HARVARD Says Asian Students Lack Personality??!?

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As an introverted mexican, my vietnamese and filipino friends are definitely the extroverts of the group lol


Just because you are introverted doesn't mean you don't have as good a personality.


Yes they are racists, institutionalizing racism at the highest level.


Bro imma keep saying this till I die as an Asian. Currently a freshman in college. Didn’t go to Ivy League went to a private Lutheran school. Stop going to Ivy League if they just don’t want you. It’s okay if there placements drop and they don’t perform well. They don’t want us LEAVE!


I'd be interested in seeing how these personality tests are being conducted to unconscious bias


Just don't go to Harvard. It's that easy


You can’t generalize a huge group of people
Also personality should not be defined. People who talk less are not necessarily introverts and it’s not bad to be an introvert


This creates systematic biases towards Asians. We see this happening in job hiring where unintended biases occur, which in turn leads to discouragement. If this isn’t even slightly recognized than they’re specifically going after Asians at this point.


So are we learning that Asians are perfect?


There is truth in both takes... a lot of asians culturally keep to themselves and other asian descent, even if you were born in North America.


being cool is subjective, western idea of cool is being evil, and doing wrong for attention. im not boring and im talented in alot of things, but i do whats right, and im not a fool, to let people manipulate me, which could negatively affect me, so basically i’ve had people or ladies i wouldnt deal with amyways say im borning, because im not all about scamming, robbing, and dealing, which is what they hope to profit off when they sell the person out. I dont call that boring, i call it smart, it means i not doing to get involve in circumstance that will negatively affect me. these people want to profit off you, or scam you to do things that get you in trouble, and ruin your life, and alot of times it a group effort, so they wont get in trouble, but the second you do it, they try to cause you harm, so dont fall for it. especially when you know the country your in is against you. people even try to befriend you, so they can manipulate and harm you while pretending to be your friend. its best to be a good person, and dont fall for what someone else claims is cool.


I got accepted to Boston U with mediocre GPA while a cousin was second to valedictorian and did not...btw I was an art major


Haven't the personality tests been debunked as BS?


Which group are they talking about? The ABC (American Born) or the HOJ?


That’s exactly what it is though… Youre making a joke but not wrong. Being cool is having courage and integrity… Are you just going to follow orders and do what you are told no matter what, or are you going to be COOL and have integrity. Are you going to dress like a mannequin, or are you going to be COOL and have the courage to form your own style and wear what you want. Are you just going to sit in your room and never see the world, or are you going to be COOL and have the courage to make friends, travel, play a sport, find a hobby, and get out there. Are you going to let other people and yourself be insulted and disrespected and harmed, or are you going to be COOL and have the courage and integrity to stand up for yourself and others
I’m sure they are looking for people that are interesting and much more, but you kinda nailed it. Courage and Integrity are a big part of being cool. It’s why the Fung Bros are cool. And I think some people are taught to focus on being professional, not rocking the boat, and doing whatever they think the other person wants them to do. And that’s not courageous and doesn’t show integrity, it’s not cool


What personality is that? That makes no sense to say it's weird based off of introversion ❔


Believe it or not when it comes to Caucasian folks, many find it VERY disrespectful when a certain person or group keep to themselves & well.. I've always felt that Asian folks in a whole need to climb out their cocoons & mingle more with other nationalities. They have fascinating cultures but many, yes, are WAYYYY in their own circle & don't appreciate "outsiders" .


I think I’d pass the personality test maybe not in a good way, I’m not like most Asians I have a really fucked sense of humor and say things that are really raunchy if you want to call it that. Most Asian people in America out of my experience and as I said before I’m Asian too don’t say the things that I say. Which catches people by surprise when I say those types of things because people don’t expect to hear the things I say out of a 5’5 130 pound Asian guy. Anyway I think personally that we need to work on showing a little more personality and accepting people on our community like me. Also I felt growing up I was very accepted by my community because of my sense of humor as well.


Bruh, they're talking about smart Asians. Not like you guys. Just sayin'.
