Become an Island of Sanity | Non-Duality Spirituality and Meditation

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Join the sanity revolution. Become an island of sanity. Crucial that you are able to understand what is going on.

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EBOOK or AUDIOBOOK: A Different Kind of Knowing

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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#awakening #enlightenment #nonduality #meditation #truth #advaita #mindfullness #spirituality #vedanta #happiness #peace #happiness
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I THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!🥰 So refreshing.


I like your voice. Its very relaxing to me.


Extremely important topic for this age.


I grew up in a large metropolitan area in the 50's and through my young eyes life was always a fresh adventure into discovery. I have always had a felt sense that the more educated I became. the more refined my thinking. the more I was trapped in thought. I have been unplugging lately and finding life is becoming fresher again. Thanks for your pointings Hans.


i need a 2x on this one spiritually awakened people always speak on .25x it must be part of the process


Thank you for yet another excellent talk


Despite having had an initial awakening, I don't think I truly experienced the true wonder and mystery of life until I came down with a chronic illness at the young age of 26. Reality will make itself known to those thirst for it. Illness is one (effective) method of doing so.


Excellent talk, Hans, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it… for being a voice of sanity in these insane times. Allowing oneself to unplug and returning to the immediacy of one’s present experience in inner silence and listening is entering the ground of being. So very precious. Thank you again for your invaluable sharings/ teachings that deeply resonate here. Will share. ❤🙏


Hi Hans, you are the Robinson Chrusoe of the island of peace. I agree and take care of mine. Just that. Thanks again ❤


"We" need a continent of sanity.😊


Thank you so much, Hans.
Very practical.
Very calming.


Thank you Hans, hi jacking by the programmed minds hunger for exciting and new inputs is most our society. We never take time to just observe the unknown, unseen, unexplained, undeniable, unacceptable. Those are egoless mysteries best left to quiet and still minds. Un in English means not. Not a thing - nothing. It is all really nothing isn’t my friend.


Firstly, I subscribed. Secondly, I like the idea of becoming an island of sanity but I respectfully disagree on how one goes about it. I have lived in several countries, including Denmark, where I surmise you may be from judging by your name. Thinking of myself as a global citizen, I have to be well-informed about even things that are half a world away because my input and influence matters...even if I can elevate even one consciousness. However I do agree that we can do ourselves a good service by pulling back. For me, tonight, that means not watching sports and catching up to other neglected parts of my personality; for example, watching this long video, reading a bit from a book, etc. I also have creative projects I'd like to pursue but you'd be surprised how quickly one's energy is spent elsewhere involuntarily managing the harsh business of life. Looking forward to more of your content.


dude you're making me trip balls with how you talk lol
