ANCIENT ALIENS Season 13 Clip - Sheffield Abduction (2020) History Channel

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ANCIENT ALIENS Season 13 Clip - Sheffield Abduction (2020) History Channel

Investigators circle the globe in search of evidence in their quest to determine whether life on Earth began in outer space and if aliens influenced mankind in ancient times. Did extraterrestrial beings visit Earth and share information about technology and influence human religions? And more importantly, if aliens visited the planet before, will they return? Alien theorists believe that the answer to both questions is a resounding yes.
Narrated by: Robert Clotworthy

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#AncientAliens #History
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not that it solidifies anything, but when i stayed in oregon, alot of the locals around me described experiences with orbs like this.


I have witnessed a flying triangle eject an orb, like an ember from a fire..


Really interesting to know his experience!


Episode 5246 talks about the alien craft that can make Maneuvers that would kill any normal human being one thing that they did not consider is that if the craft was filled with a liquid to complete capasity with no sloshing that these movements would be counteracted by slowly moving people left and right up and down it could possibly just be water or possibly a thick fluid.


I love these really make me think outside the box.


I'm watching Season 11 and 12 of Ancient Aliens here in Australia on Foxtel Now on demand, they're allowing us to watch it for free until the end of May because of the CoronaVirus 😁👍


If you enjoy this I reccomend you watch Stephen Spielberg's Falling Skies it only lasted 3 seasons before they pulled it, also project bluebook based on real people and events


If someone thinks they have been Abducted then I have found that person has implants. I have figured out how to locate Alien implants with a simple stud finder. The small neodymium magnets like in ear buds will stick to the skin where the objects are located. They are located along the inside of your arms, along the top of your legs and hips, middle of your torso and all over your head and neck. The objects are also magnetic and repel the magnet if it's the wrong polarity. There is one where your third eye would be. You can stick a small magnet to most of them. Rub the stud finder along the inside of your arm starting at your wrist and work up your arm or just check your forehead. There is always one in the forehead and wrist if you have really been taken.They tag everyone they take.


Like watching the shows . Not very believable,
but entertaining.


I don’t get why u say it’s full episodes when it’s clearly not.


The thing about the series Ancient Aliens is that it leaves out the significance of quantum physics, which is the study of subatomic particles. A realization of how fast these particles spin and vibrate as energy and light at the core of everything everywhere would clear up who is exactly performing these abductions.
The physicist Kenneth Ford wrote in his book "The Quantum World" these words: 'magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second (the speed of light) as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons'. Atoms spin and vibrate billions of times a second as these protons and neutrons. "People" consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms. Do you get the picture yet?
This whole existence is spinning and vibrating and rotating and oscillating as energy and light images. What is called solidity IS an illusion. That means when we look at what is called an object, the imagery we see with puts together energy fields to form images. We are these images, which seem to spin and vibrate a lot slower than the subatomic particles coming together creating us. So we seem separate from what/who is creating us. But we cannot be separate because what/who is creating us ARE what are called these aliens/souls which ARE the ones doing this super fast spinning. These electrical beings called aliens/souls have the knowledge it takes to spin that energy and light into our images. When someone thinks they are being abducted, it is their own soul performing these actions. These electrical souls creating us are trying to tell us this is going on all the time in this way. They know our images feel separate from them and therefore are afraid of death, which is leading constantly to all the tortures on earth.
Do we know how to spin energy and light into the images called these physical bodies? WE do not have this knowledge, yet these quarks are constantly bursting forth creating us. It is these souls that are creating us with THEIR ideas. Those quarks are their ideas of what we should look like. We are the literal images of these souls. These souls/aliens are trying to tell us that we have nothing to be afraid of because we are constantly being created with eternal energy and light, THEIR energy and light, so therefore, we cannot die. Nothing dies because we are being formed as the literal images of eternity itself within an existence that is literal eternal MIND -- that overall MIND called God.
Physicists say atoms are electromagnetic energy fields. Atoms are spinning and vibrating within everything everywhere at the speed of light forming images. This is the meaning of E=mc2. Energy equals energy. Nothing is solid or physical or material OR biological. These are just words that try to explain energy and light images. This existence is electrical being created constantly and perfectly, becoming the images we see. The intent of this spinning and vibrating is creating our images. We are projected images. This whole existence is a projected image. We can't die because we are not solid or physical or biological. Each time some thing is tested, it is electrical energy forming images in the moment that is being tested. Time IS simultaneous. We are all being created as an experiment. We are the personalities of these souls/aliens that want to expand their experience.
This electrical energy mind does not create viruses or germs. That is why there are patents for coronavirus, which is electrical energy frequencies, if they have been created at all. is what is ALWAYS going on in an electrical existence. There is nothing to be afraid of but your own images of disaster. Belief creates. Believe strongly enough and you create your own disaster from your own images.
aliens are not OUT there. We are ONE with them, projections of them. They ARE us.


ball lightning phenomenon and it followed the car because it was looking for something to ground to . its hit the car and knocked everyone out because a window was slightly open .


Come and get me I’m waiting, I’m fucking bored 😂


If you had the money to invest in a .50 bmg with armor piercing incendiary rounds, this wouldn’t have happened to you. Hahahah


Seems like a holographic projection stemming out of the water!


When I watch the show all I see is lights never an aircraft


Yo if this true damn that means aliens way more Advanced then we are 🤭


What if It's Actually Demons and Evil Spirits Deceiving


My bowl of mac and cheese is communicating with me telepathically. I think it's from Kolob!


I hope someday we will find out about all the aliens .and life in another world 🙄
