How I SOLO Queued to RADIANT! (In-Depth Guide) [VALORANT] *2023*

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0:00 Intro
0:46 Valorant Tracker (Sponsor)
1:37 3 Sections
2:05 Yourself
5:33 Teammates
9:15 Extra Tips
11:50 Outro

Have a great rest of your day :)
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I soloqueued from dia 3 to immo 1 during this whole episode and i can really say: The thing that helped me the most was being an IGL and keeping the team morale up to avoid toxicity


I like the ending note, "You'll always rank up worrying about improving"

Ive spent so much of my time in Valorant working on the little things outside of aim, I started to slowly climb. Movement, Angles, comms, etc all have helped me.

Ive only been playing for about 4months now but started in Bronze 3 and have climbed to G2, one win away from G3! It wasnt til this act I really started playing valorant but i love the skill ceiling in each rank.

Best of luck to you all and keep the good vibes amongst your team!


Agree with lots of these tips apart from the filling.

These past few months I've been locking raze and really learning the ins and outs of the agent, and I've been rewarded by being able to climb from d3 to asc 2 (2 games from asc3) while match mvping almost every game.

it's just so much easier to be confident when i know exactly what im doing with a specific agent, and i have set plays and also experience in different situations with her kit, instead of having to improvise and overthink my util because im playing a different agent every game


I am currently ascendant 1 and started watching you when I was on plat 3 and your guides really helped me touch ascendant and now I am sure i will hit immortal with more practice


Really good guide. And yes, post a warmup routine pls. I used the aim routine you posted before and it was great. I improved a lot through that. Maybe an updated one will be great, as I will be pushing solo and I need a proper warmup and aim training routine. Your contents are always amazing sena, keep up the great content😊


I will say a lot of my solo q games either go really bad or really good but I’ve noticed that a lot of it is based on my own attitude toward the game always saying NT or nice keeps the mood up for me at least helps everyone stay In the game and in a positive mindset


Bro was reading my mind, on my main I usually worry about toxicity during bad games, losing/rank etc as well as being passive. On my alt I played confidently, a lot more aggressively not caring about toxicity if I did bad or losing/deranking, and I somehow felt default skins helped, as you said. I haven't implemented this mindset on my main yet but after watching this video I'm planning on starting so ty for this video :3


unbind your scoreboard is what helped me a lot, I noticed when I had really bad games I was always just flashing my k/d up there and getting more and more tilted.


I ranked up from Gold 3 to Diamond 3 in the last act all solo. I really relate to a lot of things you said. All the little things matter a lot. Currently I'm ascendant 1 and aiming for Immortal 1 by the end of this act.


Honestly I was a bad bronze, it was until yesterday that I hit silver. All thanks to all of your vids they were really helpful. I hope that I really keep ranking up by implementing these tips in my games. Once again thnx for making such good content for weirdos like me 😅


Tip number one is very true because one of my days Olin ranked games. I was starting to have a really good streak for feeling myself and also being positive pays off most of your games. I rarely get mad, but the only I do struggle is raging myself. After losing a lot. I solo queded with cypher most of my games and Carly pick fade, omen, and Phoenix and yoru. I need to adapt my play style so I can fill for my tea and play better as well. Thank you Sena for the guides as always and keep up the content my guide, peace. This will help me out of low elo, and I would rank up to silver.


I soloqueued from silver 2 to peak ascendant 2 within a 3 month span and can confirm that most of these tips and factors really helped me from when I started.


ty for the video, im in very strange phase because at the start of the act i struggled in plat3 but now i became dia3 in less 30 days in the same act where i was plat3. At the moment i didnt want to queue because i thought the enemys are always better than me but its just my mind and the reason my mindset is so much better now is because of you man . luv u


This helped me a lot, especially mentally to change my thoughts on bad teammates :)


Hi, Sena! Thanks so much for the tips... they're super helpful, and I'm trying to apply them in my gameplay, and I'm really grateful that you're out here trying to spread some knowledge and spread some love.
I'm currently Iron 1, sad as that sounds, but I feel I'm playing really well with my teammates, and although I'm not exactly clicking head, I am setting up plays and executes with my util and comms, and so far this act I have a 50% winrate in ranked and a 100% winrate in unranked. I think I'm on board to hitting bronze either this act or the next.
The problem with me is I'm going negative in every single game. Doesn't matter if I'm having a good day or a bad one... I'm consistently getting something like 6/21/8 and I really think the only thing I'm missing is the aim and the accuracy. Do you have any tips for improving?


Finally delivered on that solo radiant quote from one vid. That alt account dilemma is wild cuz I got to dia last week but my main is silver(unrated spammer). Bless me more of that second channel uploads 🔥


New act now, this video will definitely help me reach my rank because the previous ones really do.

Previous rank G2, will update this post at the end of the act for my current rank. Good content as always Senna!


I'm only Iron, I started playing a few months ago and there are so many things I have to improve. I'm trying to do it one thing at a time. I play for fun, not to reach a certain rank, but getting out of Iron would still be nice^^ Your videos are inspiring in a way that they always make me want to try and be a better player, keep up the good work!


I came from CSGO playing a couple games of valorant here or there. I finally made the jump to make Valorant my main game. I solo q’d from silver 1 to immortal 2 in one episode playing almost 237 games. The biggest issue I had during that time was team morale. It seems at lower ranks a single round lost can absolutely destroy peoples mentals so I learned to be up beat and supportive to keep my team from just giving up. A lot of players just have super weak mentalities and sometimes you gotta be a punching bag to secure the W.


I agree with Never fear on losing also the issue with winning it develops ego especially if you didn't do that much on a game
