Scientists Finally Discover Korean Genetic Origins

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Koreans are believed to be a mix of northern and southern subgroups, but the precise genetic origins of these two groups are still unknown.
While it is thought that this mixing occurred on the Korean Peninsula, there has been no large-scale genetic analysis to investigate their origins, composition, admixture, or past migrations.Koreans speak a language related to others in Northeast Asia, like Chinese and Japanese, and share common ethnic and linguistic traits.There are about 85 million Koreans worldwide, with most living in the two Koreas.There are a few ideas about where Koreans originated.Some evidence from the Y chromosome suggests their ancestors came from people who lived in northeastern China thousands of years ago.

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*East Asians (China, Korea, Japan) Y Haplogroup Distribution and Their Origins*
The distribution of Y haplogroups varies by different research papers, but the approximate average can be summarized as follows:
*Chinese =* O2 (Yellow River, 60%), O1a (Yangtze River, 20%), C2 (Northerners, 15%)
*Koreans =* O2 (Northern cultivators from Gojoseon and Buyeo) is 45%, O1b2 (K peninsula natives) is 35%, C2 (northern nomads) is 12~18%.
*Japanese =* D (Jomon) is 33%, O1b2 (immigrants from K during Yayoi period) is 32%, O2 (immigrants from K during Kofun period) is 16%~20%, C2 (immigrants from K) is 5~12%.

The Chinese academic community claims that the origin of O2 is Sanggan River in Hebei (河北省). O2 in Hebei migrated to Yellow River and Liao River. Chinese O2 are from Yellow River. Korean O2 came from Liao River during Bronze Age. Japanese O2 came from Korean Peninsula after AD (mostly since Kofun period).

Looking at these statistics together with authentic historical records, it is easy to predict people's migration routes among East Asians since historical era (1000 BC ~). *But, scholars have added politics to their science, making the analysis very complex.*

*The formation of Koreans and Japanese ethnics are quite straightforward:*
Originally, mainly O1b2 existed in K Peninsula and D2 existed in J archipelago. The renowned Chinese archaeologist 蘇秉琦 claimed that there was a big nation in Northeast during the period of Lower Xiajiadian culture, and 薛志强 also claimed that there was a civilized country (文明古國) in Northeast prior to Xia(夏) dynasty. This country was called Joseon (朝鮮, 2333 BC) and it appears both in Chinese and Korean history books. This fact coincides with Chinese academic circle's claim that O2 started in Hebei or Liaohe.

These people migrated to Central Plain (中原) and founded Shang (1600 BC), then migrated back to Liaohe (요하) after being collapsed by Zhou around 1000 BC, and made Upper Xiajiadian culture (1000-600 BC). The famous Chinese historian 傅斯年 asserted, “Shang dynasty came from the northeast and prospered, and when Shang collapsed, they went back to the northeast.”

These people made ‘Later Joseon’ and ‘Buyeo (Fuyu)’ in Northeast. Joseon (Gojoseon, cultivators in Liaohe who were mainly O2 group) migrated to southern Korean Peninsula and founded Samhan (三韓) around 300BC:

[三國志], “With every dawn, many (Gojoseon) refugees flowed into Mahan's homeland, and Mahan (馬韓) was founded".

Interestingly, this was the time when Yayoi period started in Japan (300 BC ~ 250 AD). Thus, it is so natural to assume that the indigenous people (O1b2, Yayoi) in K Peninsula, who opposed the new state Mahan, started to migrate to Japan in large number.

Later, after AD, Buyeo immigrants (O2 + C2) from northeast came down to Korean Peninsula and founded Goguryeo, Baekje, Gaya. And Scythians founded Silla. *The genotype of modern Koreans was almost completed at this time.* Koreans = O2 (45%, Gojoseon + Buyeo migrants) + O1b2 (35%, natives) + C2 (15%, northerners).

Then, lots of Gaya and Baekje migrated to Japan during Kofun period (250 AD ~ 600 AD). The DNA of the Kofun era have been passed down to the Japanese today without big change. The interesting fact is that it was proven recently that the autosomes of ancient bones during Kofun period were very different from the bones of Yayoi periods, but are almost identical to the autosomes of eight bones from the Geumgwan Gaya period discovered in the Daeseong-dong tomb near Busan. Thus, it is so natural to assume that modern Japanese autosomes were almost completed in southern K Peninsula, then they migrated to Japan and replaced the existing people.

