Sizing up Trump and Harris' economic plans

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Marc Morial, National Urban League CEO, joins 'Squawk on the Street' to discuss each candidate's corporate tax plan, the economic vision of both candidates, and much more.
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THIS ALWAYS WORKS . IF a business has more money they hire more people and make more money. The employee taxes make up for the cuts. I'm a highschool drop out and understand that.


More trickle down please
It worked so great before


15% corporate tax = record stock buybacks and executive bonus/pay. They will keep all deductions and pay 2% while inflating prices forever. Worker salaries will not rise at all


If you're happy with your tax dollars being sent all around the world causing death and destruction, vote for Harris she'll definitely keep that going .
If you're happy with the corporate capture of every single regulatory agency in our corrupt government, vote for Harris she'll definitely keep that going as well .


I am not seeing the competency on one side of the issues..


Must of missed the part of him talking about Harris's economic plans


And a 15% reduction in the Federal government…I hope starting with the Department of Education.


Critics argue that electing Kamala Harris would not bring the progress some expect and could, in fact, weaken the U.S., especially in times of crisis. Her lack of foreign policy experience raises concerns about her ability to handle high-stakes negotiations with global powers like China or Russia, potentially leaving the U.S. vulnerable. Her shifting positions—such as her backtrack on healthcare—and accusations of dishonesty further erode public trust, making her an unreliable figure both domestically and internationally.

Critics also highlight Harris’s socialistic stances, including increased government intervention in healthcare, the economy, and environmental policies, which they believe could harm business growth and economic stability. They argue that these policies would stifle innovation and lead to a bloated government at the expense of American freedoms and economic progress. Additionally, some question her intellectual capability, suggesting that she is not particularly bright or insightful, which raises concerns about her ability to make sound, strategic decisions in complex situations.

Further complicating the picture, critics accuse Harris of fueling a troubling trend of antisemitism within the Democratic Party. They point to incidents at DNC rallies and her associations with figures who have made antisemitic remarks. Critics argue that her failure to strongly condemn or distance herself from these antisemitic elements has contributed to a broader atmosphere of intolerance and division, which undermines her leadership credibility.

Her overreliance on advisors might lead to indecisive or poorly executed responses during critical moments. There are also concerns that she might mislead the public or manipulate narratives during military conflicts, potentially escalating tensions or undermining national security. This lack of transparency could further weaken the U.S.'s standing on the world stage.

While many may not personally like Donald Trump, his policies—such as deregulation, tax cuts, and a strong stance on foreign adversaries—are viewed by some as having strengthened the U.S. economy and secured its national interests. By contrast, critics believe that voting for Harris would weaken the nation through ineffective leadership, economic stagnation, and vulnerability in international relations. They fear her leadership would damage U.S. alliances, exacerbate internal divisions, and create further instability both domestically and globally, ultimately undermining the country’s strength and security.


Harris economic plan is communism 😂😂😂 bruh


This guest is dreaming and boring because of it


Tax on a corporation is a cost of production.

Want higher prices on your goods and services? Increase corporate tax.


Capital gains for people with incomes over $1, 000, 000/yr. should be 50%. It’s unearned income, period. And no one can credibly threaten they’ll move to another country to escape cap gains taxes on corporate stock if we tax on point of sale. Corporate tax rates are trickier, but again, broadly speaking, a progressive tax structure for corporations makes sense. And income and inheritance taxes should be returned to pre-1980 levels. If you’re serious about the national debt, this is how you address it. The debt is the result of giving money to the rich for four decades. It’s a simplistic summary, to put it mildly, but it fits in a 15 second tv ad. You can sell it.


He knows what he is talking about about


S&P 500 Stock Buybacks
Year In billions Yearly change
2010 $319 16%
2011 $467 46%
2012 $413 -12%
2013 $496 20%
2014 $565 14%
2015 $592 5%
2016 $553 -7%
2017 $540 -2%
2018 $840 55%
2019 $749 -11%
2020 $538 -28%
2021 $919 71%
2022 $950 3%
2023 $815 -14%
2024e $924 13%
2025e $1, 075 16%


We need FLAT TAX! No loop holes. Just fair
