Forces Acting on a Block on a Ramp/Hill

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In this problem we take a look at how to use a free body diagram in order to determine the forces acting on a block (or a Lego car) on a hill. This can be used to find the net force on a block when on a hill.
In this video we derive..
The normal force for a block on a hill
The force down the hill for a block on a hill
We also apply those general equations to the specific situation of a car being pulled up a ramp at a constant speed.
These equations and derivations are critical to understanding high school including AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C and even college level physics problems based on Newtonian mechanics, specifically force.
In this video we derive..
The normal force for a block on a hill
The force down the hill for a block on a hill
We also apply those general equations to the specific situation of a car being pulled up a ramp at a constant speed.
These equations and derivations are critical to understanding high school including AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C and even college level physics problems based on Newtonian mechanics, specifically force.
Forces Acting on a Block on a Ramp/Hill
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