Blueprints Vs C++ Which One Should You Use In Unreal Engine 5

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The real difference is that Blueprints are hooked into the "world" editor, they know everything in that context. C++ is used to create that world(context), but doesn't know the current state of it, so you end up using BP for loading data into C++.

C++ is suited for doing things like forloops, if-statements, and other structured tasks. A tangled mess of a Blueprint can often be converted in a dozen or so lines of C++ code that's much easier to understand.

Blueprints are best suited for tweaking things like animations and character controls. The easiest way to get into C++ is to start but converting something simple you've done in BP over to C++, that way you know what functions to look for in C++.

The hardest thing about C++ is getting the IDE setup (visual studio). It can be intimidating at first, but start with simple small steps, and you'll be fine.


Blueprints Vs C++ ❌

Blueprints and C++ ✅

Both are very important. lets say you want to make flickering light actor, you make c++ actor write the code so you get flickering light and flickering with x frequency. Now make a blueprint class derived from this actor, expose variables to blueprint, and now you can customize this flickering light without having to compile c++ code every single time.

also when you do animations its better to use blueprints, you use c++ when you want to implement some kind of logic, like movement....


I know c++ but i don't know how use it in unreal engine 5 😅


Happy to have you on yt keep going my man ❤💪🏻🍻


I'm just starting in all this things and I want to be a sole dev as of now for lack of funds.
The best use I can give to both of them are, BPs as a concept to visualize the ideas in one project, while C++ being used for the refined product and for a more manageable evolution of it.
I see it as illustration, from sketch to concept to the final product. Maybe I'm wrong but I guess it could work. Also it helps to make progress on a project while finishing the studies.


BP for big things like story and game events(But also for UI)
C++ when it needs to compute fast or operates on a deeper level


What about no delegates in BP as parameter? Or anything related to source control (i know it is possible, but oh dear...)


There is a third option: Angelscript. Simple as C and without pointers and silly header files. Also scripts reload instantly and are much faster than Blueprints, close to C++. Doesn't support Interface, but workaround is components and event system.


Hey man, I tried downloading UE5 on my laptop but it doesn't load properly due to low vram of my integrated gpu.

Should I download UE4 since it has much lower requirements than UE5 and also has blueprints??


If you are used to write in C# in Unity, will that help in Unreal or is it totally waste?


You can build an entire high quality game only using blueprint like Bright memory infinite and cho cho Charles


What is the release date of bobo’s playzone


I use C++ at work, but when it comes to Unreal Engine, i use both blueprints and c++.


You have to use blueprint even when you know c++,

i think c++ would be easier and faster (a lot faster) to implement complex math functions as blueprintFunctionLibrary c++ to use it in blueprint

another thing when i obligated to use c++ is when i want to make custom actor that do something when i delete it in the editor i have to do it in c++

Another cool feature of doing things in c++ is that your proprietary logic is converted to dll files so when you want to give this file to someone to test it or use it, he will never know how you implement it 🙃 (you can keep the source code if you want)

delay in editor require c++ to prevent the editor from freezing while doing long tasks or calculations (delay node not work in editor)

You can also do multithreading, running blueprint task in background thread, custom nodes in blueprint, custom node in material editors, custom assest, and many other things.


From my experience, Use C++ for complex functions and performance then call and hook up those functions in blueprints.


Problem is, people don’t realize that BPs are PROGRAMMING… it’s coding but with all the worst aspects of programming. It’s a fallacy within non-coders that BPs are easier because it is VISUAL. It’s in fact not, once you actually learn to code you’d realize that C++ is far more readable, testable and efficient than dragging and dropping ugly blocks, finding buttons and text in menus instead of simply writing code.

BPs are great for creative sections where you need visual output and input like materials or animations.


i think some of the things you mentioned are sort of true but dont really matter


how you know BP if you doont know c++ i think bp have the same logic right? i think bp its more difficult than coding xd


I’m not a coder so I learnt Blueprints quite fast, but at some point I wanted to integrate a physics acceleration formula and it was varely usable in BP, so I spent 2 weeks with Chatgpt bruteforcing an implementation in C++, I created a node that can calculate +1000 actors position at run time while Blueprint was sluggish with only 10. Blueprints are definetively one of the best node-based implementations on the market today, but if you need to do calculations at runtime there is this great video that shows the performance comparison:


Blueprints have been hard enough to learn c++ seems like it would take forever to learn the basics 😅
