That "one last game" we jokingly say in vc after a game will now have a better chance of agreement to go one more, yippie
"even if you fall behind you can still have fun" chat:bg
Swiftplay is basically aram guidelines on summoners rift.
ARAM but on the rift. Which will eventually have everyone run it down mid anyways.
As long as they didn't remove normal draft play as a practice for rank specially for the new objectives this is a welcoming change
"even if you're behind you can have fun"
Seraphine at 2:10: "bg"
The big underlined issue is the awkward transition between swiftplay and draft
I like it. Huge win for casual players.
Sometimes we just wanna have fun and not play aram. Normal games last 30-40 minutes and it can be a very shitty/frustrating experience, especially if you're already in a bad day and wanted to chill. Making games faster means shitty games end faster without surrender drama.
It is something League desperately needed for many years. This will be very fun, tired of teammates or yourself making a single mistake and having a bad experience for 20+ minutes
I like that we are given an option for fast paced games, but I hope this won't be a sign of what's to come for the rest of the game
"Swiftplay is fun even if you're behind"
Enemy team instantly: bg
"Even if you are behind, you will still have fun" also means "even if you are ahead, you won't carry"
If they want to add a quick mode, 3vs3 was the perfect gamemode for that lmao
1:48 I find Ezreal having a -50g shutdown very interesting
Making it easier to play with friends is definitely a huge W.
One of the main reasons i quit for a while, and now only play some arams in the evening, is due to how games played out with large skill disparity.
When i played flex with friends, or even normals, it was very common for us (while also a large skill disparity group) to run into many high diamond and master + players playing with their friends. Now for me, i can deal with those okay ish if i face them, but my silver friend will get rolled. so regardless of where i played, we would often have games where BOTH teams had someone going 10 / 2 in lane. it just wasnt great. my lower ranked friends got rolled pretty often and that was never fun, and despite the fact that i could carry, depending what i played, i would also get rolled.
Doesnt matter if im 10 1 as cait, if darius flashes on me and has 7 kills im dead.
League always had this issue when playing with friends, its very unbalanced when playing with different skill groups, because ones power level is directly influenced by gold income. and gold income is directly influenced by how well ur doing. but ultimately, we all have to deal with each others mistakes. in valorant, if my team isnt good, i can always win 1v2s or 1v3's reasonably reliably. but in league, ur directly punished for ur team dying.
"Swift play will also replace the normal co-op games" I'll believe THAT when I see it. Such a thing never existed.
Finally they are trying new variations around acelerating the game!
2:07 "Swiftplay is fast, and it is fun."
Buddy, don't insult my dear precious Dominion. Arena is a great game mode but I want my king of the hill game mode back!
For those confused because of the "swiftplay will also replace the normal coop games" comment:
Swiftplay is only replacing Quickplay.
Coop vs AI will still exist, its just adopting the gameplay rules of Swiftplay.
Normal Draft will still exist, and uses normal gameplay rules like ranked.
Now watch me and my friends extend this to a 90 minute game by all grabbing stack champions, winning hard but never ending