Most distant star's light took 'mind-blowing' 12.9 billion years to reach us

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This is a big phenomenon,
I’m glad I have witnessed it.


Always a joy to listen to the explanations of Dr. Haller.


Digging the enthusiasm and awesome insights! VFS 🤙🏻


Thank you ~ wonderful interview ! 👍


Oh, to sit and chat with Dr. Thaller for an evening!


universe came from helium and hydrogen, where did those gases come from though?


How I wish to travel outside the Milky Way


What a weird interview...
Dr. Haller: *Explains something mind blowing that has me in awe*
Interview Lady: Definitely. Now explain this to me...
Dr. Haller: *Blows my mind again *
Interview Lady: Great. So let's move on to...

Like damn girl, show some appreciation and enthusiasm for the knowledge BOMBS this woman be dropping!


I could listen to Michelle Thaller all day. I love how she's so enthusiastic and effervescent in the way she speaks.


Very interesting until you started spouting the woke BS. Switched off


This might be the most mind blowing thing I've heard all year. Like a magnifying glass in space, absolutely nuts.


That’s interesting, though I would challenge one to consider more deeply the ideas of creation vs evolution. Wonderful science though I love this information.


Wow! Two women just talkin up a storm about science! This is what the world need, where gender meets wisdom, and equality takes wing!


[21:58, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: Представить вселенную до звёзд, это, с моим образованием это тяжело. Но я представлял нечто которое при большом давление и холоде формируется в сгусток, и потом что то пошло не так и появился нагрев газа. Но если эти сгустки которые при темных веках, ещё до рождение звёзд формировали излучение, то теперь понятно откуда взялись первые звёзды, это при большом давление и возле этого сгустка сингулярности который дал толчок инфляции и нагреванию газа. Для формирование первых звёзд, это и есть провалы, провалы гравитации которые видны во тьме. Благодарю
[21:59, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: To imagine the universe before the stars, it's, with my education, it's hard. But I imagined something that, with high pressure and cold, formed into a clot, and then something went wrong and gas heating appeared. But if these clumps that formed radiation during the dark ages, even before the birth of stars, then now it is clear where the first stars came from, it is at high pressure and near this clump of singularity that gave rise to inflation and gas heating. For the formation of the first stars, these are the dips, the dips of gravity that are visible in the dark. Thank you
[22:05, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: Нагрев газа пошел от плотности, более плотной, пошло излучение, а потом газ начал нагревается скручиваться возле этого сгустка, это первое рождение в тьме, но я не знаю что это довольно колоссально, до расширения и до самых первых звёзд появилось это, сгусток который начал излучать не свет, а тепло жизни . Этот сгусток запустил горение первых звёзд во вселенной, и он очень плотен, даже по тем размерам, и давлением что было, потому как газ сам по себе был довольно холоден, потому как не было тепла, и света, как эти формировавшиеся объекты во вселенной. Благодарю
[22:06, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: The heating of the gas went from the density, denser, radiation went, and then the gas began to heat up to curl around this clot, this is the first birth in darkness, but I do not know that it is quite colossal, before the expansion and before the very first stars, this appeared, a clot that began to emit not light, but the heat of life . This clot started the gorenje of the first stars in the universe, and it is very dense, even in the size and pressure that was, because the gas itself was quite cold, because there was no heat and light, like these formed objects in the universe. Thank you
[22:09, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: Исходя из этого, плотность осталось, и расширение пошло, мы получаем объект различной плотности, нагрев дал толчок расширению вселенной а этот объект начал поглощать все в себя, это образовавшие дыры.
[22:09, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: Based on this, the density remained, and the expansion went, we get an object of different densities, heating gave an impetus to the expansion of the universe and this object began to absorb everything into itself, these are the holes that formed.
[22:09, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: thanks.
[22:09, 01.04.2022] Alexander Kiselyov: Благодарю


I wonder how this will look from the James Webb Space Telescope.


Crazy how our tech can see these things considering where we was only 100 years ago 🥴😳


The big bang she said.. where nothing exploded. .expanded into nothing. . Iol


So if the light took 12.9 billion years to get here, would it be wrong to assume the star is probably dead or no longer exists?
I think I read that larger stars die more quickly than smaller stars.


Is this star still there or has it imploded by the time we’re seeing it?


Girl on left talks to nodding duck on right
