Why Do Whales Sing? | Animal Facts for Kids | Science Facts For Kids | What Is A Whale Song?

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Why Do Whales Sing? | Animal Facts for Kids | Science Facts For Kids | What Is A Whale Song?

Whales are known to sing, especially the biggest whales called blue whales and another type called humpback whales.

Now, why do they sing, you ask? Well, there are a few reasons:

To communicate: Just like we humans talk to each other, whales use their songs to communicate. The ocean is vast and visibility can be limited, so sound is an excellent way for them to "talk" over long distances.

To attract a mate: Male whales often sing to attract female whales. It's a bit like when boys in a school talent show might play an instrument or sing a song to impress someone they like.

To navigate: Some whales use a type of singing called echolocation to find their way around. They make a noise, and when that noise bounces back after hitting something, they can tell what's in front of them. It's like using sound as a torch in the dark!

Remember, every whale song is unique, just like our voices. Researchers can even tell individual whales apart by their songs. So, whales sing to chat, find love, and explore their ocean home. Isn't that fascinating?

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