WIFI Access Long Range High Power USB Router Repeater - Pirate Lifestyle TV ™ Quickie 086
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Long range connect to any public wifi, here's how.
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Sail Around the Web-O-Sphere wit' Capt Rob!
An important part of livin' the pirate lifestyle be about being connected to the Internet.
Up until the release of this wicked awesome USB Router Repeater it wasn't easy to find high quality, easy to use, wifi equipment. And I am sure it is the same for you too, whether you are on a boat, or an RV, or even at home.
We tried a couple of different systems on our sailboat and they didn't work at all. Thank goodness for return policies.
This compact beauty just hit the market on March 1st. We pre-purchased a unit and we received one of the first twenty units shipped. For the sake of full disclosure, this is NOT a paid product placement, we ordered our unit and we paid full price for it.
All it is is this compact blue box. It has an antenna for communicating with your laptop, or whatever, and a standard electrical connection. It then connects to any USB wifi antenna.
Radio Labs has three USB wifi antennas, and we picked the middle sized model.
The coolest thing, all you do is connect the external antenna and plug it in to power it up. No cables, no software, no switches, no drivers, nada.
After you have installed your router repeater, you set it up from one of your computers. You manually type in the server address and log in with the secret code supplied with your unit. The first time you access the repeater you get the Easy Setup screen. All you do is go thought a few easy to follow steps and your repeater is ready to use.
Then, your laptop, cell phone, kindle, iPad, whatever device you have will connect to your repeater. Wicked awesome.
So if ye be wantin' ta pirate some wifi fer yeself, for your boat, RV, whatever, I 110 percent suggest this awesome unit.
I hope you enjoyed this pirate lifestyle TV quickie. Be sure ta be subscribin' so you won't be missing a thing.
With ye help, me goal be ta motivate and stimulate YE friends ta be livin' the pirate lifestyle!