Neutral (Horde) HUMANS Coming?! New EVOLVED Forms! The War Within

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Are we in for neutral Arathi humans, evolved by the Light in WoW: The War Within?!

These new humans are not your regular humans and everything you can currently see about them is completely hidden, the only shot where you can decypher something is of a massive Kul'Tiran like paladin, much larger than a regular human.

These guys are decendants of vrykul, they not only seem to have multiple forms but they are decendants of another kingdom on another continent we are yet to discover, possibly Avaloren and they also have absolutely no ties to the Alliance seeing they left before Lordaeron was a thing let alone the Alliance of Lordaeron.

Blizzard confirmed they have evolved differently with the use of the light the so-called holy fire we never even heard about. So literally who even are these guys, what do they look like and could we be seeing them joining the Horde much like the new earthen?

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My noNoNO!!! Can we stop turning the Horde into red Alliance….. what about Ogres, Forest Trolls, Nagaor Hozen instead of these alliance races nobody is asking for in the Horde community.


Arathi will not be the intro to humans in the Horde; that'd be ridiculous. Closest thing to humans that Horde SHOULD get would be Forsaken who went through a similar process as Nathanos Blightcaller and Derek Proudmoore; Undead with a human appearance. The first troll who walks into the Arathi zone will be met with blades. We know enough about Arathi culture, history, and religion, which has surely been undoubtedly passed down from the first Arathi that left, to their descendants. Their capital in Hallowfall is named Mereldar, after the first human priestess/founder of the Church of the Holy Light, which means they left when she was alive or after she died. That means they had a connection to the Light before they left the kingdom, that they developed into what they have now.


Please...Please no, As a Dwarf Main, I was already Upset when Earthen were announced to be a Natural Race. Me and my Dwarven Kin got really upset. We don't need Horde Humans...


I think the only "humans" that would fit the Horde aesthetic is some kind of Vrykul tribe.
Would be awesome


I hear that these new Humans call themselves male and female, as opposed to the normal Body 1 and Body 2.


The elves weren't enough they have to sully the Horde further like this?


Please…just Ogres and Vampires. The Horde doesn’t want your dwarves, and we don’t want your humans


Honestly, if they do add another human race, I hope they do look significantly different than the Alliance or Kultiran humans. I'm getting kind of tired of the new races just being old races with slight modifications that could've been just added to the original races customization screen, like a sub race or something, with exceptions being stuff like Zandalari and the Nightborne, which I think are just different enough to be worth adding, but Void-Elves, which are just Blood-elves with void colors? Or Earthen, who are just dwarves, but now their skin is stone? I'm not sure I care much for all that.


In all honesty, I think Blizzard would most likely make them an Alliance allied race. If I was in the writers team I’d spin a story how they retrace their roots to Stromgarde and involve Danath Trollbane in that whole affair as well. First of all we’d utilise stromgarde as an alliance zone in upcoming expansions and also the style they have can lend itself nicely and make Stromgarde more of a unique kingdom. Not to mention it would go back to the theme they’re going for which is making the Original Human Kingdoms playable races which I’m all up for!


Sure....and the alliance gets mecha-orcs. XD. Big brain Blizzard.


I miss the days of horde vs alliance it made each of the factions feel more unique and with the history and lore of the game it doesn't feel right for them to suddenly just get along id prefer if we would focus less on making them join together and be friends and instead put more into each factions lore and their point of view and how they would handle a situation


Dwarves on horde side is already ridiculous I dearly hope no humans for horde


Okay so Blue Alliance VS Red

Undead ( Humans of Lordaeron)
Blood Elves (High Elves)
Nightborn (Night elves)
Earthen (Dwarf)
and And now you want more Alliance Models in your Horde??? no!!!!

GG Horde BIAS!


honestly one of the most odd things to me was making my first character 11 years ago and not being able to choose the race I wanted in the faction I wanted. I think it’s completely ridiculous to think that every member of each race would be only allied in one faction. humans especially are creatures of opportunity who absolutely will do really shady things to be wealthy.

if people are so opposed to adding humans to the horde maybe they should just make a some sort of mercenary faction or another that doesn’t have a true allegiance to either faction but you do have to choose which faction you’d like to pursue opportunity in or something.


Let's be real, Horde was the biggest winner with allied races... Alliance got 2 dwarfs variant that could have been more custom... 1 Draeneï variant that could have been more custom... 1 Human variant that could have been more custom... 1 Gnome variant that could have been more custom... The only good thing was void elves/high elves poured into it. But horde got only 2 variants beeing Highmountain and Mag'har. Nightborn feel unique, Vulpera are unique, Zandalari are unique and they'll now get Stone dwarf and probably humans, they win it all !


If this happens, why is the horde getting all the Alliance models and the Alliance is getting none of the hordes in exchange?


whats up with all these Barbershop options (regardless on which side they end up)
Can't they finally add the long requestest (Tuskarr, Gnolls) and in some cases allready for years in the Horde ( Oger, Hozen) and Alliance (Jinyu) Races?
Come on Blizz you can't be that deaf


I feel like these guys would work *significantly* better as an Alliance allied race with a horde counterpart than as a neutral one, both from a lore perspective, and the perspective of keeping the factions feeling distinct. I could see Horde getting Alteraci humans that use the lankier model, but that’s pretty much the limit for humans in the Horde imo, and even then, the lore precedent for that is older than I am.


Honestly, cross faction guilds, high elves being playable by the Alliance in Wow midnight or neutral races like pandarens, drakh’thyrs, or possibly Tuskarrs or Nagas in the future are fine and work well. But… there is the line that you shouldn’t cross. I don’t want to see humans playable by the Horde, and I’m not very enthusiastic about the horde having playable dwarves, and I don’t want the alliance being able to play ogres or Forrest trolls or taunkas. Some races should just never be playable by the opposite faction, ever, because it dilutes what the factions are all about.


Vrykul as a playable race would make me buy a year long sub.
