ORCISH BOWMASTERS WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH! Mono Black Shadow (Death's Shadow Tempo- Legacy MTG)

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I play a Magic: the Gathering Online Legacy league with a unique version of Mono Black Death's Shadow. This version seeks to go under many of the decks in the format. By not playing Death's Shadow, you have room for more disruption and Street Wraith to increase the power of your Reanimates. This deck weeks well positioned in the Wilds of Eldraine (WOE) metagame featuring lots of Beseech the Mirror combo decks. Death's Shadow is typically Dimir (UB) in Legacy, but this build also feels strong since the Grief core is so good.

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Decklist: Look, I might have accidentally deleted it...my bad

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0:00 Deck Tech
3:56 Round 1
19:23 Round 2
32:35 Round 3
43:02 Round 4
53:59 Round 5
1:05:46 Conclusion

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Hey Phil! I'm your round one opponent. A few counterpoints to your commentary...

5:29 I had already had done the clunky Brainstorm the prior turn and not seen a land. I had Brainstorm and Ponder, and if I found land number 3 I had the game won. I was just looking to maximize looks at land number three, but whiffed.

13:51 I didn't want a Surgical in the Void to be used against me. It seemed SO likely the followup with the extra floating black was a discard spell on the heels of Dauthi. The fact that it functioned as casting Peek was secondary.

17:12 Grizzledaddy going to the Void after a bottom-bottom on the scry was bad luck, but I have zero complaint equity after raw-dogging the Archon off the top for exactly lethal the game prior.


EDIT: I went back and watched the replay, given some of the comments left here. For G1:I Brainstorm in response to the Reanimate on the Troll to see if I can dig up countermagic. My hand at that time is Brainstorm, Sea Gate, Ponder, Archon. I Brainstorm into another Brainstorm, Show and Tell, and Diabolic Vision, putting back Archon and S&T to hide from further pitchcast discard effects. I redraw S&T, then need to Brainstorm back Archon and find a land. That Brainstorm drew Emrakul, Griselbrand, and Archon, putting back Grizzle and Emrakul. Ponder sees Emrakul and Grizzle again, plus a Show and Tell. Shuffle returns a second Diabolic Vision. Next turn I draw a Drifter. Phil casts kicked Tourach and hits my S&T and Drifter, leaving me with 2 Diabolic Vision plus Archon, and 2 blue lands in play. In hindsight, I had an out of drawing exactly Brainstorm, casting it into exactly a one of Ancient Tomb, S&T, and Omni, putting back the two Diabolic Vision, playing Tomb, tapping it and the other blue source (going to 2 life) to cast S&T, put in Omni, Omnicast Archon (going to 5 life, killing Tourach, and drawing back a Diabolic Vision), casting Diabolic Vision, finding something good to keep the party going like Emrakul or the other Archon. Mind you, left in the 48 card deck at this point are: 2 Brainstorms, 1 Ancient Tomb, 3 S&T, 3 Omni. My math has that as 0.00231267%


50:17 If you block with Death's Shadow they don't die because your life total is lowered by the attack and damage will be checked against the new toughness.


Feels like there should be 1 shockland in the deck. There were many times where Swampcycling or fetching one would have helped you play your Shadow 1-2 turns before.


At 50:00 you don't have a swamp in play to take the snuff out line you were talking about


It's funny to see how my, and I think other's, preference in decks has moved along this weird continuum where we start liking mono-colored as beginners because it's simple, realize multicolored is actually really cool and gives you way more flexibility, and then eventually come back around to mono-colored for sheer consistency and deck focus. I'm mainly thinking of things like this deck or mono-red prison just being such powerhouses in no small part because you get to remove basically all manabase issues.


@54:09 "I'm really enjoying playing this deck, by the way..." Of course you are! Mono-B, baby!!!


As it turns out, a lot of decks don't care about black Raise the Alarm.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m R4G2 if you block the shadows don’t die since damage all happens at the same time


I understand the deckbuilder’s sentiment. That spicy taxes list I was talking to you about walled UB Shadow’s bowmasters with just a Charming Prince (not exactly legacy’s allstar) for enough time begin that taxy grind.


52:41 I've never felt a fuck so hard. Peak comedy.


Its funny, while mono black shadow doesnt really want to play bowmasters, i think its very happy to be in a format where everyone else is running a pinger that will help turn on shadow for them


The reaction to the second M&B match 4 sent me😂


50:10 you had lethal block 2 creatures with death's shadows, go to 2, death's shadows don't die because they have 11 toughness. Your turn fetch puts both to 12 power, they have 1 blocker. 1 card from monarch shouldn't be enough to save them.


this deck looks affordable, might consider getting into legacy with it. looks good



Words can't describe the beauty of that hand and that game state. Absolute monoblack perfection

Also - 31:19

I think taking the Grindstone gives you the most time in this scenario and having the powder keg which can blow up both painter's servants at 2 means leaving them with Painter + Grindstone is even less appealing, but I don't think there was any out that didn't involve sub-optimal sequencing from you opponent. They had you in check on turn 1 and that's a shame


R1G2 I was screaming at my screen to play around archon of cruelty by not cycling street wraith lol


I saw turn 2 of game 2 and immediately thought a one of Watery Grave would have allowed you to play shadow that turn.


I imagine 1 copy of a black shock land could be useful to be able to find life loss from swampcycling.


i follow the no bow logic, but i think dauthi is like an even more extreme version of the stated issue. ig its for thoughtseize shenanigans?? i def have never liked it as a generic creature regardless, and i like it a lot less than bowmasters


Should you have 1 shock land in the deck for the ability to fetch and get below 13 life or fetch as a combat trick?
