Kingdom Hearts 3 | Let's Hear Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World of Tres- Released Now! [4K 60FPS]

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Composer: Yoko Shimomura, Tsuyoshi Sekito, Randy Newman, Takeharu Ishimoto.

Distributed by: Square Enix

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Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Рекомендации по теме

Since I'm crazy, here's timestamps for y'all. Not just the main tracks, but each individual track within them as well.
Music within music awaits you, as Ansem would so confusingly put it.
0:20 _Dearly Beloved_ (Kingdom Hearts 3 Edition)

Music from _Kingdom Hearts_
3:00 Destati
3:50 Destiny Islands
4:40 Traverse Town
5:17 Hand in Hand
6:25 Friends in My Heart

Music from _Re: Chain of Memories_
8:07 Scent of Silence
9:23 Castle Oblivion

Music from _Kingdom Hearts 2_
10:47 Twilight Town
12:31 Working Together
13:47 Radiant Garden
14:53 Cavern of Remembrance
15:40 Deep Anxiety

Music from _358/2 Days_
16:54 Critical Drive
18:24 Sacred Moon
19:49 Musique pour la Tristesse de Xion / Vector to the Heavens

22:30 Pretty Pretty Abilities from _Re: Coded_

Music from _Birth by Sleep_
24:33 The Worlds
25:31 Dearly Dreams (Mirage Arena)
26:50 Destiny's Union
27:52 Night in the Dark Dream
29:40 Night of Tragedy

Music from _Dream Drop Distance_
31:03 Dream Eaters
31:50 Sweet Spirits
32:25 Majestic Wings
33:53 Link to All

Music from Another Time (Union Cross, 0.2 BBS)
35:10 Hand in Hand
36:18 Foreteller's Case
37:54 Wave of Darkness

Diabolical Bash
39:25 Destiny's Force
40:49 Shrouding Dark Cloud
41:54 The Fight for My Friends
42:27 Vim and Vigor
43:12 The Encounter
44:22 Another Side
45:07 Unforgettable
46:14 Rage Awakened
47:12 L'Impeto Oscuro
49:00 Not a number, but watch that conductor end this 10 minute masterpiece in style

49:18 _Face My Fears_ (Orchestra Version)

Symphonic Suite 1: _Of Gods and Toys_
53:34 Thebes / Olympus' Cliffs
54:56 Thebes (Battle Theme)
56:26 The Ocean Between
56:59 Gummi Ship (Starlight Way)
57:53 Gummi Ship Battle
59:08 You've got a Friend in Me (Toy Box overworld)
1:01:08 Toy Box (Battle)
1:02:39 King of Toys

Symphonic Suite 2: _Tangled with Scares_
1:03:53 Kingdom of Corona (Overworld)
1:05:00 Kingdom of Corona (Battle)
1:06:20 Gummi Ship (Misty Stream)
1:07:08 Monstropolis (Overworld)
1:07:50 Monstropolis (Battle)

Symphonic Suite 3: _A Frozen Fracas_
1:09:31 Arendelle (Overworld)
1:11:06 Arendelle (Battle)
1:12:29 Desire for All that is Lost (Arendelle Version)
1:14:03 Sköll / Grim Guardianesse

Symphonic Suite 4: _A Pirate's Tale_
1:15:56 Caribbean (Overworld)
1:17:29 Caribbean (Sailing)
1:18:45 Caribbean (Battle)
1:20:06 Titan / Kraken
1:21:20 Duel with Davy Jones

Symphonic Suite 5: _A Hero's Journey_
1:23:04 San Fransokyo (Overworld)
1:24:12 San Fransokyo (Battle)
1:25:12 Gummi Ship (The Eclipse)
1:26:15 Gummi Ship (Boss)
1:27:23 The Final World
1:28:47 The Keyblade Graveyard
1:30:31 Scala Ad Caelum (Battle)

Overture to the Decisive Battle
1:33:30 Rage Awakened (Terra-Xehanort Version)
1:35:30 Enter the Darkness
1:36:51 The Other Promise
1:37:24 Vector to the Heavens
1:38:13 Ansem, Xemnas, Young Xehanort
1:40:06 Master Xehanort

1:42:45 _Simple and Clean_ (Orchestra Version)

1:46:40 _Don't Think Twice_ (Orchestra Version)


best moment is when Young Xehanort snaps his fingers to You Got A Friend In Me


Conductor definitely had a blast. She made me smile :)


The conductor is my favorite part of this. She seems to really enjoy the music, and is definitely having a blast. Wish I could have been there in person.


1:00:17 Even Young Xehanort wanted to snap along!


I was in the concert in Paris and when they started to play Don't Think Twice orchestra and the video showed the relationship of Sora and Kairi through the entire saga, I cried. The crowd gone crazy at the ending, huge applause for Shimomura and the band. Unforgettable.


I love that the conductor is really feeling the music. She's really getting into it.


Rest In Peace to everyone who couldn’t make it to see KH3 release :(


I wonder how many of the musicians played the games are actually into KH. If I was in this orchestra as a musician, I would be so happy to play the music of my favorite series.


I wish I could've attended this concert in person. The music of Kingdom Hearts is just so beautiful and hearing it as part of an orchestra would've made me cry manly tears just from all the memories I have wrapped up in this series.


I cried a lot while this was playing. Not because I'm sad or anything but it's so full of memories and beauty.


I saw this last year with my mom and I remember when it got to 'Friends in My Heart'. I started crying. My mom looked at me and went "are you crying already!?"

When we finished intermission and they started playing 'Face My Fears' I think I almost left my seat I cheered so hard!


47:46 that's the most hypest thing in the world VIOLIN SOLO, and also I'm quite confused why they didn't show much of Young Xehanort in the footage since its essentially his theme


Well worth the extra $10. The thing about it is, Kingdom Hearts has (in my opinion) the best or definitely top 5 in any movie or videogame of the best musical scores out there. Definitely a must have for any die hard fans of the series like myself. Top notch stuff from these fine men and women.


24:47 this is the most beautiful thing ive ever heard actually. holy fucking shit guys go full volume in headphones or speakers like omg


Anytime those violin strings are heard, someone is about to get their teeth kicked in.


Xion 😭😭😭❤️❤️ and by the way I love that conductor 😂😂😂 she’s sooo into it 😂😂


1:42:44 Simple and Clean. This theme song is the best :)


I'm just a simple guy, I see Kingdom hearts then I click.


Im 37 now but simple and clean orchestrated instrumental still gives me instantly transported to the kh2 trailer.. i was so hyped for that.
