WRITING – Advanced English Transitions: thereby, thereof, hereby, therein, wherein, whereby...

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Good writing makes use of transition words, thereby creating better flow and adding some style to the text. In this lesson we'll look at some linking words and transitions used to connect ideas, such as: "thereby", "thereof", "hereby", "therein", "wherein", "whereby", and more. This will make your writing clear and organized. Watch the video to improve your writing style.

Now it's time for a lesson on some different transitions:


Now, before I explain these to you and show them... Show you samples of how they're used, I want you to understand that these are generally very formal, very high-end. They're not very commonly used. There are other ways you can say these things without being too serious, I guess you could say. But if you're going to university, if you're going to take a test, IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, all these tests - you will see these and you should be able to use them as well. And if you can actually use them properly in your essays, and like, again, nicely, appropriately, good timing, your score... That'll help your score. It should go up quite a bit because these are not very easy to use.

So, we're going to start with "thereby". "Thereby" basically means by which, or through which, or like through this action something happened. It's a little bit similar to: "due to". The only problem is you can't use it in the same structure as "due to". Okay? So let's look at the first sentence. "The team lost the final game of the season, thereby missing the playoffs." So, basically by doing this, by losing the last game, the result... What happened? They missed the playoffs. But notice that we are using an "ing" here: "...thereby missing the playoffs", right? This is basically a gerund expression, a gerund phrase, but we can't use this with a clause. We're using it with an "ing". So that's one thing you have to keep in mind. If I wanted to use "due to", I would have to change the whole structure. "Due to their loss in the final game of the season, the team missed the playoffs." A completely different structure. I'm using the independent clause, here, the "due to" with the cause, etc. This one gives you another option, basically, on how to link the ideas. Cause, effect. But we don't have to use the "ing", we can use another way. "Lisa studied for three straight weeks and was thereby able to pass her test." So she studied, studied, studied, and through this action she was able to pass her test. And: "...and was thereby", "...and she was thereby able". Notice that I'm not using this to start the clause; I'm using it within the clause, between the verbs to show through this action, this was the result that she was looking for. Okay? So: "by which", "through which action".

Let's look at "therein". "The new contract does not allow for extended maternity leave;" here I'm using the semi-colon, I'm going to give you the next idea, so this is like a conjunction. "...therein lies the problem for the union, 60% of whose membership is young women". So, "therein" basically means in that, or into that situation, problem, position, state, etc. So, "therein". "Therein" means: In what? In this situation, in this new contract there's a problem. So: "...therein in this new contract lies a problem", and this is a very common follow-up to the transition "therein". "...therein lies the problem". A very famous expression: "...therein lies the rub" from Shakespeare. "Aye, there's the rub." I'm not sure if you know that expression, I think from Hamlet, dream to... If you dream and you can die, it's all good, but then: Oh, there's a problem - you don't wake up. So: "...therein lies the rub". A very common expression to use with "lies". […]
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People underestimate grammar, thereby, getting low scores in writing. They should discover more about it, and find out wherein they messed up, but it seems that nobody cares, therein lies the problem. I hereby invite every person to start looking for his weeknesses. This video proved to be helpful, therefore, I highly recommend it :D


I hereby declare Adam the best YouTube's english teacher!


Before coming to this platform, I was super reluctant about the use of conjunctive adverbs, thereby containing my prospects of thriving in this world of extraordinarily talented souls. Owing to the complexity of the subject and enormity of the diversified matter aforementioned, and all the obscurities therein, I was not finding the courage to wet my toes in the brutal coldness and rashness of the freezing cold pond of enigma and riddles. If I had subjected myself to deeper catharsis, I probably would've figured out the areas, wherein I was struggling to get over the concept of this "conjunctive adverb". The specified matter, aggravated further due to lack of activity from the side of mine, in the first place, and therein, in my view lied the problem. The older self focused on the shortcomings undermining the strengths, particularly focused on the negative aspects thereof, and failed to muster up the courage to genuinely pursue the destiny leading towards excellence. I, hereby solemnly declare that my lack of confidence in my abilities, had plummeted the possibility of exponential progression in the every possible aspect of life, and having said that, I'm looking forward to bury the older self of mine underneath the soil of forgiveness, and lay the foundation of new hope and life, by dribbling the seeds of optimism beneath the womb of grassy land...


I was regret, because I didn't study hard in english during my school days it's difficult for me to write an essay without this kind of teacher, explaining very clear. Therefore, I am happy that you have been shared your knowledge, thereby able to learn.


i hereby declare this lesson as one of my favs wherein Adam is explaining some sophisticated and equally hard writing tips thereby giving us a hand to ace the IELTS writing exam, and therefore i'm thankful.


Hello! Ser....
I'm kokul, I'm from Sri Lanka, one year ago I couldn't speak English even I didn't know one sentence but now I could speak because of you. I would like to say! extremely thanks. And I'm learning english from your videos for three months though I could speak so thanks a million Adam...my dear friend and my dear great teacher.


Hello Adam!
You are teaching profound English grammar thereby leading your learners to the top, wherein lie some secrets of shortage and clear way to express many ideas. Thanks a lot!


The teacher in this video did a very good job thereby getting all the credit and was able to be understandable. the footage and all details therein; was very well explained by the excellent teacher. The lesson was so sophisticated, especially the words chosen thereof, and was pretty much informative, there is no reason, therefore, we should be confused. he elaborated on each part until we understood it, thereafter, It began simplifying. The video did not show wherein Mr. Adam had done anything wrong, whereby, all of us has benefitted. So given the above circumstances, I hereby declare the lesson was marvelous.


You have no idea how difficult it has been for me to understand these kind of transitions words.
You're an amazing teacher, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. 😊


Hello my name is Mireille. I'm french and l try to improve my English. These videos are very useful for me because they let me hear spoken English. And understanding English is very difficult for me'. Thanks a lot for them.


I hereby strongly believe that the video is really inclusive, exclusive, and informative! Thank you, Adam!


This video deserves such times of view, because of most non-native students neglecting them.


Sincerely he's the best english's teacher on YouTube


How am immensely gaining from you are immeasurable Adam...


I think this is a graet channel, wherein people can find great materials


Hello Adam. The time and effort you squeezed-in to make English lesson videos on tube it's deeply appreciated. You are genius and your teaching is out of this world! Thanks a million, sir!


The videos is very helpfull thereafter the quiz is perfect to reinforce the learning. 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


These academic transitions are widely used and required on my school papers. The problem when you learn "classroom english" is that you sound too formal when having a conversation with native english speakers. That still being my problem. Now, I have to learn those slang words out there. Great video!


Mr Adam may God bless you for your teaching please.


Best instructor ever! Thanks for ur existence 😍😁
