That's WHO KILLED ALL the SPRUNKI! The Truth is Out! Incredibox Sprunki Theory

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In this video I will talk about the game Sprunki and try to find some history in incredibox-mode SprunkiSprunki is an incredibox mod that switches from normal mode to HORROR mode, this game features cute, cartoon characters that have their own sounds

Credits: Gameroni
YouTube - @gameroni51

What ACTUALLY Happened to The SPRUNKI? Incredibox Sprunki Theory
That's WHO KILLED ALL the SPRUNKI! The Truth is Out! Incredibox Sprunki Theory
The SECRETS of Sprunki are REVEALED! That's WHY they DIED! Incredibox Sprunki Theory

#incredibox #sprunki #theory
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Something that i have noticed is only four remain untouched: Blue, Mr. fun computer, gray, and fun bot. I dont understand why though. but if you listen to mr. fun computer, he says "Something is wrong... they are all... DEAD. They are NOT REAL. Look around you. You can not hide, you are not safe. RUN away RUN away RUN RUN RUN" After putting the untouched together, One also stood out. Fun bot sounding like chase music you would hear in any horror game. Gray is more scared, and Blue has more darkness in his hood, with a more deeper and short voice. but this doesn't really matter. The robots do, remembering what it was like escaping the madness. Fun bot most likely can't talk, and playing chase scene music is his best bet. and mr. fun computer, seeing that he can talk, is stating what is now going on in their world. This took a while, but the missing person on mr. tree? i found her out. McKenna May, a 16 year old girl who has been missing since the same date of release of sprunki. What makes this even more odd is the police released a message on facebook, now talking about her, on the republished version of Sprunki. I know this is insane, but it's a little odd that they look the same, have the same dates of something, and involve with it. Trust me this took like 30 minutes to uncover. Hope This Helps y'all!


Fun fact: Tunner has depression (confirmed by creator I think) and he used to have many colorful hats but throw all of them away cuz of it so the tunner shot himself theory has a bigger chance of being true
[Got it wrong]


0:39 My theory is that Tunner killed himself after seeing everyone dead, because in his lore (from what I remember) he loved his town and wanted to protect it, so he might have shot himself after seeing that he failed at that.


3:30 fun fact: only reason brud is still alive is because his brain was too tiny so it didn’t get eaten


Here's a theory i have. What if Horror Mode is just Grey's schizophrenic hallucinations?

Think about it, Mr. Fun Computer says the line "They are not real", not real huh? Kinda like a psychotic hallucination?

Perhaps Black could be a metaphor for Grey's mentel illness, whenever it appears everything chnages into a horrific nightmare beyond his control. People he knows become monsters or die without any reason.

It makes a lot of sense in hindsight.


Theory: OWACKZ was a survivor but got caught by Wenda and put in the same mental asylum (he was put in a mental asylum in happy version from wiki) and he was put there hornswaggingly long, and he got insane trying to scream for help [ which is why he screams in horror ] and Wenda ended up tearing off OWACKZ jaws off.


I think the reason Wenda didn't kill/hurt some of the characters is because the other characters who weren't dead knew what Wenda was planning, so killing them could've been suspicious.


I had a random theory about simon, but this could just be his appearance. If Simon bit Brud, then how come Simon doesn't have any blood on his teeth?


Yes, you are correct about black, he did get Evil and controlled White, you are correct, please continue these videos!So people can know more, good luck bro.


