The CAPRICORN Philosophy (Jupiter 10th) | How You Attract GOOD LUCK & FORTUNE | Hannah’s Elsewhere

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In today's video we are taking a look at the CAPRICORN Philosophy, as we discuss the Jupiter in Capricorn Placement within the Natal Birth Chart. This can also resonate if you have JUPITER IN THE 10TH HOUSE!

We will address how you attract good luck and fortune, how you teach and share your knowledge/truth with others, and how you turn situations into opportunity for growth and expansion.

Hope you enjoy!

The eBook breaks everything down and it also provides real life examples as to how the Archetype of Sagittarius plays out within everyday life. The purpose of the eBook is to help you cultivate your own Sagittarius energy, Jupiter energy and Ninth House energy, which in turn can help you feel more empowered and energized. It also touches on the Sagittarius/Jupiter/Ninth House Interception in the Natal Birth Chart as well.

I hope you find it to be helpful, and that you can also use it practically and constructively.

As always, feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions down below!

Thanks for watching!



♫Music By♫
●KINO - Nebula


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My name is Hannah! I'm Northern Irish and I make videos about Astrology. I want to use astrology as a practical tool, as a way to help others understand it, whilst also demonstrating how others can apply it to their everyday lives. If you want to stay up to date with my content then please be sure to click the SUBSCRIBE button! That way we can learn together!

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Рекомендации по теме

Wow this resonated a lot with me! I know that I experience higher vibrations in life when I'm following the rules and bettering others. I'm also a number 8 life path, does anyone else find numerology interesting?


Perfectly explains my life. Alchemy and using the struggles to your advantage. Amazing Hannah! ❤️


You are a gift Hannah! Thank you for sharing this video.


My Astrological placements as puppet characters trying to influence my every decision in my life:
Jupiter in Cap 10th house: You must follow the rules if you want to succeed in life

Everyone else
Aries Rising: OH HELL NO, i wanna do it MY WAY!
Scorpio 8th house stellium: But WHY do we have to follow the rules? * Perseid's to break taboos *
Aquarius Moon 11th House: Did you say FELLOW the
Pisces Sun & Mercury 12th house: Says nothing
Me: Would you guys just SHUT THE FUCK UP and let me make MY own decision???
All of them but Pisces Placements: NO Silver, you NEED us....
* Goes into mind altering trance because astrological placement puppets have made me a MK Ultra sleeper cell agent *
Me: will


This... makes sense for me. My dad primarily although not in my life as much wanted me to do so many things. I didn't want to but when I did. There was ALWAYS a positive outcome that helped me out in life and in my growth.


Capricorns are the best:)
Capricorn dad will never hesitate to make fun of their kids. You know Fathers have a positive influence on children’s abilities, on their well-being and social skills.
In my experience Capricorn dad doesn’t set a bad example for his children about what love looks like, about how family should be treated and show his children what respect really means.
He would never lose his temper in a way that becomes scary. No matter how mad he gets, he doesn’t raise his voice or lash out at anyone. I can only hope to be more like him as I grow older and older( like father, like son)

A Capricorn dad puts his children before himself and does whatever it takes to care for his kids, because they mean everything to him.
No matter how busy or stupid my problems were or how many times I mess up he always made time for me.I never have to worry;p
That is why Capricorn you’re my father. My one and only father. No one can ever replace you as a father in my life ♑
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Jupiter in 12th House Capricorn here - this resonated a lot, grateful for the video.


Best constructive video on this placement. Ty.


Rick Levine has this placement, too. And me. LOL


I do need authority in my life. Not to be responsible or work more, but to make me, idk, eat, sleep, rest :D


Very informative content. Excellent insight on this placement. You're very consistent, great job.


This video is spot on. Cap sun, aries rising, jupiter in cap 11th house placidus and 10th house whole sign


Jupiter standing in Aquarius standing together with Sun in Pisces. I really feel that im very responsible on my field of profession. 😊


Hi Hannah I love ur videos u are so beautiful and your gentle way of telling it!!! <3 t


All of this was really informative and well explained! Thank you. I do have a problem though with expecting payment for all of the tasks and assistance I give. I wonder if it's the mars and Venus in aquarius in my 10th that is hindering my ability to actually make the assets I give away for free lucrative.


Both me and my grand father both have Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Scorpio


I thought about it, and maybe I can see my jupiter in capricorn in the sense that that, even though jupiter is in my 5th house and rules my 5th house cusp, I had a very difficult childhood and my childhood was so difficult that I enjoy the simple pleasures as an adult.


Jupiter in Aquarius in the tenth house. I’m not quite sure how differently Aquarius influence this placement


Me & Mark Zukerberg have ALOT of the same placements just different sun, rising, mercury and moon. Everything else the same lol


jupiter in scorpio in tenth house conjunct midheaven and mercury😛

i love your take on this
