Ultimate GOLEM Guide: All You Need to Know about Golems | Conan Exiles

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We tell you all you need to know about Golems in Conan Exiles. Our ultimate Golem Guide looks at Golem Crafting, Golem Parts, Golem Stats, as well as Golem Combat and Harvesting abilities. Learn more about what Golems can and can’t do, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.

00:00 - Ultimate Golem Guide
00:28 - Golem Crafting Knowledge
02:08 - Golem Parts (Basic & Craftable)
04:57 - Golem Parts (Special)
07:04 - Golem Assembly
08:06 - Golem Facts & Abilities
09:50 - Golem Harvesting & Tool Arms
13:06 - Misc.

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Very informative!
To clarify, golems only harvest if there is *anyone* in their vicinity, not just you.
This is intended under the same mechanic that makes any creature active only when there are players around.(imagine the strain on the server/pc otherwise)


A good way to get around their harvesting range limitation is to have them harvest near your bases. As long as your in the area they generate passive resources for you.


The whole concept with the golems is really interesting, I do hope they fix them abit, as they seem very buggy right now, especially when they walk one step then kinda teleport a few inches and also the fact that they dont seem to harvest properly with resrouces right in their face.


Very helpful video. I returned Conan and didn’t know what do with all these shiny parts I was looting.


Love you all from Pixelcave. Thank you for providing us with such quality content next to your real life business. Amazing how you deliver such quality next to running a full time job. You realy have high standards for all of your vids. You derserve much more support in my book!


Radium heads are useful if your purge lasts into or through the night 👍🏼 you can see where they are as well as what they are targeting


Your covering of this topic is great because the fist thing you do is show where on the map is where to get the knowledge. I can then pause go get it and conrinue your video.


Thank you for this. I was wondering why they wouldn't gatherer reliably and why their names kept changing back.


Great video as usual my friend!

In my humble opinion, considering the cost to make them and the rng involved in parts plus the aparently bugged AI, them seem more like a hassle than a help.

Combat wise, a decent thrall with a good mace can prolly dish more dmg than the golem (and can be healed) and unless you dont have tools of SM grade or higher, its better just take a bearer with you.

Only good thing l could see was the lotus burner, other than that, them just seem to be a expensive toy


Radium head just makes it easier to spot where your golem is when it's wandering around


Great video ! I havent been able to put items into the almost 30 golems ive made this week to harvest ! Always something broken in this game ! I always start and intend for a long game sesh but always stop premature because of something not working.


The tar option is good for fighting fast enemies while using a bow as it slows them down.
It sucks trying to place them to guard an area as I keep getting a collision message.
It sucks most of all as my friend cringes every time I try and take one along because it always winds up getting an aggro from his thralls and they fight each other.
Wish they would fix that.


I was gonna put all this off until i actually started on some of the sorcery stuff i missed out on... But honestly this seems way too useful. Could have him harvesting the iron while im harvesting the wood when im grinding by my arena outpost. Or vice versa. Im sure it wouldnt be perfect but it would make it more interesting


THIS is way cool. THANK YOu. :) lots


If you have a lightning head golem with tar or brim limbs, will lightning strike and cause a fire or explosion?


Not being able to regenerate HP is a major downside, but I guess it’s a trade off for not having to level them. I wouldn’t play if I didn’t enjoy a little grinding from time to time, but this game becomes so tedious when one mistake can cause you to lose hours of progress.


The border on the video made me think I saw the video already, just thought you should know!


great info one question something change to better now? or its the same?


4:39 no that's a muddy shart cloud.


Wait how did you get the map how there is cords in the square that’s so cool
