How To Train Your Dragon is not what I thought it was...

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What I love about this trilogy is that they actually let the kids grow up, and I as an audience member grew up alongside them. I feel like it's something rare with movies, like Despicable Me is NEVER going to let Agnes grow up.


My mom pointed out, not only did Hiccup lose his foot, it's on the same side that he had the stirrup that controlled Toothless's tail, indicating that his foot got stuck when he fell, snapping his ankle beyond repair.

I was 15 in 2010, and that was the coolest story beat I'd ever heard.


Loved the 1 line "They killed HUNDREDS of us!" "and we've killed THOUSANDS of them!"

Eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. We can't even get adults to realize this let alone kids.


I think the "hopscotch" scene has the music because it's showing how not only do Hiccup and Toothless understand each other, but Hiccup also respects his wishes. Toothless isn't just a pet; he's a friend. By not stepping on the random lines, Hiccup is demonstrating that, and the music emphasizes the significance of it.


Listen. There's a difference between a kid's movie and a family. Kids movie is like despicable me where there is a whole movie of just brainrout that 5 year olds can giggle on . But a franchise like How to train your dragon is a family movie . There is a real compelling story. With real emotions. And some muture themes . With real moral .
Kids movie - only for kids . Parents are gonna take there kids to the theatres to see the movie and just wait for the movie to wrap up and hope that there kids are having fun .
Family movie. A movie where the whole family can really have Fun together and some cries together.


During the scene where Toothless makes a bunch of squiggles on the ground and Hiccup has to avoid stepping on the lines, I think Toothless was trying to draw Hiccup. He saw him doodling Toothless in the ground and thought "Cool!! I want to do the same for him." You can tell by Toothless looking at him, then putting the last bit of detail on the drawing. That scene is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful scenes in cinema. The music, the silent visual storytelling, all of it is just beautiful


This first movie is still one of my absolute favorite movies. And I love how, even despite trying to joke about the movie, even Alex cannot resist how adorable Toothless is.


As a child, I was really impressed by the decision to have Hiccup lose a leg in the fight with the dragon. They thought that it would be too dark for a childrens' film, but the test audience begged them to keep it, as it showed realistic consequences, plus Hiccup and Toothless were basically the same now.


A really underrated part of HTTYD is the extremely creative and diverse dragon designs. They all fill the role and build of "classic" dragons, but also feel very specialized and well thought-out. Making dragons, probably the most overused fantasy creatures feel new and fresh is definately a huge accomplishment.


What always impressed me about this series is Hiccup not only losing his leg, but it staying lost.
I don't know of any other series that does that.
Every one I can think of usually gives them the missing piece back magically, or at least covers it up.
In How To Train You Dragon though it's visible through the rest of the movies and even in the television series.


Ok, 10:05 what you don’t realize that they are copying each other. The previous shot, Hiccup was drawing Toothless and so the dragon has an idea. *He drags a branch around to draw Hiccup*
This is Toothless’s artists rendition of Hiccup. That’s why he gets so defensive about it. It is Toothless going: “I made this for you”


The ending wasn’t just bold, it was poetic. With Hiccup’s foot and Toothless’ tail, they are now both hobbled; they can function on their own to a limited degree, but both their handicaps disappear when they work together. A true partnership.


Maybe How to Train Your Dragon is a movie trilogy marketed for kids, but it's absolutely a trilogy for people of all ages. Beautiful films.


Three things.
First, How to Train Your Dragon is one of my favorite movies.
Second, the scribble in the dirt that Toothless drew is actually a picture of Hiccup Picasso style.
Third, the big titan of a dragon at the end is called a Red Death, which is only explained in the TV shows like HTTYD: Race to the Edge.


at 15:06 I would have to disagree that Shrek is just a 'dumb' movie and not 'dark/mature. I mean, it tackles the whole idea that we ought to not judge a book by its cover and to be curious instead of judgement of others who are different from us. This exact theme is also basically the point of HTTYD :D


Just a thought, toothless doesn't go on autopilot when he goes to the nest. They're surrounded by dragons at some point when they're flying, and i always felt like toothless was like "oh shit, act cool" and made look as hiccup and Astrid were his pray but therefore when they arrived he didn't drop them he hides immedialty


I love that they tackled mature themes in a kids' movie, without talking down to their target audience. I really loathe the logic that just because a work is aimed at children, it automatically has to be dumbed down or mediocre.


7:55 Actually in a zombie apocalypse, if you survive the initial event, a storyteller would be a valued member of a group for entertainment now that there's no reliable technology.


Fun fact: the northern and western islands of Scotland and some parts of the mainland were colonized by the Vikings from the 8th to 15th centuries so the adult's accents aren't as big a stretch as they seem 🤗 it's much weirder for the kids to sound North American, although the Vikings attempted a colony in Newfoundland too, so I guess make of that what you will?😅


10:11 - That 'inspirational music', Alex, is 'Forbidden Friendship' and one of the most beautiful pieces of movie music I've ever heard. It's cautious, whisical, triumphant, and beautifully underlines the impossible friendship taking form.
