GCSE Maths AQA 2020 Paper 3 Higher Tier Walkthrough [June 2020 / November 2020]

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A complete walk through of AQA GCSE Maths June 2020 Higher Tier - Paper 3 calculator (listed on AQA website as November 2020). Help revise for the 8300 new specification 9-1 mathematics exams and your mock. This walkthrough tutorial has full solutions to each question, so you can use it like a mark scheme.

Choose to watch the whole walkthrough, or use the handy timestamps below to jump straight to the questions you want help with:

0:00:00 - Intro
0:02:10 - Q 1 - Venn Diagram set notation
0:03:21 - Q 2 - Equation of a straight line
0:04:07 - Q 3 - Expressing one number as a percentage of another
0:04:57 - Q 4 - Probability
0:05:45 - Q 5 - Limits of accuracy
0:07:39 - Q 6 - Construction - Angle bisector
0:09:23 - Q 7 - Pythagoras Theorem
0:10:35 - Q 8 - Distance-time graph - finding speeds and distances
0:13:44 - Q 9 - Similar triangles
0:15:28 - Q10 - Expanding single brackets.
0:16:41 - Q11 - Relative frequency, completion and expected number of successes.
0:18:46 - Q12 - Median from a frequency table with simultaneous equations
0:22:32 - Q13 - Algebraic fractions
0:25:48 - Q14 - Percentage increase/decrease
0:32:05 - Q15 - Solving linear inequalities
0:33:58 - Q16 - Estimated mean fom grouped frequncy table
0:36:28 - Q17 - Forming and solving linear equations with geometry
0:40:31- Q18 - Compound units - converting imperial to metric
0:43:36 - Q19 - Inequalities - Regions
0:44:50 - Q20 - Box plots
0:48:31 - Q21 - Circle Theorems
0:51:39 - Q22 - Probability - tree diagrams
0:55:58 - Q23 - Vectors
0:59:50 - Q24 - Rates of change - gradients of tangents
1:03:21 - Q25 - Equation of a Circle
1:04:35 - Q26 - Converting recurring decimals to fractions
1:06:48 - Q27 - Using completed square form to find turning point of a quadratic equation
1:07:56 - AD - Mr Tompkins Tutors
1:08:42 - Q28 - Finding the equation of a straight line given its gradient and a point
1:12:29 - Q29 - Trigonometry in non-right-angled triangles (Cosine Rule & Area) with area of a semi-circle
1:19:06 - Q30 - Functions
1:23:02 - Outro

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The solutions to these practice papers are my own and have not been provided or approved by AQA. There may be other methods of solution possible than the ones I have shown here.
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Message to everyone watching this : Watch any pop up ads in its entirety, Mr Tompkins deserves it for saving my grades


thank you vry much sir tody i did the last paper and i feel confident thanks to your videos your right the past papers did help thank you very much i appreciate it


sir, to have your videos is amazing. I don't know how you don't have more subscribers yet.


sir do you think its possible to go from grade 5 maths to a 7 mininum by the end? I do so good in class work but in papers, i find it hard to apply the knowledge and i really need maths for a levels.


can u do an explained topic video for the new advanced topics for aqa maths


Sir, on Q24) you made the tangent and the two points you picked one is (2, 7) and the other you picked is (5, 12) how is it (5, 12) when it’s 1 above on (5, 10) y axis


Sir, 49:44, question 21(b) solution is wrong. In fact, there is no correct answer in this question, as both answers "Yes" and "No" are equally wrong. Correct answer is "not enough data to say". In your solution (which is also the one suggested in the marking sheet) you only check a _necessary_ condition, which means that X *could* indeed be the centre. But this is not enough to say whether X *is* the center. In fact, if we draw a circumscribed circle around ΔCXD, then any point Y on CXD arc would give us ∠CYD=156°, which is double the angle ∠CED. Would that make them all centers of the original circle? Of course, no.
So there is a blatant logical error there, which was quite shocking for me to find in a national school qualification paper.


can do a explained topic video for the new advanced topics for aqa maths like topic by topic sir


for question 12, could you explain why the median is 26+1/2, so sorry just got a bit lost and confused as to why the one s being adding and where the 3.5 comes from


Sir at 31:48 I labelled in my working L2 (where the two is below the L, can't type it in Youtube - indicating length) instead of old length. I did the same P2, W2, P1, W1, L1. Would that be fine?


For the last question i instead used 1/2x - 1/2x^2 which i thne simplified to 1/2x - 1/4x and forgot about the need to square the x also and my final equation was 2x=1/4x and i got 8 how much marks would i get?


Piz make a video on how to transition videos name into English like if you find a random video and it in different language can you make a video how to transfer the language in English piz


Truly the best videos out there for paper walkthroughs. Done p1 and p2, just have the final paper 3 higher tomorrow. You have really helped me out so much, thank you. 🫶🏻
