Apollo 11 - Day 6 (Full Mission)

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Apollo 11 Day 6 (Full Mission)

00:00:10 Overnight PAO
00:08:54 Columbia Wake Up
00:15:00 PAOs "Not since Adam" speech
00:16:18 Eagle Wake Up
01:34:50 Liftoff
03:49:39 Final Rendezvous
03:59:25 Docking
05:06:50 Jettison LM
07:28:00 TEI
08:24:50 Sleep

21st July 1969 - Day 6 begins at GET 115h 50m and after cew wake-up in both the CSM and LM preperations begin for ascent of the LM and the subsequent docking, transfer of crew and lunar materials, jettison of Eagle, Trans Earth Injection (TEI) and the sunsequent crew observations as they leave the moon befoire the next sleep period begins. The video concludes at GET 143h 01m.
Apollo 11 - Day 1 (Full Mission Series)

With grateful thanks to Robin, Pat, Ben, Stephen, Dwight, Britt and Vinny and Ed without whom this project would not have been completed or be so complete in coverage.

All Video/Audio/Photographs courtesy NASA

Other great sites to link to which I have sourced for information or material in the making of the series-

Facebook Groups

The following books were invaluable in the making of the series

Apollo 11 The NASA Mission Reports (Parts 1, 2 and 3) - Robert Godwin
Footprints in the Dust - Colin Burgess
A Man on the Moon - Andrew Chaikin
Carrying the Fire - Michael Collins
Failure is Not an Option - Eugene Kranz
First Man - James Hansen/Neil Armstrong
Forever Young - James Hansen/John Young
Last Man on the Moon - Eugene Cernan
Rocket Men - Robert Kurson
Man on the Moon - Peter Fairley
The Invasion of the Moon - Peter Ryan
Chariots for Apollo - Courtney Brooks/James Grimwood/Loyd Swenson
LEM Lunar Excusion Module Failiarisation Manual - Grumman
How Apollo Flew to the Moon - David Woods
Apollo - A Chronology 1 to 4 - NASA
Growing Up with Spaceflight - Apollo Parts 1 & 2 - Wes Oleszewski
Live TV from the Moon - Dwight Steven-Boniecki

The Full Mission Series Production - An Explanation of the Process

Production began in February 2018 with the intention of release on the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11's launch day (subsequently the pre and post flight press conferences were added). Each video took between 1 and 3 months to produce. Full Mission videos start with editing of the available audio for that particular day, sometimes split bewteen 3 tracks of audio (air to ground/flight directors loop/crew onboard tape). Once that process is completed the available TV transmissions or other associated video is positioned along with 16mm film taken by the crew. Photographs are placed in the mission timeline aprroximately near to where there were taken in the mission. Captions are then added to give pertinent information. The gaps that are left visually are filled with screen captures of the spacecraft from the Orbiter Space Simulator. Positions of spacecraft are approximated to what would have been seen on the mission, but during TLI, CSM RCS and SPS burns (LOI etc) the orientation is as near as I can get it to the actual (with sage advice from RW). Once these screen captures are in place the Apollo Guidence Computer (Virtual AGC) screens are captured. This involves setting the AGC time to the PAO announcements during the flight, screen capturing them and then transferring them to the timeline. Finally the title sequences are added.

Final editing of the whole video takes place with a run-through of the whole thing before the render of the video. Video sizes vary from 4 to 24gb.
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Apollo 11 Day 6 (Full Mission)

00:00:10 Overnight PAO
00:08:54 Columbia Wake Up
00:15:00 PAOs "Not since Adam" speech
00:16:18 Eagle Wake Up
01:34:50 Liftoff
03:49:39 Final Rendezvous
03:59:25 Docking
05:06:50 Jettison LM
07:28:00 TEI
08:24:50 Sleep


I am a huge fan of Gene Kranz and mean neither him nor any other NASA Flight Director any disrespect, but I truly admire the organized mental discipline of Glynn Lunney, especially in ambiguous situations.

Ken Mattingly gave Lunney outsize praise for his role sorting out the Apollo 13 mess, and listening to him work is truly one of the highlights of this (and other) missions!


55:50 "Jim Lovell, who's had some experience in lunar missions..."
Aquarius: "You ain't seeing nothing yet"


Congratulations from Italy. Great job.


04:49:40 .
Kranz: "What Happened?"
FIDO: "That's only one of many, many questions"
Kranz: "That's very interesting"
I Don't think this is something you want to hear in Mission Control


Amazing series of videos, my big respect for putting this together! Question: Does the communication explicitely and audibly include that incident, when they found a broken circuit breaker switch and repaired it with a pen? Or something like a pen, prior to liftoff.... If so, can you please give me a time code? Thank you!


This is amazing. I missed 2-5. I'll watch them next.


Armstrong’s heart rate only reached 90 on ascent. What a beast. 😂


that was some tense 15 minutes before liftoff


1:18:14 Roger, understand. We're number one on the runway


Is this a true 8.5 hour day or is the video edited for time.


Of all the capsule communicators on this flight Charlie Duke comes off as the most respectful of the bunch. Of course all the communicators have respect. but Charlie Duke brings an extra measure of "thank you sir" to the table. It would seem he realizes he has a seat at the tables where Giants sit.


For the first time in history two people are lifting off of another planet and Buzz is talking like he's a tour bus driver in the Hollywood hills LOL


Good lord - Does Gene Kranz EVER miss a SINGLE detail ?? ... He literally seems to know every millimiter of every part & procedure


03:43:50 Neil: "I'm not gonna lose you, brother"


Good boy, Collins. I like to think I too would also sleep well in such circumstances.
Sleep well. RIP.


Who would be Asleep an hour after what they just did on the moon!!!


Such an outstanding effort to bring such detail and history to life. I watched the televised landing and devoured the reporting and print media during those days in July 1969; now for 2023, in three months I finish a doctoral thesis after Oxford, and work in Washington and Canberra with extensive new conceptual work on near-Earth space and emerging challenges in NESE with a long specific chapter dedicated to it. Such is the inspiration and legacy created by the Apollo programme. No words can express fully how much Apollo 11 and subsequent missions means to me. Thank you again lunarmodule5, best and finest to you, Peter.


A masterpiece of effort. I love the ride. Thank you mightily.


Its funny how much time I spent yesterday and today just like I did 50 years ago - All thanks to you! A lot more anxiety 50 years ago but one HECK of a lot more insight today! Cheers and thanks again!
