Blood Clots and Covid 19

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Professor Beverley Hunt OBE message from Thrombosis UK
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Thank you my mom is tn the hospital now with pneumonia and blood clots but they have her own heparin for the blood clots....Please say a prayer for marilyn 🙏🙏🙏


Excellent. I'm in USA . Have DVT & Embolism and antiphospholipid syndrome. First diagnosed 2019. I'm not rushing out to get vaccinated until more data clinical trials etc been done with individuals with these kind of issues. Will continue with warfarin and other safety protocols. 🙏😊


The endothelium is covered in ACE2. The virus directly infects squamous endothelial cells inactivating the ACE2 receptor. So there is no receptor to convert Angiotensin II to Angiotensin (1-7).
Angiotensin (1-7) is thus lowered. Ang (1-7) has been shown to have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Ang (1-7) plays protective roles in cardiomyocytes of spontaneously hypertensive rat by increasing the expression of endothelial and neuronal nitric oxide synthase enzymes leading to augmented production of nitric oxide. Ultimately, Ang (1-7) evokes anti-arrhythmogenic effects in animal models. In blood vessels, Ang (1-7) induces the release of vasodilators such as prostanoids and nitric oxide.
Angiotensin II is increased, thus increasing blood pressure by causing constriction (narrowing) of the blood vessels. Ang2 increases the sensation of thirst, the desire for salt, encourages the release of other hormones that are involved in fluid retention. Ang2 stimulates production of the hormone aldosterone, resulting in the body retaining sodium and losing potassium from the kidneys. Ang2 increases sodium retention and alters the way the kidneys filter blood. This increases water reabsorption in the kidney to increase blood volume and blood pressure. Ang2 causes inflammation response and damage to endothelial cells in the blood vesicles.
This damage causes the release of von Willebrand factor, triggering clotting factor VIII, that triggers clotting factors X to Xa. This clotting cascade causes the rapid formation of clots.
(Zinc + Chloroquine)
Zinc ions in the cells stop viral replication using RDRP, however ions don't go into cells without being gated in, so a zinc ionophore is needed. That is what Chloroquine is. Chloroquine given without zinc will starve the immune system of zinc, and why it is used for auto immune conditions, but when given early with zinc, will lower viral load. Later the virus forms protective replication/transcription complexes(RTC) using nsp3, 4, 6, protecting itself from RDRP attacks(chloroquine + zinc or remdesivir).  Prior to RTC formation, nsp1 binds to ribosomes blocking transcription of host RNA, preventing an interferon response.  After RTC's are formed nsp1 down regulates increasing viral replication, and before the host cell dies, but alerts the immune system.  At this point a high viral load is used to target T-cells as the virus also binds to CD147, letting it infect CD4+ and CD8+ cells, as well as red blood cells.  The virus should be able to bind to the 1-beta chain of hemoglobin.  This would dislodge iron ions and leave the virus bound to porphyrin, and be a cause of hypoxia.  If the red blood cell burst that would show as hyperferritinemia, but could also allow porphyrin bound virus to enter different cell types, not presenting ACE2 or CD147.


The blood clots are caused by the cytokine storm and if that can be inhibited even partially, and with the blood thinners used carefully they may see a lot more success as they said. But that success would only be for hospitalized patients and people at home who don't realize their oxygenation levels have changed and don't know they have lots of tiny clots in their lungs until they are in sudden distress won't benefit at all. There should be more treatment offered to those patients who are seemingly with mild symptoms because of the high risk for clotting causing stoke and pulmonary embolism.


I started taking Bayer aspirin and centrum silver on a daily bases since this crisis started in December. Nobody told me to... something inside was telling me i needed to do this. I stumbled on this video today and can't believe what I'm hearing. Plain coincidence?... i don't know.


In Italy doctors have just started to treat covid-19 with heparin too


So what about aspirin as a preventative?


Why isn't the BBC covering this in the news? All I get when googling *Thrombosis BBC News* are old DVT stories, and one from Feb 2020, but no mention of Covid 19.


Hi Professor, I would believe blood thinners and medication for dilating the arteries are, like to me so important and I am so thankful for, as a patient with heart problems.
I can now breath better because of these medications.
I was wondering if Covid 19 patients were given these these medications.
If blood cirulation was improved in the patients, if they can breath better and their heart need not be overworked, especially in elderly people, hopefully it helps to reduce the difficulty in all Covld 19 patients.
Thank you for your video.


I've been on Warfarin now for 20years, in my yellow book it says I'm on it lifelong, reason states Recurrent P E..but because I missed some of my INR appointments, the hospital has told my doctor, not to prescribe me any more Warfarin, till I see my GP and arrange for INR checks again, I did have plenty of warfarin left, but now I'm coming to the end of what I had


I had symptoms and i took paracetamol and aspirin which is a blood thinner and i was cured.


How to treat that at home naturally?
Im Covid19 positive patient and I'm sitting at home but scaring from blood clotting cuz i have like small painful points inside my left lung when the air came out...
What is that sign please?
It's difficult to go to Hospital for me


Radiation exposure.... specifically millimeter wave technology


I have had a pulmonary embolism during pregnancy last year and another 3 months postnatal in feb. I think I had another last night (same symptoms, different lung) my questions that no one seems to be able to answer are
1.) am I at severe risk of Covid19, should I be shielding?
2.) is there any possibility that clot 2 was coronavirus or related? (They were only tested people who arrived from Wuhan at that time)
3.) I’m breastfeeding so I am on fragmin and have been since June are there any long term complications of being on it for this long?


America! We are number one again! Covid-19 deaths. 😓😓😓


Hi, I am on Xarelto since Dec 2020, as I faced some lower abdomen stomach pains. It is diagnosed a small clot at right lung. There after I am now on 10mg dose daily. I had PE-DVT in 2013 post knee surgery, this was considered as repeat occurrence. The root cause of 2nd occurrence was unable to diagnosed. Can this be Covid-19? I had never had symptoms of Covid. But I faced severe pains in abdomen that time. I am just willing to clarify it with recent revelation that Covid creates Blood clots. Any quick advice or comments plz?


On behalf of the 4 percent of the population with FVL .... are we the ones dying?? Do people with genetic blood clotting disorders.... are we the ones that die??


My throat is having inflammation it start again when i stop vitamin c vit d tab why, help me to get ride of it completely even now i start taking 2 tab aspirin 75 mg in a day but no improvement yet


So it's a hemorrhagic fever kind of thing? Wouldn't you get blood clots when you're internally bleeding? Swine fever flu hemorrhagic whatever coronavirus? It's new and improved.


What about post op trans women on high level of hormones and thrombosis, any advice please?.
