Attorney: Manhattan jury pool selection 'tough' for Trump

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"A lot of times in criminal law, you play for the fumble," says William J. Brennan, who represented the Trump Organization in the fraud case before the same New York judge as the hush money case. "If you get one juror is a holdout that hung jury can really be a game changer.....but I think it's tougher when the defendant is this particular defendant and it's just the island of Manhattan that provides the potential jury pool." #CNN #News
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If you don't want to get tried in New York City, don't commit crimes in New York City.


You can try to defend a turd, but you won't convince anyone that it doesn't stink.


So, by saying your client can't get a fair trial with Manhattan residents, you're admitting that he committed so many egregious acts against the city everyone knows he's a crook? There's no way this will ever play out as a completely unbiased trial base. Either you're in an area that knows he's a criminal or an area that knows he's a criminal and doesn't care because they are part of his cult. Suck it up and deal with the fact that you're being charged in New York and that's where it has to be done.


Tell your client to stop committing crimes in a City he thinks he isn't liked in.


I can't stand Trump, BUT, I am very much into the letter of the law, AND "innocent till proven guilty." So, I believe I could be a very fair juror. Therefore, I feel confident there are good solid people in Manhattan who can make up a jury of Trump's peers.


I can't WAIT for the day where we finally don't hafta listen to these trump sycophants being interviewed on the news anymore, as if they'll ever tell the truth/say anything of value


Sane people can make fair decisions in a jury. I was the foreman of a jury concerning a truck driver once, and I'm a truck driver. We all listened, and we all came to the same decision, not guilty. The other jurors voted before I did, and no juror ever felt that I would play favorites for the driver because we both were in the trucking business.


The dude goes on national TV to cry about his woes while lashing out at the people making decisions over his fate, forgetting that he's bragged about his crimes either out in the open or on a hot mic. He's a dumpster fire next to a paper mill during a drought. Of course it's going to be hard to find a favorable jury.


A jury of his peers = his fellow New Yorkers. The people who have known exactly who and what Trump is for longest. 😅


The jury SHOULD HAVE BEEN Congress, and they SHOULD HAVE BEEN fair ... but they absolutely were NOT. They voted along party lines, ignoring the factual truth that he is a traitor and a criminal and should have been convicted..

Now we all have to deal with the fallout. Partisan politics won out over sense, law, and democracy.


Cohen will have zero problems on the stand.


Defendant Trump doesn't have the cojones to repeat what he says outside the courtroom on the stand in court without pleading the fifth. Trump talk is cheap.


Here is hoping that the Jurors will be just and fair - lock him up and throw away the key! The Mango Mussolini has "never" been held accountable!


A couple of things the lawyers left out: firstly if the jury decision is hung the prosecutor can restart the case anew, secondly Michael Cohen was deemed to be a credible witness by a judge in an earlier case.


Trump didn’t have any use for the people of Staten Island when he lived in NYC. He was way too special and had to live in his gilded penthouse than live next to working-class folks. NOW he would love to change venue because SI trends conservative. I can’t speak for SI residents, but I would be deeply insulted by that.


What’s tough for Trump is being guilty as sin.


I sat on a Jury Trial. I always feel that the Defense Lawyer is there to instill "reasonable doubt" into the Jury. The charge was for assault on a White female by a Black guy (200 + pounds) security guard who would lose his gun license if found guilty. During pretrial hearing, she was asked if she could recognize him as her assailant, she said no. What the attorney did not ask, if there was anyone else in the room she could identify. Why is that? Attorneys don't ask questions they don't know the answer to. The Attorney knew there was no one else. I thought to myself, someone laid hands on her, but I was the only one, so it was hung jury. But I wasn't impressed by "Jury of his peers"... I saw a person who had been physically assaulted, but others did not see that. So long as a defendant has a decent lawyer who can instill that reasonable doubt, a person could get away with murder. (OJ Simpson, comes readily to mind.)


If Cohen is a liar, what does that make Trump?


"81 million votes".. "The MOST votes EVER".. "Bat Soup".. "TRUST THE SCIENCE"


Manhattan jury is full of very fine people
