5 Powerful Hailstorms CAUGHT ON CAMERA

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5 POWERFUL Hail Storms Caught On Camera

► Music Licensed From SoundStripe/Envato Elements

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I used to like big storms until I saw animals killed by hailstones, dogs who couldn't find shelter, cats who were killed by rushing water or ice.
There have been people killed by hail...I loved big storms when I was younger, unfortunately, with age, you sometimes learn a lot of unpleasant stuff that you kind of wish you hadn't...


I love thunderstorms🌩️♥️⚡. Great atmospheric cleansers.


My man didn’t even link the videos!!!

How is this so liked!


When you have a very angry Glaceon.

Joke aside, large hail is no joke, because it totally is a problem to anything outside. It's like falling rocks.


New Mexico has very severe hailstorms. Some of those storms drop as much as 2 or 3 feet of hail.


In mid-late October 2020, South East Queensland in Australia was hit by multiple storms, one in particular is a hail storm that ravaged the towns of Springfield and Springfield Lakes with 17. 5cm sized hail. Making it Australia's worst hail storm since 1956. 1 person lost their life. As much as 1 billion Australian dollars in damage was recorded. As to this day the clean up still continues.


I also love thunderstorms there my favorite there so fascinating😊


Back when I was stationed in Texas, we use to have hail almost every single storm, but one was so severe and so memorable to me. I had just got home from work with my 2 other roommates (they worked in the same military shop as me). It was a sunny beautiful afternoon. All 3 of us went to our separate rooms as usual. I woke to extremely loud sounds hitting the house. It didn’t sound like the typical hail sound. It sounded like people were smacking the room with baseball bats. All 3 of our doors swang open at the same time and we looked at each other confused. We ran to the front door and opened it. Hail the size of baseballs were coming down. Leaves and pieces of trees were littering the ground. Our cars were sitting in the driveway just get obliterated. We had a garage that was big enough for maybe one car, but it wasn’t even worth running out there and all our windows were destroyed already. It lasted about 7-8 minutes.

The hail was so severe that it had come through our roof and was lying in the attic space. It had put a hole in the top of my Ford Ranger as well. I think I ended up seeing somewhere that it had caused $500, 000, 000 in damage across the city.

Texas is wild.


I live in san antonio tx, and I remember a few months back, I got my first super hailstorm where my car got covered in tiny dents, and I found a hail ball a little bit smaller than a tennis ball on the walkway right off my porch. looked like a mushroom, pog


It’s satisfying to watch but not satisfying to clean


Sometimes hail can be accompanied by tornadoes


Living in AZ now, I have a new found respect for hail storms. Our monsoon season has at least one per year.

But being from the SE TX, I miss the big thunderheads that came off the Gulf.


The most powerful hailstorms are in Northern Dekkan plateau of Northern India and Bangladesh.


Another amazing and factual video! 😊 I love thunderstorms ⚡


All videos licensed either from DRM companies or via Creative Commons!


Why does this guy sound different than the other of Underworlds video narration?


*my knees been aching all day, its gon storm*


First one, those aren’t hailstones those are pinecones 😄😄


Wow I see storms all the time where I live but nothing like this


I'd add the hailstorm of Reutlingen/Germany on 28th July 2013. With hailstones up to the size of grapefruits and an overall damage of about 3.6 bn Euros it was one of the costliest single weather events ever considering the rather small area it hit - but this area is densely populated and industrialized. Dozens of people were injured fortunately it didn't claim any lives. At least no human lives - according to some news thousands of birds were killed.
Actually I observed this storm from my office in Stuttgart, about 20km north, and it didn't appear particularly spectacular for me so I was quite surprised when the news came in. Edit: Hmmm, this was a sunday so I wasn't at the office that day and so this must have been another event, probably the hailstorm that hit the same area only 9 days later on 6th August. This one wasn't this devastating but also produced large hailstones and caused plenty of additional damage. Reutlingen and the district Zollernalb are pretty prone to hail. If it were in the US then it would probably be called The Hail Alley.