*But in Japan, there is a very strong tendency to reject the arrival of anything from Korea, whether it be technology or culture or immigration.* They focus on mentioning ‘direct’ inflow from China as well as Austronesia. This is the result of politics being incorporated into science. If something is definitely from Korea, they say, "It came from China *via Peninsula."* In their research papers, they never say ‘Korean Peninsula’. Instead, they just say ‘Peninsula’ while they always put the word ‘Japanese’ when saying Japanese Archipelago. This might be a complex against K or they surely know they are from K Peninsula, so they don’t want to admit the word ‘Korean’ in Korean Peninsula. O1b2 is very important for both Korean and Japanese because it exist exclusively for them. We should not try to send it to somewhere else like Yangtze River unless clear proofs (such as ancient bone) is revealed.

The same goes for China. The Northeast Project is a good example. In broad sense, East Asians are brothers sharing common roots and similar cultures. No one is above the others. In scientific research, they should not consider national interests or politics, but cooperate with each other to uncover objective facts.


The Korean language is not related to Chinese. There are a lot of borrowed words for sure, like English has borrowed words from French, but it does not make English a Romance language.
Up to 8th century AD migration occurred from the Korean Peninsula to Japanese islands, not the other way around. Rulers of Japan up to that century had Korean origins and their language was used in the Japanese court.


The connection between Korean and Southeast Asian is based on O1b2 (formerly O2b) because O1 is believed to be originated from the south. However, until 2000 years ago, O1b2 existed only in Korean Peninsula, and not a single ancient bone of O1b2 was excavated throughout entire China and Southeast Asia (O1b2 started to migrate to Japan in large number since 300 BC). It means O1b2 arrived at Korean Peninsula directly from the south by walking during Paleolithic period (Ice Age) when the Yellow Sea was a land. Then, O1b2 was insulated on the Korean Peninsula as the Yellow Sea was created due to sea level rise at the end of the Ice Age. If this is the case, the most of genetic influence on Koreans happened through the northern route since Neolithic Age.


Korean isn't linguistically related to Chinese. You need to do a better job at fact checking.


Why are you lying and saying Korean language is related to Chinese? It's an isolate, and if it came down to it, it resembles other NEA languages than Sino-Tibetan Han Chinese Mandarin.


Korean and Japanese are SOV(Subject-Object-Verb) ordered agglutinative languages, while Chinese is an SVO ordered isolating language, and even has tones that Korean and Japanese do not have. So while Koreans and Japanese learn each other's language easily, the relationship between Koreans and Chinese and Chinese and Japanese is different. In fact, most Southeast Asian languages are SVO ordered that even have tones like Chinese. (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam). With this linguistic background, it is theoretically correct that China should be grouped with Southeast Asia, not Korea and Japan.
And Genetics should stop jumping to conclusions about genetic pathways in Northeast Asia when we can't even study permafrost in Siberia., where mammoths from 25, 000 years ago have been found intact.


Sibirian people are strong survivors. They have their own spirituel Schamanismus. And they look very similar.


Honestly, based on my observations and on (googled)the AFE geographic website, Vietnam is an East Asian country, Vietnamese r East Asians. The Vietnamese r the nanyue (yuenan) kinh people originated from China, due to their long history with china for thousand years as 1 country, used chinese characters historically, in terms of SINOSPHERE as well as. the people, mindsets, traditional culture, tradition, traditional clothing, traditional pagodas, traditional music, traditional February New Year's festivals, as new year tradition, traditional weddings, etc. Even surnames as Ho, Ho, lee, ect. and 60% Vietnamese vocabulary signifficant heavily Chinese influenced as a tonal language like chinese.However, Vietnam is part of SINOSPHERE and the reason why Vietnam belongs to SEA nowadays due to land expansion nonetheless.


