Fish Cannot Resist This Fly! - NO-SEE-UM Fly Tying Tutorial

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In this fly tying tutorial Cheech ties one of our favorite dry fly patterns, The No-See-Um. If you have fished in Utah, you have probably heard about the Mother Shucker or the No See Um fly patterns that are great little dry flies for midge or baetis hatches. These two patterns are the products of Phil Bair here in Utah. This pattern was so effective that I now have them in all sizes and flavors from midges, baetis, PMD's and even green drakes!. It's hard to pinpoint why this pattern is so good, but I think the lack of a tail or a shuck really lets the body sit further into the water, and the wing stays nice and vertical. Whatever it is, the fish really can't resist it! Kudos to Phil on this fly!


Fly Fish Food
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I had doubts that such a simple fly would catch fish. A 16 inch brown ate my fly on my first cast on the South Platte River. I'm a believer.


Very nice tie, love simple and quick. So at 12 or 14 years of age tying (not very good) flies for myself and my dad I actually outfished my pa and his buddy (first and last time) boiling water and they could not convince a fish to take, meanwhile I was killing it. They came to investigate, turns out my little black midge hackle had come unraveled, it was a mess. Suspect the body of the fly was sinking providing me with a fantastic afternoon. Happy kid 50 years ago, maybe this will bring back my former glory. 😆


Great fly.
I found when tying the figure 8 turning the fly upside down made it much easier.


Beginner fly fisherman here (about a year). Now I wanna tie flies after seeing this video!


good day,
thanks cheeks
nice comments and nice job!
its now in the hands of solitude fly for 2023!


It's a fly that I've been using since I started flytying well over 60 years ago. Didn't know that it had a name it was something, along with lots of others that I developed over the years. It does definitely work though I can vouch for that.


I had a gentleman give me a few dries when I was a kid. Tied very similar except the hackle was a little thicker but trimmed flat on the bottom. He also gave me one with a little cdc poof and a wrap or two of hackle parachute style. No tails. Some were thread only, and some had a very very thin dubbed body. Caught fish like mad. They were sparse and with just enough lift to float them. I admired the simplicity and effectiveness. I still carry a few lightly dubbed ones in my box. I even skipped trimming by using an undersized hackle. I'll be tying a few the way you posted before my next trip.


Tying technique that I have not seen before, and on a simple fly as well. Very helpful and hard to find these days. I'll to grill, should hit everywhere. Thanks for letting out some secrets.


Caught 3 very nice fish with this pattern on the S Platte this week. Going to tie a couple dozen more in black, gray, and green. Thanks for the video!


This fly really inspired me. I've been messing around with it as a bob fly when fishing wets and had some really good success. It's just enough visual indication and it gets some pretty gnarly surface munches. Plus, they take like 2 minutes to tie. I've been doing a dubbing hot spot on the head that makes me smile.


I'm gonna tie these tonight and if they don't catch fish on the Provo tomorrow I'm coming to find you! (to pick up my online order)


Thanks, Cheech, for sharing a simple yet fishy looking pattern. I am invisioning a few color variations that might just fit the bill for the occasion at hand. Keep the good tutorials coming. God Bless n Fish on! 🐟


Phil is THE MASTER on the river 👍
Hope to see ya soon Phil ! Julie


I verbally said, "That's it?!" in disbelief. Cool technique; never seen that done!


Thank you for this nice presentation.

Definitely a tying pattern that should give good results in fast waters as in still waters, on days with or without wind, while offering good visibility of the fly.
Simplicity pays off!
It will be the next project on my tying vice !

Best Regards from 🇨🇵 !


Deadly fly for the afternoon Trico emergence last season up here on the Bow river, in late July through
August. On many days this fly out fished my best Trico spent spinner patterns through the morning spinner fall as well. I dip them in FlyAgra and let them dry for 24 hours.


Just the idea of how to get a nice upright wing tied that simple is excellent. Thanks


Thank you I’m always up for learning something new I haven’t seen that technique before great video


I have many close variations of this fly and they all work. Tightlines


Hell of a flavor saver you've grown there! Subbed for the beard action.
