I Stay On A Luxury Sleeper Train - Caledonian Sleeper

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Join me as I spend the night onboard the Caledonian Sleeper Train to Scotland. I have booked the double en suite room , I'll be trying dinner and breakfast. Is it worth the price?

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It’s an atrocity that as pioneer of the railway, the UK can’t even get the basics such as cleanliness right but charges an extortionate amount compared to better serving nations such as Japan.


That restaurant situation would have really peed me off.


cleanliness is an absolute minimum basic expectation, irrespective of "class".


If I'd have paid £345 for this I'd have been livid. I'd rather have sat in standard class and stayed awake all night to save a big chunk of money.
Interesting and enjoyable video as always Tim, keep them coming!


Just in case you weren't aware the Scottish Government will take over control of the franchise in June 2023, as it believes the current operation isn't good value for money. I think they have a valid point. I recently travelled from Euston to Inverness, in a single cabin, and only two cabins in our carriage were occupied. Hopefully the price will drop and occupancy will increase.


I live in Edinburgh but have family in the home counties so I often make this trip. I've always travelled in the day as the CS's prices are astronomical. However, I've always dreamed of travelling by sleeper train and have been considering saving up. Thank you so much for this review, as I know now not to waste my money on it. You spent £345 for a terrible sleep on a hard, stained bed in a room that would be an embarrassment to a cheep SNCF couchette where you could barely even get service for dinner or warm water out of the dribbling shower head. To top it off you had to pay extra for your (admittedly very nice looking) food! I looked at single rooms and for when I wanted to go they were £170 (all of this being 1 way). It's ridiculous! You can fly to/from one of the outlying London airports for about £50 and that takes about half the time even with transfers. If you get your timing right when booking you can even snag a BA flight to LCY for less that £100. Or, you can get a 1st class LNER ticket for (and it varies a LOT) between around £70-£200, and that INCLUDES FREE FOOD (even the BA flight gives you a free drink and snack). I Love your videos and I'm constantly stunned by how infinitely patient and forgiving you are. If I'd had the experience you'd had in this video I'd have been ranting and raving for weeks. Shockingly bad service for the price! Wishing you all the best for the future.


The pencil is for you to draw the curtains 😂😂😂


Tim, you need to carry with you some sort of white noise sound machine. It blocks out most noises but might not have blocked out the rattling door you should have just propped it open for the night, but it does help with blocking out most sounds. I would be too afraid to use earbuds in case I missed an emergency train or cell call or something.


I’m from the U.S. and my brother and I took this about 6 years ago. We had bunk beds and I’m glad that it’s not just me that felt that it’s really bumpy and jumpy. We didn’t have any plug ins in our room that we could see. I normally use a CPAP machine and lugged it along with me but couldn’t use it. Needless to say I was awake most of the night but because it was so novel to us, I just tried to let it sink in where we were and what a neat experience it’d still be. We didn’t use the shower either but we were just there for a day as a side trip to London. The prices sure seem to have gone up but that’s like everything else in this crazy World (since COVID).


Can't believe how diplomatic you were Tim, if I'm honest for the money that was a lousy experience, I'm Scottish and never used it before as have only heard negative stuff about all classes on there, as you are probably aware they've lost the contract so things can only get better. The restaurant did seem not what anyone would want as an experience as it was just a drinking place.

Thanks for the great review, compounds everything I've heard over the years about it


Thanks Tim! We were considering this as a surprise for our parents 60th anniversary. We are now going to reconsider!!


Shocked at the price and overall experience


That wasn’t haggis at breakfast. That was a square sausage my friend.


I slept really well on this train. It was noisy and moved about a lot, but I found it quite relaxing - like being rocked to sleep. It probably helps that I went to Fort William which doesn't get in until 10, so breakfast is at a much less painful hour. It also means you have daylight and scenery while you eat.


4:57 I think the pencil is for your morning breakfast of course I could be it might be for betting slip.... 😂


Fantastic video as usual. Loved seeing this journey from your perspective. I still don't get why dinner is not included in the ticket, seems silly. Seems to be a common complaint about the shower issues - they really need to sort that out. Need to see you on an Amtrak sleeper train next mate :)


It looks like an Amtrak train just a little bit better maintained and with the amenities of the various sundry items.


I enjoy your videos. Your presentation is friendly, and you always show and talk about the things that are important to me. Views, both distant and close up, cleanliness, what is complimentary, what isn’t.


Been there, done that, loved Scottish Caledonian Sleeper ❤❤❤


There is no way I could sleep on a bed that has stains on the bed sheets . If that is first class I would rather walk . Eileen
