Stanley Said WHAT?! | UNBELIEVABLE: Andy Stanley vs. Jeff Durbin

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Hey friends, this one was highly requested! Let's take a look at a debate between Andy Stanley and Jeff Durbin on the issue of unhitching ourselves from the Old Testament. Stanley claimed Christians should do this and sparked the debate that we are about to see. But who made the better arguments? Who is better supported by Scripture? Is this a debate teacher reaction or a pastor reacts?? Let's find out :)

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I like to unhitch myself from bad preaching.


Anyone unhitching their faith from the OT isn't grounded in the NT.


You can't get to Jesus without the Old Testament. This is why we have things like "red-letter Christians" who throw out most of the New Testament. It's broad a slippery slope, while constricted is the way to life.

Jesus lives ♥️ and is God 🙏🏻 Christ ✝️ and King 👑


He came not to refute, but to fulfill.


I've been a Christian for 53 years. The first 40 years were spent attending a charismatic church where the main focus was the power of the Holy Spirit. The past 13 years I attended a Calvary Chapel church, where the Bible is taught chapter by chapter, verse by verse. I can absolutely attest to the Word coming alive by knowing the whole Word of God! I've learned more in these past 13 years than I learned the entire first 40 of my Christian walk.The OT brings deep understanding to why Jesus came in the flesh, what it meant to the Jews and what His death and resurrection means to me. Without it, I had very little understanding of why He had to die. Understanding the full story has given me that understanding, and it has given me a peek into the incredible heart of the God I worship, of His amazing love, forbearance, grace, mercy, justice, wrath, and PATIENCE. Jesus makes appearances all through the OT. He is the same there as He is in the NT! I don't at all get Andy Stanley's insistence that we "unhitch" from the OT, unless it's his way of separating himself from the Law, which would explain how he has become so morally unhinged. SO sad! I listened to his dad, Charles Stanley, on the radio daily for years. What a faithful man of God he was; how disappointed and heart-broken he would be in his son today. :(


“And he said to them, “O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭25‬-‭27‬ ‭ESV‬‬


I was flabbergasted when I heard my FIL say something similar about the OT. That it was just a bunch of fairy tales and we didn’t really need it. I dunno how people come to this conclusion, but you can’t really fully understand the NT without the foundation lain by the OT. It’s no wonder that Paul was an expert on OT, and ended up writing about a third of the NT.


This wasn't a debate this is proof you can't trust Stanley


Opinions can be politely listened to, but is not the foundation of our faith. Our faith is based on the scriptures, both OT and NT, a symbiotic relationship leading to the revelation of Jesus Christ. Grace!


Stanley is now more influenced by Sam Harris books (from his own mouth) than he is the Word of God. Pray for that man...


I find that Luke 24 helps me out here. In one of his first acts after resurrection he meets the two men on the road to Emmaus and does what?

“And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭27‬

And then what happens to the men he was talking to?

“They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying, “The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24‬:‭32‬-‭34‬ ‭

Jesus explicitly used the Scriptures as the foundation for proving himself to be the risen messiah. And it was through opening the scriptures that they found their hearts burning. Talk about irresistible!

If it’s good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.


Lot of pastors are not teach much Old Testament, I know my coworker asked me why study Old Testament, I told her that she need to ready and study whole Bible. It is all connected so believers in Christ need to study old and new.


Stanley was way out of his league in this debate


I'm an Aussie and the the pastor we have is a US import, andy he was bit of a Stanley fan and would have his videos on the rare ocasion he couldn't preach, I had a word with him about Stanley and he was defensive of him so I sent him a link to a piece by Albert Mohler talking about this topic and we haven't had one of Stanley's videos since.


It is time to “unhitch” from these egomaniacs that believe their word is above the Word.


Almost like Andy is actually trying to prove he is very smart but he has unbelief in his heart.


Thank you for reacting to this one Nate! I grew up in a church community that regularly taught that the OT was was a neat series of histories and stories that just led up to the work of the cross but had virtually no application to the believer of today. Now thanks to being able to go on a video platform like this and hear many perspectives and taking the time to voluntarily step back and examine exactly what I believe and WHY I believe it, I've had no other conclusion than a massive strengthening of my faith because the God of the OT is the very same God of the NT. And littered throughout all scripture is this, "I the LORD do not change." This tells me that the scriptures we have are one entirely perfect chronicling of a single unified story. We will never fully understand the full Gospel until we understand why God established the Levitical system and how Christs sacrifice as high priest is a perfected representation of that very system. The Levitical system did not have an answer for outright rebellion or open sin other than being cut off or being put to death because animals could not atone for those kinds of failures. Christs shedding of blood was the final solution to the problem of intentional sin, iniquity, and transgression. Blessings to you and all who hear the message of the Gospel!


The old testament is the new testament concealed. The new testament is the old testament revealed.


I really missed you evaluating debates.


I am very blessed to have come across Micheal Heiser before he passed. No one has unlocked the beauty of the OT like he did. He was the first person I heard say that the NT is mostly a commentary on the OT. It brings out the mysteries found there to reveal the King Himself, Christ. And His secret mission to save humanity. A profound supernatural epic of love and family. It's very frustrating to me that many catholics and now even protestants say the early church had no bible. Are you kidding?? The entire hebrew bible was in nearly every temple!

Anyway. Nate! God bless you for preaching bible literacy! The most needed thing in the church is knowing what we claim we believe! How can we even begin to perform the great commission if we dont even know the scripture as the writers intended us to know it?! Unhitching from Gods word is literally the first ingredient to heresy.