My lore on what happened:
Oren was ripped open by Wenda and Simon so that Simon could feast on him
Ratty was slashed and hung by Wenda after a long fight for Ratty's own life, losing it.
Kluker lost control after hearing voices in his head, so he banged his head until he couldn't hear them anymore
Fun Bot was one of the only survivors. He lived by playing dead. He had watched his peers get slaughtered right infront of him, and he could do nothing.
Vinera was brutalized by Wenda, getting her leaves ripped away, showing her roots while also taking her eyes out of their sockets.
Gray survived by hiding in deep pits that he created himself.
Oxx went insane and couldn't keep his screaming internal. This caused him to rip his own jaw off so everyone could hear his shrieking.
Sky was turned into a walking radio signal by Wenda, obviously causing his demise.
Garnald was pushed off a hill by Wenda, causing his visor and teeth to shatter. He can finally see the world around him.
Brud gave Simon the opportunity to have a little nibble, causing him to almost die, and he is still in critical condition now.
Mr. Sun had seen enough, and had opened his eye to the real world.
Durple had is lower jaw dislocated by Wenda.
Mr. Tree committed suicide, his punishment turning him into a tree. When judgement day struck, a missing poster was hammered on his branches, reminding him forever of what he had done.
Tunner was shot by Gray because quote, "I cannot go to heaven if I shoot myself" which caused Gray to pull the trigger.
Simon was tortured by Wenda's words, which caused him to go insane and cannibalize his peers.
Pinki had her face ripped off by Wenda, causing her too feel eternal pain and searing her face beyond recognition.
Wenda saw the truth when the sun turned against everyone, causing her to grow a murderous intent and inflict genocide amongst her friends.
The computer forever shall warn trespassers on what has happened, For he has seen everything.
Black was the one who began this all, he was the one who wanted to watch the world burn. That's exactly what he did.
Jevin knew the world would end, and he sat there and watched in amusement when it eventually did.
Yeah Gray shot Tunner in my theory. Cool.


Theory: Tunner has a gun, so he tried to shoot Wenda, but Wenda was 9 steps ahead and used her teeth to deflect the bullet back to Tunner and the bullet hit his head. Theory 2: gray is the only one safe because Mr. Fun computer and funbot are both robots and gray isn't scared of dying as well, he is scared of being the only living thing alive at the moment because dark blue dude has a darker hoodie and gray doesn't.


I just realized Wenda has a kinda bad sound and most of the others have better sounds so maybe she was jealous and got crazy and for black was probably the one who made the disaster.


Turner: "...You gonna kill me?...You're own friend."

Wenda: "I mean you brought this on yourself, considering you left me for someone else."


Theory: If you listen closely you could hear Wedna saying hey, i really think she wasn't getting any attention and was left out cause she really didnt have much colour for being white so the creepy guy came and forcing her to see something and making her fall under his controll, So he might be the black hat who noticed wedna so he got a little insane i call hime the forgotten sprunki and he forced wedna to tear apart her friend and giving out a parasite to some now i think the sherif tried to shoot Wedna and stop her but she took the gun and shot him back. 7:52


My theory is that Black has some kind of powers, he lured Wenda into a trap and then used his powers to turn her insane so she started killing all of the characters. Black followed in her wake, somehow reanimating the corpses of the ones who died. This is how Simon, who is presumably dead, ended up taking a chunk out of Brud’s head. As for grey, Wenda and him were best friends, and I know a lot of the other theories say that Wenda has a crush on Grey, so even when Wenda was turned psychotic she still remembered being that close to grey and still considered him her friend. Grey knew that what Wenda was doing was wrong, but he was too afraid to stand up to her because of what Wenda did to the other Sprunki.


Every time I see Pink's face, I immediately think of one of the deaths in Happy Tree Friends that Fliqpy would do on his ptsd rampages.


Fun fact: tan Tunner is actually not with a normal u it’s with a ū like tune but with two n’s and a r at the end

(Also my name has two n’s in the exact same spot as tunner and has a er at the end my name is Gunner so tunner and me have similar names)


0:40 my theory is that Tunner trained with his gun, Wenda stole it, and shot him. So that might be right, that might be wrong, tell Google, or believe me. I don't care, but all i think is Tunner trained the gun, Wenda stole it, and shot him. Done.


if I had a choice to fight wenda or run i’m turning into a track star I’m gonna save my life. I’m not fighting her. Her capability is crazy.


My theory about Wenda in horror mod:black hipnotized her and while in the process she got brain washed.since of this she saw everything and everyone as a threat so she killed almost everyone!
