Why You Should Consciously Choose Consequences - Decision Making

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Why You Should Consciously Choose Consequences - Decision Making Want to know more about decision making? In this video, I'll explain to you why should consciously choose #consequences

As a human being, you are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain… Seek the wanted, avoid the unwanted. This wiring governs your #decisions and actions. As with anything, there are upsides to this design and downsides to this design. And one of these downsides can get in the way of life satisfaction as well as success.

0:00 The law of cause and effect
1:31 Consequences of living off-grid
2:31 Consequences of telling the truth
4:38 Consequences of career choices
4:56 Consequences of swimming in the ocean
5:53 Choose your consequences
9:45 Thank you note

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Want to Succeed? What Pain will you say yes to?

#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening

If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be feeling suicidal or in danger, the following

Beginning Song:
Alchemy - Blake Dyer

Ending Song
Our Game - Yaima

Teal Swan is a personal transformation revolutionary. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Best thing in life :) choosing consequences taking responsibility and moving forward. It feels so empowering. :)


I will forever appreciate you Teal Swan. You've helped my family a lot, since the pandemic till now your advices and moral lessons are inspirational and helpful to us.
My husband and I have been able to be minimal, conscious in spending, saving and lnve, sting wisely. We have able to earn on a weekly basis and it helps the family a lot. You're such a blessing to this generation. We all love♥️😊. I'm so happy to join you today too


Choosing with full understanding of the negative consequences is called standing in your integrity.


I feel like this exactly for me. Thank you Teal that you are helping me overcome a huge 30 year long challenge


Omg Teal you are absolutely Breathe taking. I put everyone onto you who struggle internally. As you’ve helped me see me, as i am, see me. Literally & mindfully. I thank you & I thank me I’m this journey as an overcomer, learner, & achiever.


This came at a good time for me as I’m facing a situation at work that this video helped clarify for me. Thank you.


"You will be a student even if you decide not to be a student. If you decide not to be a student, you will merely study another curriculum. In this, you have no choice, for to be in the world is to learn and to demonstrate the result of your learning. Recognizing this, your decision, then, is to determine where you will be a student and what you will learn. This is the power of decision that is given to you."

A quote from *Steps to Knowledge - The Book of Inner Knowing* - Step 290: I can only be a student. Therefore, I will be a student of Knowledge.


I wish I understood this somewhat better when I was younger. I made a lot of mistakes as a young teen girl.


I randomly saw this in the exact night I was genuinely struggling for feeling as a victim to my consequences from the night before. Still a lot of work to do, but tell me that was a coincidence :D


I have been doing this for a while without realizing this was really what I was doing! Thank you so much for putting it in such clear words!


I love this so much! I never thought about it this way before, I love the idea of conscious consequences, taking the time to choose, know the consequence that you choose, which also feels like it will result in the consequence not feeling so strong, because I am choosing it! Empowering!! 🥳 Love you Teal!!💜


THIS is why I look forward to watching these 'out of the box' videos, that contain an abundance of highly creative, expanded perspectives, and are very stimulating, soul-igniting, practical and helpful. Granted, in the past, there were certain messages that initially triggered me, but I later realized---by further opening my mind and heart to integrated Mind/Heart---I was able to deeply understand them (ultimately meant to profoundly heal and benefit interconnected Life within this world and beyond). I still choose to follow my inner guidance (first and foremost), with ANY outer, Soul Teacher---or even WHOLE and not just "good" Master Teachers like Teal---to include listening with discernment and inner wisdom, but I've discovered that Teal is one of those rare gems within the broad spectrum of Spirituality, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's a genius. So thanks again Teal for your precious existence and invaluable contributions to us all! ^_^


I was thinking in the process to falling asleep last night, about Chess, and I told to myself you know those chess players some with two moves ahead some with three, well I might not be a chess player but I see it in my everyday life, not only that I see how most people are not in touch with the impact of playing the game anyway and either discarding the moves ahead and where that leads in any situation and its outcome and others using it in uncanny, unscrupulous ways, I on the other I am happy to play a game of social chess, that puts light where there’s none, and expose dark moves to those about to make one.


Omg I don't know why I hadn't followed you before even though I knew who you were. I'm so excited to dive into all of your videos!! I feel like this is meant to happen!!!


I can see that this is the reason I’m not fully IN life sometimes. Thanks.


1) Cause and effect
2) Every consequence has positive and negative effect
3) You can choose your consequence
4) If you chose a negative consequence can you bear with it.


I believe the phrase, “Story of my life”, would apply here.


Omg..sister teal swan..you were a real human and your back story that came acrossed my awakened path a few yrs ago..I'm over joyed to see your beautiful face again..I wondered what happened to you in these few yrs that I haven't seen you..lol. I Love how beautifully the universe works.you have been an INSPIRATION TO ME🙏🏻 NAMASTE🙏🏻💜🤣😂


Thank you Teal for all you’ve taught me you nailed this one today. PS your hair is beautiful today


I wish more people would understand consequences
