BIG Mistakes SMALL Channels Are STILL Making

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If you're a new YouTuber you're likely making these BIG mistakes! But that's OK, we all do. Here's what they are and how you can fix them!

0:00 - Stuck as a small channel
1:48 - A basic guide to the YouTube algorithm
3:28 - First big mistake: Ideas
7:32 - Second big mistake: Packaging
10:28 - Third big mistake: Retention

#moresubscribers2024 #moreviews2024 #GrowYourChannel
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I’m growing. Small but slow. Like this if you’re the same


I have been growing slowly. The important part is not to give up! You can do it!


For everyone who is trying to start a youtube channel.Dont give up!


YouTube has started giving smaller creators a chance recently, don't give up amd stay consistent 😤


One of the things I noticed about YouTube is not all topics will get you millions of views, but that is okay. You don't need millions of views to be successful, just enough to make this work for you.


I have a small YouTube channel. I'm growing slowly but surely and loving the process.


I have been doing YouTube for almost 3 years now and just now nearing 1000 subscribers. The important thing to is not give up. You will get there eventually! Good things come to those who are patient!


I remember when I uploaded one video that amassed 1.5K views, then I decided to reward my viewers by building on that video and I fell off immediately with the follow-up getting less than 15 views.


I used to chase numbers. Now, I simply create what I like. If something picks up steam, i'll double down on it. But after nearly 20 years on this platform across a few channels, I'm no longer in a place where I want to get a psychology degree to make a video. I just want to make what I enjoy. Many of you differ in that goal, but you have to remember what brought you to do this. The love of creating, for the sake of creating. Oddly enough, when I stopped overthinking it, I did better numbers. It's all the same to me, as I detach myself from the end result. If what I create resonates, that's awesome. But if it doesn't, I'm happy to have been true to myself.

Nothing will burn you out more than turning this into a high pressure job. If all else fails, just do what you love. Money is nice, but if you're constantly burning out and trying to become the next big star, you lose the love and the creative spirit that brought you here. This is simply my opinion. Love ya VidIQ!


At first I misread the title and thought this was gonna be about mistakes even big channels are making lol


Biggest mistake I made was taking a hiatus from posting content from late November last year until May; it was necessary to avoid serious burnout - I had too much going on in my personal life and something had to give, but the result was my watch hour count going in the toilet. Trying to get back in the groove hasn't been easy.

However, I didn't lose any subscribers during that break, and I've gained some more since I've started posting again, so that's something positive, I suppose.


Don’t give up! Still in this 10 years later 💪🏾


Youtube stopped showing my videos to anyone, I even started a new channel, uploaded some videos, and have gotten so far 1 impression (in over 1 week).

On my main channel (this one) I'm not getting any impressions and have been that way for over a month now.

Which sucks because it happened at a time where I was getting the most views on my channel's life.

You guys don't normally respond here, I know you want us to go pay for your services, but any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


408 subscribers here!
I’m super proud of my growth…not fast but consistent
It’s my 6th month on YT btw

Thank you VidiQ for your amazing videos!


My channel is growing ❤ but very slowly 😢 sometimes i feel like i am wasting time on YouTube i should utilise that time in other works but still i am posting 😂 i hope soon i will get motivation to post more 🥺❤
The only problem with my channel is i am trying to interact with people but no one is commenting on my shorts / posts which are most important for growth of any channel 😢


if you are a new channel BE SURE to understand what rob says at 1:48 going forward about what a low CTR does to your Impressions count. At first, its the video's impressions that suffers low numbers. If you keep cranking out videos with low CTR and low watch time your entire channel will see less and less impressions. Eventually you feel like your channel is in the hole. No impressions means no clicks because your thumbnails are served to less and less potential viewers who arent clicking them to start with. Watch more amazing videos like this one. follow rob closely. Pause, rewind and watch again. set yourself up for success with click winning thmbnails and killer content that will keep them watching for as long as possible. That is where success on YouTube starts. stay strong 💪 good luck


I'm still pretty new, but I will say for my channel - everything I make is purely for what I'm passionate about and who it helps. I know which videos to make that get 2k+ views (high for my niche), and which wind up in the 100-300 view range - but I don't ignore the topic just because it won't get the views. It often takes me several weeks to make a video, but I pay attention to every comment - especially on the lower view count videos that seem to give feedback that I was able to help somebody with motivation.
It would be cool to monetize, but that's not my goal at this point since I'm just learning how to make decent videos with meaning and purpose.


i took that first step and finally created a youtube channel after years of wishing i could do youtube but then coming up with countless excuses to not do it 🤦‍♀️ now i'm enjoying my slow growth and feel like i'm actually going somewhere with it 🥰 i'm still learning though so everything i'm doing is all over the place 😂


I recently created my channel and I know I need to create content that generates interest. I share my perspective, even on philosophical issues, but it's complicated. It feels like I'm in the shadows. But eventually, the light will come.


Increase thumbnail click-through rate: What viewers know and what viewers want to know = the information gap.
