God's Real Gospel 030918: God's Gospel of Exclusion tells the truth & doesn't care who likes it

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Arizona Deliverance Center
3342 N. 15th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85015
(S. of Osborn Rd., w. of 15th Ave.)
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God Bless You Sir!
The Church Of Christ Needs Sound Doctrine!
We don't look for numbers but Stable Disciples that Replicate the Ministry Of Christ


Thanks mike for the sermon of the week


A birthday party with the in laws present sounds like a very special treat.You are indeed blessed beyond measure brother Mike.I just turned 65 last month so I am slightly more over the hill.


Brother Mike
I am an expat from US in Australia. I had the great privilege to attend Hillsong's City Campus in Sydney for the first 3 years after I came to Australia. I love your ministry and have been watching your videos and recommending them ever since I found your channel.
I think you should reconsider your stance on Hillsong. They undergo tremendous persecution in this secular, socialist society. I have sat in sermons at Hillsong where a reporter has twisted the pastors words and published lies and twisting the pastors words. I took a 20 minute bus on Sunday mornings and people would be on the bus with me on their way to other churches. The conversations would come to an abrupt halt if you mentioned you were going to Hillsong. When they would complain about Hillsong, I learned to ask if they'd ever been to a Hillsong campus. One hundred percent of the time, they had never visited any Hillsong campus, but were giving opinions from secular papers and their opinion. I would challenge them to visit just one time.

They do preach the Gospel. This place is a huge melting pot and many young people come here and visit Hillsong and have life-changing encounters with God and His people.
My husband and I are involved in powerful deliverance ministry and we serve a lot of Hillsong Bible College students. You have such a good ministry, you don't need to rag on other Godly ministries. They are not a sham. Hillsong, Ray Comfort, and Tommy Barnett are labourers in the field...please, we know there will be issues because of the 'human'factor'. If you haven't walked with these brothers, please don't criticize. They are furthering the Kingdom. I certainly would not listen to them rag on you
Not everybody receives their message of Jesus as the only way and they come under persecution. That shouldn't be coming from us, unless you KNOW their life and heart. Keep preaching, delivering and healing to further Jesus' kingdom.


the singing around of the sound from mic to speakers can be filtered out by using a equalizer


THIS VERSE—1 Cor. 14:34—quotes a Jewish ordinance (i.e., a Tradition of man, not God) which taught that women were NOT PERMITTED to teach in their assemblies, or even to ask questions. The rabbis further taught that “a woman should know nothing but the use of her distaff.” As delivered by Rabbi Eliezar in Bammidbar Rabba (see 9, fol. 204), we read thus: “Let the words of the law be burned, rather than that they should be delivered to women.”

This was the prevailing condition till Jesus came, died, rose from the dead, and ascended back into heaven. Then the prophecy of Joel (2:28, 29) came to pass: “…I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh (Jew/Gentile); and your sons AND YOUR DAUGHTERS shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: and also upon the servants and upon THE HANDMAIDS in those days will I POUR OUT MY SPIRIT.” The word “prophesy” also means “TEACH.” First Corinthians 11:5 is proof of this: “But every woman that prayeth OR PROPHESIETH…”

In the Jewish synagogues it was permitted FOR MEN to ask questions, to object, altercate, refute, etc.; but this liberty was not permitted for women.

We know that Paul refutes the Jewish Rabbinical (Traditional) law quoted in 14:34-35, following in line with his “train of thought” from chapter 7, verse 1 — “Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me, ‘It is good for a man not to touch a woman.’” From 7:1, Paul touches on several questions (or matter- of-facts!) that the zealots had written to him. Go thru those chapters (7-14) and pick out the subject matter (questions/matter-of-facts), and see how Paul answers them…one-by-one. In 1 Cor. 14:34, 35, he quotes the Jews’ “matter-of-fact” “Let your women keep silence in the churches.”

INTERESTING FACT!!: In the Interlinear Greek/English Bible, we find the standalone Greek letter eta (used twice in v. 36). It looks like this ἤ. Greek scholars debate the use of this letter. They claim that ἤ has two possible markings that cause it to be translated with either the English word “or, ” or with the English equivalent of what we mean when we make this sound with our mouths: This means: “That’s ridiculous!” or “Are you kidding me?!” or “NONSENSE!”

According to those of us who understand that vv. 34, 35 are not Paul’s original words, but those of Jewish zealots, the latter meaning is correct: “What? came the Word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?” (English). Now look at the Greek:

The Law.tif
We know that the original Greek text had no markings, so the translation of ἤ must be made by translators based on other facts than the markings of the Greek letter. Context is the key.
Paul was resisting the Corinthian Jews who were zealous for the Traditional law; therefore, here is how our texts read using the proper translation of ἤ:

“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the ekklesias of the saints. (Would you like an example?) ‘The women are to keep silent in the churches; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. If women desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in the church.’ Such nonsense! Do you Jews who practice this believe the Word of God comes from you only? Do you believe the Word of God comes to you only? If anyone wishes to think himself a prophet or spiritual, let that person recognize that the things I HAVE WRITTEN TO YOU are the Lord’s commandment (not what the Jews, zealous for the Traditional laws, are teaching).”

Let us also remember that the original texts had no punctuation, no chapters, etc.; so we don’t fully know when
