Meet Our Baby Boy

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So here he is, our beautiful baby boy. We love him so much and couldn't wait to show him off! We can't wait for this next chapter, thank you for everything.

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The fact that this is 1 on trending right now shows how much of a special moment this is for all us. Liana thank you for being so strong your going to be an amazing mother! Conner is going to be an awesome dad! I can’t wait for this channel to grow bigger and I hope Liana recovers well and the baby settles in. 💕


I usually don’t like couple channels but this one is great, it’s not fake pranks about random crap but instead a amazing channel with 2 people who love each other and what they do, congrats on your baby and I can’t wait to watch him grow up, this video made me smile like I can’t describe, thank you :)

Edit: I keep forgetting this isn’t a little channel anymore, I was so happy to see you have number one trending so many more people can meet your family, I was shocked to see I have 1.6k likes already and was so happy that many people agreed with me, congrats on everything and I hope you are as happy as you make us


Koazy fits him so well just by telling from a screen. I’m so happy for y’all and I can’t wait to see him grow up! Much love ❤️❤️


AHHH THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPPYYYY! liana is so brave for all the pain she endured during labor. congrats connor and liana, youre going to be amazing parents <333


He is absolutely adorable. His name fits him perfectly. Congratulations to the both of you. Enjoy this journey with him.


Liana, you're literally so brave, with the whole change of plans, and emergency c-section, I honestly think that you are so amazing. Connor, you helped Liana create this beautiful baby boy, Koazy, and helped her through these long and hard 9 months. I am so proud of both of you <3


I cannot wait to see more of him! He's honestly so beautiful, and cute! I've never been so invested or emotional about someone's birth story before, I cried so many times in the last two videos because I feel for you guys, so much. It's so beautiful to see how quickly you've adapted and accustomed to being parents, it looks so natural with you both. I'm so happy that he's healthy and look forward to the future!!


Can believe he’s already here! It feels like the months have flown past since we found out you were pregnant Liana! Koazy is the most adorable name!!❤️❤️ I wish Liana a fast, easy, and safe recovery, and Connor a good night’s sleep…tho is that possible with a baby now…?😅 Hope this new chapter in your life is very fruitful and beautiful!


I can’t believe Babi is here already. I was here when you guys first got pregnant. I love the name. I hope you have a safe recovery. You guys will be the best parents!


This is adorable! Koazy is absolutely adorable!! I wish him and you all the best for the future❤️


I’m so happy for the both of you!! This journey has not been easy but you guys have shown us the ultimate strength and perseverance through hard times. I can already see how much love you have for sweet baby Koazy!! He will be loved and blessed all throughout his life to have parents as special as you two. Congratulations and enjoy the time with your new baby boy; I’ve been told it goes by so fast. Can’t wait to watch him grow with you guys by his side. Love you guys, and baby Koazy of course! 💕


Koazy is such a cute name!! I love their relationship, it’s soooo wholesome. It’s so cute how you both are still so positive and caring even after a scary birth giving, Liana was very brave!!! Congrats!! Lot’s of love and prayers for the baby boy!! I’m sure you both will be excellent parents and the baby will be very happy!!!


The name at first seemed weird but now that I’ve heard it and I’ve seen him I think it’s such a suitable name for him especially the way you guys spelled it. I’m so happy for you guys! ❤️❤️


I feel like this journey was both the slowest and quickest. I’m so happy and proud of you both and I wish the best for the 3 of you. ❤️


I’ve been watching your channel for so long, and you guys have always been so comforting for me and I can’t believe that little Koazy is finally here, you are so strong and brave Liana and Connor is so amazing for always being by your side and helping you through this whole journey. Koazy is such an adorable name for little Babi and he can have so many cute nicknames :) I’m so glad that everything worked out amazingly and that everyone is healthy and happy. Enjoy every little moment with Koazy and don’t stress yourself with filming, take a break to just cuddle with him and spend time together and much as you need 🤍🤍


good lord he’s so big!! no wonder he waited so long to come out 😂😂 it’s so nice to finally meet him and I’m so glad you two are doing well with the recovery period 💕💕 much love to all 3 of you!!


At 6:38 the cat got the shock of it's life like.. NAHH.. I DID NOTHING THO


He's frigging adorable, and mom looks amazing! Dad did such a fantastic job supporting and loving.


Been keeping up with these videos since before they was pregnant, honestly this is such a great experience and I’m glad everything has gone well


Congratulations! Can't wait to see the future with Koazy! He's abselutly stunning, you'll be the perfect parents, for this little baby boy, love you all! ❤
