loaded. Now that's fear.


Years ago I had taken my 5.5 yr old son archery hunting with me, Because I had no one to watch him. When I was driving down a forest road I came across a herd of elk, My son was asleep so I parked locked the doors and 50 yards off the road I sent an arrow into a bull. I went back to the truck only to find my son gone? I later found him standing next to the dead bull with him yelling to me don't shot the bunnies? The only reason I found him is because I could hear him yelling, He said that the huge hairy rabbit showed him where I was and told him to wait there? True story.


Camping thro the cascades a few yrs ago. I camped on the perimeter preferring solitude. Not long after a young US soldier on leave w his 6 yr old set his tent beside us NP after dinner my wife & I walked around the heavily dense forrested campground. The last turn towards our campsite I felt a presence & then noticed this little guy was playing with his yellow Tonka truck just in a creek a small trickle at best. The soldier dad busy cooking their evening dinner oblivious, I asked my wife to stay on the path in view of me & the young boy, i approached the guy & told an open lie there we're cougar sittings locally. He went n grabbed his son, DID I over react I think not. Considering some of the illogical creatures I've seen while in our forrests I don't regret my actions. 73+ 🍁 Manitoba hunter expat


This happened to me in about 1980. I was backpacking by myself In the Absaroka's. This range runs up the east side of Yellowstone. It was a lot of big boulders and dark forest. You really couldn't see far. It was mostly uphill. I was looking for a lake called Lost Lake. I thought I would camp there and catch a fish for supper. I stopped to take a break and lit a cigarette. Just as I lit it I heard branches break and a deep guttural sound. I thought it was a grizzly. I just started walking back down. This thing followed me all the way down the mountain breaking branches and making that sound. It never showed itself. It was like it was trying to scare me but I just remained calm. I came to a park with 75 to a hundred yards around me. I took off my pack, sat on my pack and took my 44 mag out. I sat there taking in the beauty and looked for any movement. After about an hour I just continued my trip in the Absaroka range. For decades I thought is was a grizzly. Then I read on here about someone that had the same experience in the same area I was. The only difference was bigfoot stepped out on the trail behind him for an instant. Hmmm. I guess I'll never know.


Born and raised in Idaho, too much weird shit happens out in the woods for there to be just simple explanations.


I live in the mountains of ky. I know bigfoot is really. And lives in a ridge area not to far from my house. Several years ago I heard a horrible howl. Never heard it before. 2 of my large dog was with me in the garden. Then this odor hit my nose
Brain said get out of here. I called my dogs. All three of us was running to the house. The dogs beat me there. They got under a table and would not come back out. These are German shepherds. Who would attack anything. This same type of noise was heard. Odor the same. This was almost a year ago. Have 7 dogs
None of them would go outside. Weird.


As an Idahoan, I’m excited to hear this! I love living in north Idaho, relatively away from everyone else, mountains and pine all around. Safe from people, but there’s lots of critters eager to eat me here I’m sure!


This is why when I am hiking, concealed carry a 1911 .45acp pistol with no less than 5 extra magazines on me. Not saying that this would save me if ambushed by a much more aggressive entity but if I had a chance, then I'm drawing and defending myself.


While deer hunting in Colorado with my dad, we started walking on a single path trail through a narrow stand of aspen and pine tree to enter a hugh valley near timberline. The distance through the trees was about a 100 yards. About half way through my dad stopped and asked me if I have a feeling that something was watching us and warning us to turn around, my reply was yes and hair on my neck was stand up. so we exited back with our back to each other with rifle in the defence position. Something was their telling us not to enter and leave which we did.


Grew up in the Sawtooth's in Southeastern Idaho & the one time we heard a scream my blood ran cold & hubby said I didn't know whether to run uphill or down but headed uphill at a dead run! Just as I hit the summit 4 deer came screaming downhill & 2 jumped right over me! I think they were running away from a hunter, we were running away from a MONSTER! I've never heard that scream, again & hope I never do. It wasn't the scream of a mountain Lion or a bugle of an Elk. It was more "sinister" if you will... May you never hear what we heard that day


Boyfriend and me with our dog went night fishing up at a lake up on the west side of Spokane. All of a sudden we heard this painful howling turning to a scream we both knew it wasn't a cougar it was so sad full and long and echo up and down the lake we turned and our dog had crawled under our truck crying. That pretty much told us to get the Puck out of there pulled our poles and did just that. I still to this day sixty years later it was a big foot.


I was locking up a home I was building after dark. The home had no power so it was pitch dark inside. I felt a sense of danger in the kitchen so I stopped turned around and walked out. The next morning I found multiple things stolen and muddy boot prints in the kitchen. My leaving may have saved my life


My peeps come from Idaho. When my father was young (about 1950) he and some friends were camping just over the border in Oregon and a bigfoot stood just outside the ring of light of their campfire and watched them for some time. They just continued talking and pretending they didn't know he was there. When my sister was a teenager in the late 60s, she and a friend were at Lake Lowell near Nampa, when they got in the car to leave, a big hairy creature started chasing their car down the road, they got out of there as fast as they could. Lake Lowell was a wilder place back then.


Doesn't matter if you're on camera or not either way this channel is brilliant I love the story telling
