Whisker Fatigue, What Is It?

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Whisker fatigue, aka whisker sensitivity, what is it?

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Ah, I should have realized this being a former Vet Tech. I don’t really notice this too much with Bing’s food bowls. One theory I have with old plastic bowls, is that I used to use an old plastic mixing bowl for my cat’s water bowl, thinking if it’s ok for people, it should be ok for cats. Over time my older kitty Dusty Blue developed hypothyroidism and later renal kidney disease. I feel that plastic water bowl may have played a part in Dusty Blue’s deteriorating health. Sadly I lost him last year in May. I through out that plastic bowl and found an older Pyrex mixing bowl that is quite large. Recently, I started filling it with filtered water, to make sure my Bing life is healthier. He’s only 10 years and in his prime of life. I’m drinking the filtered water, too and it tastes really good!!! Recently, my doctor told me that my kidneys are doing great and no more kidney stones, YAH!!!! Hopefully I got Bing and myself on the healthy road!!! 😊😺


I have cats that will only eat from paper plates or I have to put the food on their table..yes I have a table I feed them on...the other 3 will only eat from glass plates..so yes its true..if I pit the food in a bowl they nibble from the middle then walk away


Can you provide a link to these products?


I have multiple cats so I have large dog bowls for their kibble. Mine don't seems to have the whisker problem, they all eat until it's empty. I think because the diameter is large, is doesn't bother their whiskers when they reach their faces into the corners. I also have a few wide but shallow bowls for wet food that were originally sold as ceramic casserole type dishes. I think that again it's the fact that they're wide that helps with the whisker issue.


I got oval metal bowls for my cats wet food. I had a cat that was allergic to plastic. His chin used to break out terribly. I've since got a ceramic fountain as their main water source instead of plastic. Have lg round bowls for their dry. I've never seen bowls like you showed. I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the video. Knew about the sensitivity of their whiskers on bowls just didn't know it had a name. I learned something today.


Hi there 😊 ☺️ 🤗 Yes my cats are spoiled rotten too!!! Every trip to Costco it's grab the paper plates time!!!


I'm sure I had cats with whisker fatigue! Who knew? I shared with my cat friends on Facebook! Thanks!


Thank you for this video & the website resource. I don't think hubby believed me when I talked about whisker fatigue so it's great to have this to back me up.


Thank you so much for this advice! I think that this is really going to help Sweet Reba. And the paper plate idea is brilliant.


I have never heard of this and i have had cats all my life. I just watched this and it was like a light bulb just went on 2 out of my 4 cats do this! I never thought it was a whisper problem. Im going to the pet store first thing in the am and get new dry food dishes (or paper plates at dollar store) thank you 😊


Interesting information. Stainless steel bowl with sides. This explains a lot. Okay I will try paper plates. Thank You. Peace Out Until the next video


Wow, just wow. I thought my cat was just being “particular “. Hahaha. Now I know better.


Great information. Good info. Thanks for info.


Don't think I've ever seen a bowl 🥣 like that but mine go in the dishwasher I try get big bowls or ones with low sides. Will have to see if I can get one of those bowls 🥣


I don't own and cat and probably never will but this was a good and informative video and I'm going to pass it on to all my cat friends :)


You always wear such the cutest clothes! I never of heard of this before. Thank you!


Great information Candice! I agree with whisker fatigue!


This actually makes a ton of sense. My cat in particular HATED eating from the sides of the dish and I never knew why -- I just developed the habit of shaking the food gathered around the edges into the center for her, and even pushing little individual nuggets into the middle so she'd eat them. Maybe she just had sensitive whiskies ;-;


With my last cat I always used paper plates for food. She did have a glass bowl for water as I had heard plastic was bad. Plastic doesn't keep the water cool and fresh. I hadn't heard about the whisker fatigue but it makes total sense when you think about it. Thank you Candice. Give Charlie a birthday hug from me although he probably got more than enough from all of you. Stay Safe! 😺
