Kent Hovind OPENLY Saying That Christians Can Take The Mark Of The Beast!

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Man you can tell demonic possession is surely at a scary level when people that were so well respected backslide like this


“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (AKJ)


John McArthur said a christian can take the mark and still be saved.


He said he did not think SO, People today just dont think they can possibility be WRONG. At least Kent is saying he could.


Oh, no. Looks like Kent has gone off the deep end of heresy! This should convince all of us that Kent should not receive our support anymore. Sigh. (Coming from a former Hovind supporter.)

"(To the chief Musician upon Sheminith, A Psalm of David.) Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbour: with flattering lips and with a double heart do they speak. The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things: Who have said, With our tongue will we prevail; our lips are our own: who is lord over us? For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him. The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted." (Psalm 12).

Help, LORD, indeed.


He said I DONT KNOW, I THINK SO, -- He got it wrong, He didn't say for sure you can!

G'oh stop attacking him for making a mistake lol


Three questions:

1. What is the Beast, really?
2. What does worship of the Beast constitute?
3. What does "receiving the mark" really mean, in context?
4. What of those who are forcibly slapped with the mark, against their will?


1. If 7 and 10 are numbers of God denoting wholeness, and 6 is a number of man, is is lesser, then 666 denotes man trying to be the Triune God, but always coming up short. The Beast is, therefore, any humanistic belief system. All of them have the same root, the Rebellion of Eden.

2. Worship of the Beast is to fully embrace tenants of humanistic teaching, so that the World decides your values, not the Word of God. Case in point: when former Power Rangers actress Sandi Sellner wanted to celebrate a man at an awards show in a dress, she accepted only comments of praise of the perversion on her Facebook page, while virtue signaling how "Christian" she is. But the first man to mention Deuteronomy 22:5, she whisked away, screaming at him for having an "unwanted opinion." That is worshiping the Beast.

3. Receiving the Mark is one's complete intellectual self-castration, as defined by Paul Joseph Watson in one of his videos. It's where you allow yourself to become so blue pill-conditioned, that you automatically filter redpilling attempts through a list of excuses, resulting in a willful ignorance dubbed being "purple-pilled." When you are so purple-pilled, that literally anything other than the Word of God must be true in your mind, and the State can tell you anything and its word is unquestioned; that is receiving the Mark.

4. Coercion into false testimony happens a lot. But intellectual self-castration results in a capitulation to brainwash, so that force and coercion are no longer necessary. Penance is still possible, as is removing the Mark from one's self. But not without significant spiritual intervention. Usually, this comes in the form of a personal tragedy that exposes just how fake the purple pill conditioning is, and leads an individual almost to the despair event horizon. This is commonly called being "blackpilled" in today's culture. The blackpill is dangerous, as it can preach a pessimistic lie; but was allowed to exist as a hyper-reinforced red pill, to counteract the purple pill, as regular red pills were no longer strong enough.

So in conclusion, Kent isn't entirely wrong. However, terms need to be defined very specifically. Those who eagerly castrate their minds before Secular Humanism and the states it controls, and become closed-minded to anything else, if not shaken by the Spirit away in the nick of time, WILL find themselves beyond redemption.

It isn't a microchip. Though, forcing microchip insertions into others' bodies is unethical for other reasons.


One thing I've learn is you don't take a piece of a clip and run with it without hearing the rest...that can be misleading. And people do these kinds of things to make people look bad. I didn't hear the rest so i can't say....


A person that takes the mark of the beast is going to HELL! to be burned and tormente forever and ever! Revelation 13 and 14


"and" is not cumulative here in Revelation 14:9. It is a following as in you will take the mark because you worship the beast. Like Jesus said "if you love me you will obey me"


Kent Hovind should have read Revelation 14:11, especially the last phrase, "and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name". Meaning anyone whether they worship the beast and image or not, but still receive his mark. They will be lost forever.


According to Hovind "logic" you can then *WORSHIP* the beast but as long as you don't take the mark you're alright?!?


You can say and all you want. The fact remains that if you do any one of those things you are guilty of all! God will not have mercy on you!


WOW, this is terrible...but if people don't read their bible who can they blame for being stupid?   Prayed for you Brian and your wife and son today.  I'm trying to remember to pray for you every day when I pray.  Praying for revelation in God's word and all other earthly, spiritual and physical blessings for you and your family. God bless.


Thank you for posting this. This is a big question among people, and surprisingly many are confused today about the mark of the beast. It blows my mind what Kent Hovind said, in response to the question, "So if a Christian does all those three things, would they still be saved?" Kent Hovind responded "I don't know. I think so." Say what???? Ack!

Rev 13:15 And there was given to him to give spirit to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause to be killed as many as would not worship the image of the beast.

Rev 13:16 And he caused all, both small and great, and rich and poor, and free and slave, to be given a mark upon their right hand or upon their foreheads.

Rev 13:17 and that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev 14:9 And a third messenger followed, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast, and his image, and receives his mark upon his forehead or upon his hand,

Rev 14:10 he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of YHWH, which is poured out undiluted into the cup of His wrath. And he shall be tortured with fire and sulphur before the righteous messengers and before the Lamb.

Rev 14:11 "And the smoke of their torture goes up forever and ever. And they have no rest day or night, those worshiping the beast and his image, also if anyone receives the mark of his name".

It is very clear what happens to those taking the mark of the beast. Kent Hovind is going to mislead so many people! It shakes me to the core! There are 3 things we can do to cause His wrath. If we worship the beast, we receive the wrath of YHWH. If we have the image of the beast, we receive the wrath of YHWH. If we take the mark of the beast, or the mark of his name, we receive the wrath of YHWH. Jesus commanded us to not be deceived. "Be not deceived!", were His words. Endless blessings to you always and in all ways!


WOW! Thank you for sharing this! Clearly there is a huge contradiction in what he believes and he can't ignore this. I think even he will soon realize how confused he is.


We should just pray for Kent Hovind to come to the truth, rather than say hateful things about him. He's spreading a VERY dangerous lie.


the bible makes it so plain and cler, that a child can understand this,  or not???If I don?t understand eveything in God`s word, but this passage needs no dicussion. I hope and pray, that no true believer in Christ is getting confused.


And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,  The
same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out
without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be
tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels,
and in the presence of the Lamb:  And the smoke of their
torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor
night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the
mark of his name.(Revelation 14:9-11)


see what happens when you ignore dispensations?
