Unknown Mind Blowing Facts About Nelsan Ellis || Pastimers

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Nelsan Ellis achieved breakout success playing the role of Lafayette on the hit HBO vampire series 'True Blood.'Born in Harvey, Illinois, in 1978, actor Nelsan Ellis trained at the Juilliard School in New York City.

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This was a lovely tribute. Nelson played one of my most favorite character of all time when he morphed into Lafayette on True Blood. He's said to be a very nice, kind person and the world certainly needs more people like him. He will be deeply missed.


Nelsan's talent was so vast..he had so much range. i found his acting when I saw him on True Blood, and fell in love with the series, partly because of him. I'm so glad the show's writers realized what an amazing talent they had on their hands and didn't kill Lafayette off in Season 1 as they had originally planned. Nelsan gave such strength, dignity, and depth of character to Lafayette, and as a lesbian myself, I must say, he represented our community so unspeakably wonderfully during a time when LGBT characters were finally coming out of the role they'd been assigned to, either the effeminent friend, or the tortured soul, but still had to deal with the stereotype, being very one dimensional. When Nelsan revealed in an interview with The Advocate that he was straight, I was floored! A statement he made when the actor who had originally played Jessica's love interest, James, in the fifth season, quit after he learned that if he stayed on, he'd have to 'play gay' in a scene with Nelsan, Nelsan answered back in a statement that was as dead on as it was poetic. He said "he doesn't want to stay on because he would have to do a gay love scene..let me ask him this..'how are you going to react if your daughter comes to you ten years from now and tells you she's gay?' ". Let me tell you, when I read that, I started clapping loudly...which, it turns out, gives the unsuspecting people sitting next to you at the library internet hub a heart attack!..sorry guys, forgot where i was at, lol. By the way, if you want to see him in a straight role, and you happen to be a horse lover like myself, watch Secretariat, and then go look up the guy he played..the resemblance was errie!


two actors I miss greatly.... Robin Williams and Nelsan Ellis.


I feel in love with True Blood because of him.


His character's strength in True Blood helps me in real life. Your brain doesn't care where it learns life skills, even if it's from a TV show or great person.


He was my favorite character in true blood and I’m straight. He always had the story plots and twists and you never knew what he was gonna say next. He played that character to perfection. I always thought he would be so many other HBO shows after his great acting it’s sad and a shame he lost his battle at just 39 he was truly talented.


Yes This was indeed a Very Beautiful Tribute to Nelsan😚😚...May He Rest in Peace and His Spirit Soar with His Family in Paradise...I Just Love His Natural Deep Voice Soooo Sexy😚😚❤


Why did I not even hear about this? So sad


Wow, Illinois, Harvey. Come én Chicagolands. He really was great though. Loved him en True Blood


played Bobby Byrd in, , get up ..James Brown movie


right off the bat, #1 is false
he was born in 1977
