Michael Jordan - Postup Powerhouse (Low Post to Mid Post Progressions)

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Michael Jordan. GOAT.

What gets lost about Jordan is that outside of his otherworldly athleticism and unyielding need to win at EVERYTHING, he is easily one of most fundamentally sound players of all-time. He hardly ever put a foot wrong in terms of his footwork, the correct angle is always taken, he’s got a mastery of the glass on both his flip shots and his jumpers. MJ’s post game is preposterously potent. His defense divine. His passing? Unbelievably undervalued. By the time he finished his second 3peat, he had every trick in the book and written an entirely new one all his own.

Do yourself a favor and go watch Michael Jordan’s Playground.

I’ll be honest: I wasn’t sure I could ever get myself to do an MJ video. The task seemed too daunting. His skillset sits somewhere between sublime and supremely spectacular and trying to parse pieces of his game seemed insanely difficult. Then @zhugelianges and I got to talking and both our channels love a good player-centric post up compilation. Obviously, Jordan is just the best to ever do it, so why not him, right? Z decided he was going to do the low post stuff and so we agreed I’d do mid post stuff. I found it a little difficult trying to determine which shots to include because some start in the low post and work out to the mid post while others begin further out and work in…so I guess a conceit I used was that so long as it either began or ended in the low to mid post, I could include it. Yes, the video is a little bit messy in terms of different styles but I wanted to include as diverse a selection as possible (#12, #45, rookie to young MJ features, some clips that had to leveled all the way up from 360p, to final Bulls season Jordan). If you’re a post up purist, you’ll probably recognize that the moves might not really be post ups, but it’s MJ so just enjoy.

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He had post moves as a rookie but didn’t need them until his later years. Dude was an alien from the future. A savant with max athleticism.


Jordan mastered imo one of the toughest yet most essential parts of the game- the mid range. He OWNED every inch of the space 15-20 feet out. Years later this still leaves me in awe. The GOAT


The fade-away is beautiful but the fact that he has like 4 counters for the one move and can use it with perfection is madness


No crossover, just by the efficient move. That's why MJ can play in NBA even when he was 40


The most beautiful basketball ever played!


Youngers don't realize how much he was an artist in his game. He played and made it look beautiful at the same time. This man will always be in a class of his own. GOAT. Dunking was his game but his true artistry was his mid range and lay up package.


The slow motion replay was just how Jordan saw things in real time


GOAT. I feel so sorry for any young fan who didn't get to grow up watching him play live. And I consider it the greatest sports blessing I've had in my life to have witnessed his career as a kid from around 91-92 to the end of it in 2003.


Jordan had the best body control, and footwork, of any shooting guard I've ever seen. His fade away was so "lethally accurate" because of his ability to turn (and jump) with enough height to fade, and still have enough strength in his wrists to shoot the ball in proper form. The 🐐


He played on a very rough era of basketball yet hes postup moves are so smooth. No unnecesarry elbows, no pushes, no offhand unnecessary holds almost no intention to initiate fouls. Just purely beautifull mastered post moves. GOAT🐐


One thing I really like about this is its so quick, no wasted motion. Get to your spot, one or two dribbles/pump fakes, bucket. repeat.


MJ was such an efficient scorer due to him mastering all the fundamentals of basketball. No wasted dribbling or moves which along with his superb athleticism then you have the GOAT. Kids these days want to do all kinds of dribbling and pull up for a 3pt only lol while lacking so much fundamentals of the game. Majority can't even shoot mid range jumpers.


man was equally effective over either shoulder. turning baseline or going to the inside from either side of the post. and made the shit look effortless. 🐐 🐐🐐


MJ did it all. That damn fade away only got better with age!


Its like he knows ahead of time how the defender's body is going to move. So he has 1, 000 counter-moves.
A Master of gravity, creativity and focus.


That's what I love about Jordan's game, his post moves/fade away and his post moves up-and-under how he scored. Video is 8 mins long and he scored in different ways using the same move from different angles of shot selections and footwork. His game was just artwork


Dear God this man was poetry in motion.


That fadeaway is unguardable, jordan was a genius


Man I can see Kobe in these same moves.. The GOATS RIP Kobe and Gigi. We love you Bean!!


Lifelong Knicks fan so I despised Jordan as a Knicks fan. But as a basketball fan his post game was a thing of beauty. I hope the nba goes back to this.
