In defense of Squats

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On 8 June 2017 activists gathered in Omonoia Sq. at the center of Athens, Greece in a protest purported to send a solidarity message to Squats across the world.

“During the last month we have witnessed the State escalating its anti-immigration policy of restrictions against refugees and the solidarity movement in Greece. While the greek government continues to show its totalitarian face exerting repression through the eviction of political squats and housing squats accommodating refugees (in contrast to refugees being locked up in concentration camps), new information has been intentionally leaked to the mass media revealing the existence of court orders that will give the green light to evict at least three more squats across Greece during the summer of 2017.

Repression against the refugees and the solidarity movement has increased with continuous arrests, police violence and evictions, using the riot police as a brutal weapon against people that fled for their lives to escape from war and death. No matter what we will show them one again what we have already proved. We live together, we struggle together and we will fight back together. To defend the dignity of each individual, to defend our principles of solidarity, and to keep our squats open.

Common fight against the repression of squats.

As long as they try to evict squats and build concentration camps and detention centers and as long as there are borders that separate people from each other, we will also be there to fight back for a better tomorrow.

This is a call and a reminder to all comrades across the globe to support the squats in every possible way. Solidarity is the people's weapon.




You can’t evict a movement!”
Рекомендации по теме

We should have something like this internationally co-ordinated


Σύντροφος, τι συμβουλές έχετε για ανθρώπους που ζουν σε επαρχίες που δεν έχουν καλά δίκτυα αλληλεγγύης; Πείτε για παράδειγμα το Τέξας στις, ΗΠΑ
