The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

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Trying to get an ex back is a huge waste of time and emotional energy. You do yourself a disservice when you put them before yourself and those who care about you. So let's go over what you need to know to get yourself out of this sad situation and find happiness and love again.

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WALK AWAY AND NEVER LOOK BACK. She will or will not contact you.


Very well done Tripp! I've been there a few times myself. You nailed it perfectly for anyone in that position. I like the abundance mindset theory!


Tripp, I hope you read this comment. Thank you for this video and this advice is golden, I believe I did this subconsciously when I broke up with my GF in January. It was a very bad break up where we had a great deep relationship and then all of a sudden she broke it off and lied about everything shes ever said to me. I ended up going off of social media, facebook and instagram and stopped seeing her completely with no contact. I got back to my roots, racing cars again, and traveling again and made myself happy. I started talking to other women and dating other very beautiful women. My life feels full again and the heartache was a good lesson. Now that my ex has learned (through her other friends who have randomly seen me out in the city) about me dating other very beautiful women, living an abundant life and succeeding in business she was curious about it all and wanted to see me again. Like you said in this video, I was hesitant about seeing her again because of what the issues were in the past. I am the chooser, not the chosen. Tripp, you are a prince among men.


This is a great video Tripp. How about waiting 30 years? She and I dated for a long period in college. We ended up breaking up and moved on. She got married, I got married. Turns out she got divorced, I got divorced. By accident, we reconnected and have rekindled a great, even stronger relationship than before. We've both grown and are very happy we've found each other again.


The ultimate guide to getting your ex-girlfriend back is not trying getting her back...


Thanks tripp for this Video. I'm in this situation since exactly yesterday and I'm feeling terrible, but your video kind of showed me that everyone has to go through this.


Tripp you have an excellent standpoint and amazing job on this video. Follow up video you could make, how to get over a girl.


going to agree with you, although there are times where I miss her, I don't plan on getting back with her. I've realized that what will help me in a deeper level is to work on myself. find myself, my happiness, dependent dominance.


Why do I need a guide like this? Never go back to someone who fails you more than twice.


This 30 day BS is ridiculous. It takes way more than that for first of all - YOU to heal and then YOU to start re-attracting, etc. She also needs time. 30 days is absurd. 4 weeks goes by fast. You spend the first 4 weeks or even 8 weeks grieving. Most people are not ready to start reconnecting then


I remember this on Facebook Live it's great advice Tripp keep it up, you're the only person I trust taking it from!


I needed this video. I'm snowed in today and typically I'd be out at the gym or working. Being home doing nothing I started getting depressed and thinking of my ex. Thank you for the advice, Tripp.


Great advice here for men of all ages... Social media is the devil, get off it while your an emotional mess... Also, while your dating someone, don't text so damn much.. I got myself dumped because she texted me a lot, then she stopped, so I tried to get the texting flow going again.. Big mistake and I came off needy.. Lesson learned on my end...


Honestly, an amazing video for someone who just went through a breakup . Everyone who is sad from one and like just went through it DEFFINITLEY watch this video


Man I'm grateful for all the times with my ex. But like he said when your in a mind state of abundance you'll have a lot of connections with a lot of people she or he won't be the only person in the world for me even though the times we shared where great! :)


My ex dumped me a little over 6 months ago. I went COMPLETE no contact. holidays passed, my birthday passed, and I didn't get any sort of message or phone call. This advice isn't guaranteed to work in your favor, even when you do everything right. Oh fucking well, life goes on..


I actually feel better during this video


2 years apart after Almaty 6 together.. She hates me. It’s mind boggling. It makes no sense. Men please
Listen to him. Women are wired to punish weakness without any mercy or compassion whatsoever. Just disappear. Don’t talk to her. Don’t be nice to her. Don’t tell her u love her. Don’t try and fix anything. It’ll just make her have such contempt for you, it’ll make your head spin. And it’ll take you much much much longer to recover. If u manage to at all.


This really is the ultimate guide and best advice I've ever heard on this topic. I was getting drunk and listening to country music crying about to beg her back, but now I got my head on straight. Thanks tripp


I needed to hear this ! Thank you Tripp!
