Are Millennials an Entitled Generation?

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Millennial therapist Tess Brigham shares that the “entitled” generation is a product of how they were raised; in school they were taught everyone was a winner, and a way to raise someone’s self-esteem is to praise them. She recommends for people that are struggling with sense of self to try and tune-out the white noise and stay off social media.

About The Doctors: The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

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Correction...millennials ages range from 23yrs. to 37yrs. ( according to research and media sources) AND it also depends on race as well...because not every race raises their kids the same or give them the same morals and values...just sayin🤷🏽‍♀️


Every time i see someone comment on millennials it usually feels like something made up that often never reflects reality, painfully showcasing just how out of touch that person is . They also always get the age range wrong, generalizing all young people as millennials which is horribly inaccurate. Gen Z is the one after millennials, who are 12-20 right now.


I’m so tired of people classifying everyone in 1 category. We are all unique. Some “millennials” aren’t like the other “millennials... disgusting. Humans are just disgusting.


Also, I am a 31 soon to be 32 year old millennial and I recognize my parents hard work is why I had nice things. My brothers are Gen Z (23) and (21) and they don't see that. They have absolutely no idea of how money works. Explain that one we grew up the same except they got way more expensive things over time as my parents economic level went up. I saw and understood the growth in my parents income....I knew how hard they both worked and that instilled a work ethic in me. Maybe my brothers will grow up some but right now I think the most spoiled generation is gen Z


I’d say Gen Z is the most entitled 🤷🏾‍♀️


Can we please stop comparing the different generations? There are pros and cons to every generation. Don't dismiss an entire group of people simply because of the timeframe they were born into. One positive to this generation is the amount of effort we are putting forth to undo the environmental damage that has been done to the planet. We are also significantly more tolerant of other races and cultures.


A lot of Millennials do feel entitled. We don't get our way we have tantrum and we demand this business give us what we want. My generation has a lot problems and we are going to go down as generation stupid.


Blame the parents. Not all millennials are like that, there's quite a few people 50+ who think they're entilted.


Once again, entitlement is a cultural phenomenon, not generational!


I saw teen children wanting what their parents had without having to work for it. Children wanted parents to take them on a cruise. Parents could barely afford to go on the one they went on that they earned through work points and had to pay for the hotel before flight and cab fare, etc. out of pocket.


There's good and bad people in every generation.


Simon Sinek already spoke on this yrs ago. This generation is not struggling any more than prev Gen’s. Ea Gen has to battle something.


As someone who is in school for psychology, this is SO TRUE. Resiliency is an essential component of a healthy psyche. Period! You need those 100 failures so you know what it feels to work toward a win.


And lastly gen Z are currently having a harder time with social media. Because through the generation that always had social media even from a very young age. You can't tell me that boomers were not influenced by movie stars back in the day. Everyone at one point in time has an outside influence that makes them think to themselves I should be like this person. That has nothing to do with your generation as much as it just has to do with media over time. Most people will out throw that phase. Also as a current millennial who is 31 about to be 32 no I don't look at social media and think to myself oh I want to be like that person or I have to be just like that person I'm not good enough... I don't have those thoughts because I'm an adult not a teenager.


Gen Z are the entitled generation my friend not millennials.


Just have a rich dad who can pay for years of college and graduate school! Why didn't I think of that!


I am a Gen Y/Millenial going on 32 and I was raised by mostly the Silent Generation and Boomers. I have been poor my whole life even know I have things. I haven't been able to hold down a recent job in my area because ether im not fast enough or because of a misunderstanding from my bosses. I've also been working since I was 14 so Im tired of working low wage jobs, but haven't went to school because of debt. Im at a point I might just take out 100k or so in debt at school to get somewhere better with my life and not pay it because our government/businesses/schools are at fault for not making sure people can get ahead and take care of themselves.


Sheer nonsense. Every parent doesn't blindly follow media and upbringing differs on so many levels due to a million different factors (social, economic etc.). Also, every individual is different and you can't make assumptions. If this so called therapist doesn't know that much, she doesn't deserve to be in the profession.

Source: I'm a psych student pursuing my Masters. I've studied psychology for 6 years.


don't blame Millennials on Gen X


I'm 39. I dont know which Generation I fall under.
