Comparing frontend frameworks for Spring Boot: React, Angular, Vaadin with LitElement (+JHipster)

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See how 3 popular frameworks for building a frontend for Spring Boot compare with each other: Vaadin, Angular, and React. We also cover JHipster which is a project generator for Spring Boot web projects.

0:00 - Intro
0:30 - Comparing React, Vaadin, and Angular on a high level
2:30 - Vaadin, Angular, and React feature comparison
3:30 - How JHipster compares to Vaadin
4:52 - Comparing Vaadin (LitElement) and React programming models
10:50 - Comparing Vaadin and Angular programming models
14:50 - Vaadin / React / Angular comparison tool
15:16 - Outro

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This is what exactly i was looking for for lastweek, during my comparison search, thanks nice video


I made a rest client in angular recently for my spring boot backend now thinking to try vaadin


Very interesting...

I've discovered Vaadin yesterday, tried the getting-started-flow tutorial and so far it looks very promising to me! I like the design, everything seems to make sense.

Talking from a productivity point of view of developing business web apps...

It looks to me as if you just didn't like neither React nor Angular. I don't like React (for instance the useEffect trick to run once by providing an empty array, I really don't like these types of indirect intentions), and I don't like neither Angular going full in on rxjs (basically forcing the dev having to go to some overcomplicated routes sometimes (IMO), I'm thinking of switchMap, exhaustMap, etc)

Anyhow, I'm thinking you're basically solving 2 problems in this video : typesafe routes and typesafe entities. You could have just provided automatic Typescript exports independent of the frontend framework and just let the React/Angular/Vue/Svelte dev import from those files could you not? (let's call them routes.ts/routes.js and todo.ts/todo.js).

So I'm just curious, you must have had other intentions behind providing a framework based on LitElement (which I'm discovering with your video).

I had a look at the framework comparason and FAQ on your site and you don't seem to mention this (you say how it's different and not why it's different)

It'd be great to have a video on that if you have the time.


Super nice, Thank you! I did miss Thymeleaf; where and how does thymeleaf fit in?


14:20, or they can generate an OpenAPI spec from the backend code, and from the API spec, frontend devs could generate client services. Or in fact any number of consumers on any platform could generate clients services from that spec which is a gigantic pro.


Thanks for the video, I have some questions: How to handle query parameters using vaadin + typescript? and how to upload files?


I tried to use this once (Vaadin) for huge datasets (where you need to load batch by batch as you scroll or as u advance to other pages); and this was either not supported or achieved in very convoluted ways. Documentation online for this case wasn't great either. Any feedback regarding these type of usecases on the current vaadin releases?


@vaadinofficial, then why are JSP JSF and even servlets still taught in Java Courses?


I like to keep aware what other technologies have to give.
The part on jhipster is just unfair.
This project is just the best starter point to make jvm app. On another hand you can just take it as good practice code base.
I still like the idea of one language to rule them all.
May be futur is in jetpack compose for desktop and webapp.


Vaadin is great but it is lacking on community support, which can be challenging for entry level developers.


I like to keep aware what other technologies have to give.
The part on jhipster is just unfair.
This project is just the best starter point to make jvm app. On another hand you can just take it as good practice code base.
I still like the idea of one language to rule them all.
May be futur is in jetpack compose for desktop and webapp.
