Buchla 250e Easy Sequence Basic Setup.

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This video demonstrates how to setup an initial patch that will program the 250e to function as a traditional step sequencer. If you feel lost or that your 250e isn't working correctly, set it up in the following manner:

1) Set all 16 stages to "ADV" Mode. Located near the green and red "Stop" and "Start" Buttons.
2) Set all 16 stages to the same "Time Range". The button just above step 16's outer knob. If the LEDs are off then you are in MIDI clock mode and you MUST send MIDI clock to 225e. You MUST have a 225e in order to translate any MIDI into something that the 200e can use.
3) Set all 16 stages so that the inner ring of smaller blue knobs are pointing in the same direction. It doesn't matter if they are all to the right (like in this video) or all straight up or all to the left. Just set them the same in order to rule out any errors and to make things simple.
4) Make certain that you are in EDIT mode and program at least a few steps so that Pulse 1 fires from time-to-time.
5) Connect the 250e's CV 1 blue output to the black CV input jack on a principal oscillator of your choosing. I'm using a 259e in this video.
6) Turn this oscillator's SMALL blue "CV in" knob all of the way up
7) Turn this oscillator's LARGE blue "Pitch" knob all the way down and to the left.
8) Patch this oscillator's output to a channel on your 292e. This is one of the jacks at the BOTTOM of the 292e panel. The professional studio patchbay standard is Outputs over Inputs and Buchla adhere to this standard.
9) The 250e's Pulse 1 output should go to a channel of your 281e Quad Function Generator. MAKE CERTAIN THAT the 281e channel is in 'triangle' (Attack/Decay) mode. This is the one grey button at the left side of the 281e panel.
10) Set the Attack of the 281e completely to to the left
11) Set the Decay of the 281e to at least .01 or somewhere around 9 o'clock. You may have to play with this setting depending upon how fast you've set the 250e clock. If it is too short (all the way to the left) it is very possible that you won't open the 292e channel and no audio will pass.
12) Patch the BLUE output of this 281e channel to the black input of the 292e channel that you are using in step # 8 of this description.
13) Patch the output of this 292e channel to the input of your 227e, 206e, 207e or monitoring system. The output is either of the 2 audio jacks that correspond to the channel you selected to use in step # 8
14) Set the channel of the 292e to Low Pass Gate (LPG) mode. This is indicated when both green LEDs are 'off' for that channel.

15) Test the signal flow by turning the blue offset knob on the channel that you've selected in step #8. Make sure that you can see signal metering on your 227e, 206e or 207e. If there isn't any, make certain that the input channel on your 227e, 206e or 207e is turned up. If you are using headphones, slowly turn up the level on them once you see signal metering. If you are using speakers and a 227e, you must turn up the Master Volume of A&B outputs or C&D outputs. This depends upon how you've connected the rest of your monitoring chain to the 227e. The 227e's Master Outputs are the larger white knobs above input channel #4's large blue knob.

16) Turn the 292e's blue knob back down. Push the green "Start/Adv" button on the 250e. You should hear your sequence.
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks so much for doing this video. You have saved me so much time. :-)
Cheers, J


Thanks a lot! Are you still using this beauty? :) I got mine the other week and it’s inspiring video from you!


Yes, this is true. I'll fix it in the video.


hello ! have Always wondered, do the 2 cvs work independent? or do they both share the same time knob values?


Slight correction: ALL always fires :)
