Sheikh Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen Say 'I Don't Know' When Asked for a Fatwa!

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Sheikh Ibn Baz and Ibn Uthaymeen Say "I Don't Know" When Asked for a Fatwa!

The reason I uploaded this video was to show that there is no shame in saying "I don't know" when asked a question, especially in relation to the deen. If you were to answer, you could be lying upon Allah and his messenger. Allah says in the Quran:
ولا تقف ما ليس لك به علم إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسؤولا
And do not follow that which you have no knowledge of. Indeed, the hearing, sight, and heart will all be asked about.

Please just take a second of your time to subscribe to our channel (make sure to click the notification button) and like the video, to receive a share of the reward, as we hope to spread the message of Islam by translating video clips of the scholars from Arabic into English, as we know the Muslims desperately need those who can convey the knowledge of the scholars to them.

Make sure to share this video with Friends and Relatives so they can also benefit.

They Thought This Boy Was the Dajjal (Antichrist)! Sh. Sulayman Ar Ruhaylee:
How to Deal With Annoying People *Beautiful Advice* Sh. Abdurrazzaq Al Badr:
Story of the Buddhist Jinn with Ibn Baz:
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There is a typo in the translation at 1:45 “Is the bedouin that has been mentioned in the second hadeeth the same bedouin that was mentioned in the second hadeeth” it should be “first hadeeth”
The reason I uploaded this video was to show that there is no shame in saying "I don't know" when asked a question, especially in relation to the deen. If you were to answer, you could be lying upon Allah and his messenger. Allah says in the Quran:
ولا تقف ما ليس لك به علم إن السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسؤولا
And do not follow that which you have no knowledge of. Indeed, the hearing, sight, and heart will all be asked about.

Please just take a second of your time to subscribe to our channel (make sure to click the notification button) and like the video, to receive a share of the reward, as we hope to spread the message of Islam by translating video clips of the scholars from Arabic into English, as we know the Muslims desperately need those who can convey the knowledge of the scholars to them.

Make sure to share this video with Friends and Relatives so they can also benefit.

They Thought This Boy Was the Dajjal (Antichrist)! Sh. Sulayman Ar Ruhaylee:
How to Deal With Annoying People *Beautiful Advice* Sh. Abdurrazzaq Al Badr:
Story of the Buddhist Jinn with Ibn Baz:


May Allaah save us from speaking without knowledge


this video proves that these scholars are real scholars. they have the fear of allah in their hearts with their responses. may allah preserve them


Subhan Allah, you learn more from the Ulema saying 'I don't know' than many who speak much without any meaning


Iben Baz is the grandfather of one of my cousins, when he died I remember we prayed on him in Makkah, it feels like yesterday, time really flies by so fast. May Allah have mercy on both of them.


If you were to ask them to the laymen, especially those of them that look righteous, most of them would answer most of these questions. Subhanallah! May Allah save us from speaking about his Deen without knowledge.


and there are those kids on social media who give fatwas out just like candy


When you hear a scholar say "I don't know" in particular questions, you can assure they're confidence when they give fatwa in other questions. But when you never hear someone or da'i say "I don't know" and can answer all the questions you can't sure if they're actually answering in doubt or not.


People are too afraid to say I don't know and so quick to jump into assumptions as an answer. When I say people that includes me. We really should learn from sheikh.


Wow he made me realised how noble a scholar was ... The beauty of faith ...
Its sad that many people don't find these gems this days


May Allah grant these great scholar's Jannatul Firdaus ❤


These are the great scholars who many of the modern daees claim they follow the footsteps of, yet if you look at the arrogance and the way they conduct themselves one can hardly believe their claims. The Deen has become so commercialised its all about Institute A vs Institute B (in the West mostly). May Allah rectify the affairs of the Ummah. Barakallah for this channel it really is a 💎 🙂


Oh how wonderful is the humbleness and humility of our scholars. Yet we the ignorant layman cannot say "I don't know" out of arrogance and wonder what will people think of me. They had so much knowledge yet was never ashamed to say they didn't know something and we have no knowledge yet we act like we are something. May Allah save us and pardon us. The best thing for a layman to do is to walk the footsteps of real scholars and follow them in all the good they bring to society. May Allah keep us on the straight path.


no worries, now we have youtubers who knows everything about Islaam and even has the authority to pull people out of ...

May Allaah protect all of us !


May Allaah azza wa jalla have mercy on them, thank you for the video translation

Al Imam Malik ibn Anas, Imaam darul hijrah was one of the most respected scholars of fiqh who ever lived. Once a man came to Imam Malik from a very far distance and he asked him 40 questions. Imam Malik only answered four of them and for the rest of the 36 questions he replied, “I don’t know.”

The man was surprised and asked Imam Malik “what should I tell people about these 36 questions for which you said (I don’t know)?” Imam Malik replied that the man should tell the people that Malik says: “I don’t know, ” “I don’t know, ” “I don’t know.”

Saying I don't know is half of knowledge.
May Allah taalaa grant us ikhlaas


The fact they said I don't know is great of them it's a sign that their mostly not controlled by their ego but instead their humbleness


Wisdom shown here by scholars and they demonstrated Allah's greatness and all knowledge.


Refrain from asking useless question” is one of commends of our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW


Such a wisdom! We must learn from them and say we don't know what we don't know and teach our children to have the courage to say 'I don't know' and that there's nothing wrong in saying that.


Isn’t it so amazing how beautiful this video means with such a shockingly simple and usually unfulfilling answer of “I don’t know”. SubhanAllah, this has got to be one of my favourite pieces of content I have ever seen in regards to Q&A on Islam, I love it.