Shilla/Silla is very unique. Shilla is even mentioned in Kushnameh, the ancient Persian epic. Plus Shilla's golden crowns show striking similarity to Bactrian gold. (Note that these Bactrian golds are believed to have come from Kushan Empire of Northwest India. Kushnameh and Kushan are too close to be missed. ) Plus Shilla king's legend says that he was endowed a golden ruler(金尺) from the heaven to become a king, which ties to ancient narration of Fuxi and Nuwa creating the universe with a compass and a ruler. Shilla people seem to possess more resemblance to Tocarians than to East Asians at least the upper ruling class. (The Yuezhi who were defeated by Xiongnu in 176 BC could have been either Tocarian or Scythian or both. Korean 'Three Hans confederation' (三韓) prior to Three kingdom period was recorded to have included 月支/Yuezhi as one of its constituent states.) More interesting thing is that modern Korean language is believed to have roots in Shilla language rather than in that of Goguryeo or Baekje.


This is full on nothing! Seriously what a load of bulshit. What studies by who and what dates. It’s like saying there are a lot of Chinese in china. No specific, not actual information. And spurious conclusions.


We were taught on Czech elementary school, that Korean people is a group created from East Asian people (East China, Kanton, Red River) Paleoasiatic groups (Siberian nations like Chukchi, others mentioned too) and groups originating from Central Asia (Mongol uls, Manchu, Jungar) and we have had three long lessons regarding their ethnic origin, with every small fragment of language or symbol or tradition (one Czech myth and
Korean are almost the same btw.) and then we wrote next lesson a test, where are Korean people from.


Koreans are uniquely good looking or at least uniquely looking and despite thier geography position they are quite tough people. People think of kpop now but Korean men in the 80s could drink and fight good


recent genetic survey of ancient samples from southern part of the korean peninsula
such as yondaedo island 煙台島 (연대도), yokjido island 欲知島 (욕지도), or gadeukdo
island 加徳島 (가덕도) shows distinct traits of genetic makeup of jomon people.
(_cf_ 'An ancient genome perspective on the dynamic history of the prehistoric Jomon
people in and around the Japanese archipelago' by Jeong Gichan, Moon Hyungmin,
et al.)

this fact revealed that the jomon-related population of japan had once moved to the
korean peninsula in large numbers, and settled there.

to be short, in terms of the amount of jomon-related ancestry, ancient korean samples
from the southern part of the korean peninsula are quite different from current koreans,
and broadly resembled okinawan people the most, followed by present-day japanese.


It's common sense that Chinese is in the Sino-tibetan Language and Korean and Japanese are traneurasian language family. If you didn't know this and your maling videos with the intention of teaching others makes me feel that all information on this channel comes until question.


You undermine your whole video when you start off asserting that Korean language is 'related' to Japanese and Chinese.
Japonic language bramch is an isolate. It has loan words from Chinese and Korean through trade contact, but the substrate differs entirely from Chinese and Korean. Linguists do not have any evidence linking it to any other language family. Not Sino-Tibetan, Uralic or Polynesian.
It's like saying English is a romance language because it has Latin derived vocabulary. Ignoring that it has no Latin grammar or syntax. Because English is a mix of Middle Germanic, North Germanic, Old French and a pinch of Celtic.


We are more Central Asia. Also, Japanese to.
I don't know about China.


Korean, part of the Koreanic language family, has not been conclusively linked to any other language family, so is not related to Chinese and Japanese. There are Chinese and Japanese loan words in Korean (as there are also German and English) but that doesn't mean the languages are related.
Your own blurb pretty much contradicts the title of the video. However, you seem to basically be pointing out that populations in East and North East Asia have a deep past common ancestor, this is not revolutionary, nor is it a particularly new argument. When you say "finally"... the study was published 4 years ago.... the study is also not conclusive, nor is it matched with any material culture analysis, which renders it practically pointless in terms of discussing how genetic populations might be connected to culture. Genes don't = culture.


Very good Video 🏓
Shows how complex genetics are in general. Never deny your roots.


Hear me out... I think Korean came from Korea.


10:00 The R of mtDNA in Korean women is a European gene. About 2%
R1a1 of Y-DNA in Korean men is a European gene. About 2.3%
also, In southern Korea, there are also Indian Tamil genes. There are more than 2000 similar words.
Korean - European gene and Korean-Indian Tamil people gene , I want you to look into this. 😋😋
