The Technique to Catching Kingfish with Live Bait

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In this video we go offshore fishing with live bait and have a great day of catching Kingfish. We also go over the technique to catching Kingfish with live bait. Because we are using live bait we use light line and small hooks so that the bait can swim more naturally. Since we have small hooks we have to use light drags. Rather than powering in the fish like you could do for bottom fish or when you fish with bigger hooks for Mahi and Wahoo you have to guide the fish to the boat. Let the fish run and tire himself out and then steer the fish back to you when he is tired.

To understand how Kingfish feed watch the video below that shows Kingfish underwater stalking and striking live bait!


Below are some links to the hooks I like. I typically use a #6 treble hook when fishing with pogeys (menhaden) or ribbonfish. If I am using Blue Runners or Goggle Eyes in a tournament I might go up to a #4 hook though.
Most reels I use are TLD 20's. These are great all around reels though for Kingfish a reel with a faster retrieve is more ideal, like a torque, fathom, or speed master.
(Great for holding your ice longer and transporting your fish later)

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In about 10 years of making trips to the NC coast(I live 4 hours away) I have caught 7 kings off the pier. Something I learned years ago is even the patch doesn't help my sea sickness. Also I began to understand if you want big fish, you fish the pier. It seems counterintuitive, here's my 7 fish. 18.7, 28.5, 34.0, 22.1, 20.8, 22.5(shark took back foot off it) and last week 29.8.


Nice action on those kings Jerome! Awesome video!


What rig were you using? It was kind of hard to tell. Great information I always learn when I watch you and your Dad.


Alot of big Kings down here. I just got back this morning. Average 30 pounder on dron spoons. Good moon. A couple of big mahi in the mix also.


Are you using drift bags while trolling? Is that a chum bag overboard? What rig do you like to use when live bait trolling? Trolling speed? Thank you for sharing.


Do you recommend a star or lever drag for this type of trolling?


Can you troll for kings with out a down rigger?


Really enjoy your show. But you know there is nothing more satisfying than the clicker singing on the bite and nothing more irritating than it being on while fighting the fish. Just a thought


My boat is too fast for this I really just have to bump troll super slow one engine in gear makes me go 5knots
