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African Americans who leave the United States in pursuit of a more tranquil life in Africa soon find themselves frustrated with their decision. Many of them find themselves unable to cope with life and Africa and proceed to make the hard decision to return to the US. In this video, I give add my thoughts to an attempt at explaining why this happens.

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I find your analysis here well thought out and informative. As an American of African Slave ancestry (American Diaspora), _And_ one that has migrated out of America (to African and Asia), I would like to share my experiences and viewpoints:

Over the past 15 years, we live in North Africa (Morocco), are _Partners_ in a Tanzanian business and travel to Tanzania (Dar) often, and also spend part of the year in Malaysia. Although many of the American Diaspora often fanaticize escaping the insanity of America, There are only a handful of them that actually execute. And like you objectively pointed out, a good percentage of the Diaspora that make their way to Africa ultimately return. Interestingly, far fewer of the American Diaspora that migrate to Europe, or Asia ever return.

I attribute this to how we in the Diaspora have been without our own mature Culture (as our African culture was forcibly stripped away upon arriving in America during the slave trade, and even as we attempted to create a positive culture within the dominant American culture, our efforts were violently repressed, or simply hijacked and appropriated). In our search for dignity, we know our _Ancient_ roots lie on the Continent. We dream of Africa as *Our* land of milk and honey with respect to being free from our discontent. Unfortunately, our culture as an oppressed sub-group no longer is in tune with African culture. Culture is ingrained over many, many generations, and is very difficult to consciously abandon. Moreover, the more financially or socially successful a person of the Diaspora is, the less likely they will see a need to abandon their standing in America. This - that poor(er) people have a greater incentive to abandon and migrate out - may be why Africa receives so many economically unprepared Diasporans.

These dynamics play into the difficulty Diasporans have. Also, I find a large percentage of Diasporans who speak of relocating to Africa are really attempting to have the Capitalist-driven "American Dream" they could never afford in America, in Africa. They speak about building outrageously large homes, on large plots of land, and having servants, and such - which is an indoctrinated _Value vestige_ of pure Western culture. When Diasporans migrate to Asia or Europe, they typically do not bring these preconceptions with them, and are more satisfied in that all of the material conveniences are present (...and can find jobs).

Your advice is spot-on with respect to traveling for an extended time FIRST. We did that and realized that we could not easily adapt to most - but not all - parts of Africa. This is why we choose Morocco and Tanzania. Also, in the "Modern World, " we realized that no longer does one have to live full-time in one geographic location. Instead of having that single Big House, we opted to invest in 3 much smaller homes which provide a global lifestyle.

In conclusion, and from personal experience, an escape from the plantation that is America for the Diaspora will always be a positive move in today's modern world. Its important to not only understand WHY one wants to escape, but also WHERE one should escape to. It _Doesn't have to be Africa, _ especially if one can not hang up their Western Cultural mindset baggage at the entry door of Africa. I often respond to Diasporans that ask about how we find global living (and they always ask about how much racism is prevalent) as opposed to living in the States; I say "All counties have 99 problems, but being a Black Man in America ain't never one of them"

Again, excellent video presentation!


We are not African Americans, we are Black Americans!


Very good honest informative video. Thank you


Great video. Keep up the good work, yiu got a new sub.


I don't know why YouTube put this in my feed, but the video and your thoughts give me a lot to consider in this era of learning to reverse so many bad habits we've learned in too many generations of negative race relations.

I don't have an answer, but I appreciate the food for thought.


It’s up to the people. It starts with getting rid of self sabotage, envy, jealousy and hate from our own. Once that is taken seriously, we won’t suffer anymore. Ubuntu must be practiced.


Black Americans get a culture shock coming to Europe, which is more like home than Africa is. Aside from the cultural differences, they find out that we see them as "American" and not "AFRICAN American" and it throws them. I did not understand this until I went to America. I found the beliefs and behaviours about race there to be quite strange. Americans seem to avoid interacting with people of different races in a way that Europeans of different races don't. They find themselves sat in the same bar or diner, and don't talk to each other sociably. When the person working there is a different race, they don't talk to them sociably either. I clearly observed this over and over again in California. Odd country.

Black Americans probably go to Africa thinking their race defines them far more than it actually does, and then find out that "being American" defines them much more strongly in how they assume the world is supposed to function.


I'm an American that is married to a Nigerian and, I think that it would be hard being away from your family in America. I think that the best solution for this is to work in America; save your money; and then spend your Winters in Africa.


I’m a so called African American grew up in Texas I would love Africa


If it’s religious why is it so corrupt….


Africans Americans don’t leave Africa. They never left America!!


Blak don't need government the need a mind change and total spiritual enlightenment


The thing's is your report forgot something very important no / N word in Africa


All africa without exception is about large family, religion, who you know, marriages and getting by week by week.


So in christianized, colonized African countries cultural hair styles are frowned upon. Probably anyone wearing traditional tribal dress instead of dusty hand me down JC Penny charity clothing is also frowned upon. Do you guys also pray to white Jesus? 😅


I'm a strong independent wmn from Atlanta. I have high standards and don't take isht from anyone. I'm into fashion, makeup, glamour. I love wine, dancing and the finer things in life. Where in Africa should I move to with my three kids. I'm leaving 2 baby daddies behind, so I'm ready for some local sugar daddies.
