The Difference Between Ghost of Tsushima's Two Endings (SPOILERS)

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At the end of Ghost of Tsushima you have to make an important decision for Jin. Depending on your choice, here's what you missed out on.
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What kind of uncle is Lord Shimura he doesn't even have Lumbago


When I played, even though I knew he wanted to die like a warrior. I just didn’t want to kill him, he was family. He didn’t need to die, and Tsushima would just be lacking a leader with no family to take his place. A warrior’s death should be on the battlefield with a sword in hand, or dying old and peacefully after years of hardship. Not being killed at the hands of your own family.


I chose the 3rd ending, which was to just die in the duel against Lord Shimura


I hope they will make a dlc where jin fights against the shogun


Jin’s screams at the end of killing shimura, what a sad ending. I spared him because I couldn’t bring myself to kill him.


I killed him because it was definitely the best choice given all of the context but then literally sobbed after. Then when he woke up in his new place and described all the items around I really lost it sobbing. Like "for most of my life I dreamed of being your son". And commenting on his horse's saddle that he was faithful to the end. Taka's trial run on the grappling hooks "he didn't want to disappoint me, and he never did". This game was so amazing


I don't think there's going to be a sequel. The game felt complete. The story they wanted to tell was told in it's entirety I think.


Realistically, Lord Shimura was a deadman no matter the choice. Sparring him would have dishonored him in the eyes of the Shogun for failing to kill Jin. He would have to commit seppuku to regain his honor.


The ending choosing part is so similar to the choices in Infamous Second Son. I see Sucker Punch is staying its roots


Remember people if there would have been a right or better ending, you would not have been given a choice.


I couldn’t kill him the white one is cooler but I just couldn’t


I couldn't kill him, it was heart breaking enough just fighting him.


His army killed nobu

You know what choice I’m picking


After I spared Shimura I whispered "I have no honor!" 2 seconds later Jin said the same thing 😂


I felt like the only way to truly spare him was to kill him. This isn't about Jin's honour, it's about Shimura's. Sparing a samurai is equal to humiliating them.


Normally especially when role-playing a character whenever i'm given a choice to spare someone or kill them, 99% of the time I always choose to spare them. I've always believed that its not my place to judge anyone or sentence them to death, killing to protect is one thing but killing because I think they deserve it or out of vengeance is something else.

This is the first time I've decided to kill someone in a choice like this, but not because I wanted it or because Jin wanted it, but because Shimura himself wanted it. His last wish to his nephew and adopted son was a warriors death and I felt that he did not care anymore whether he lived or died. I felt that to leave him alive after that would not be an act of mercy but a final insult to a man who had arguably lost just as much as Jin had. I definitely cried afterwards though, which is surprising since I knew it would come down to this. At some point I just started to get the feeling that Shimura would be the true final battle and not Khotuan Khan and as soon as they got to their old sparing place I knew I'd been right. It actually reminded me a lot of the final battle between Snake and The Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3, another final battle between a former mentor and student who'd formed a child/parent relationship and were forced down different paths, and just as I honored The Boss' wish to kill her I had to do the same for Shimura.

Damn, Playstation games always get me in the feels lol. This was a truly excellent game and a fantastic final swan song for the PS4!


I chose to spare him, Jin left the outdated samurai ways including honour killing, if any Samurai come for him the people will defend the ghost


In my opinion, killing him was the right option. After all the two of you have been through and after Jin’s full transformation into The Ghost. It would make sense to kill Lord Shimura as the last honorable thing for him to do.


I hope this game is really successful, from what I’ve played so far it’s not much of a stretch to say it’s a masterpiece.


Dying with honor doesn't mean death by your only and last family member, it means dying a true warriors death, fighting for something or someone you love
