What would make you put your trust in God? #jesus #faith #christianity

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Blessed are they that believe yet they haven't seen..
You see HIM through the tiny details, HIS creation..Where i grew up, how i grew up, the pain, suddenly loosing some of those close to me over the past years, almost dropping out of school and HIM showing up, being sexually assaulted to restoration, all the dreams ...HIS word gives peace..Even after all this i tried walking away from HIM because of pain and doubt no reading the word and i can confidently say those were the most miserable 2 months of my life, JESUS is life without HIM we walk in total darkness blinded by the prince of this world.
GOD is real, sometimes you have to reflect on the small details, someone died today you are still here..
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen
You don't wait for HIM to physically show up take that one leap of Faith and ask HIM to show Himself to you (Not physically but in HIS own way)


People dont understand that this life is just a test with a difficulty, if god always comes to help us out of evil and bad situations then it isnt a test anymore.


First guy nearly got sent to God to talk to him personally lol


I find the first 3 answers so interesting, God did give us a physical sign, or presence, In Jesus! Read the gospels and put your faith in Jesus


I remember the word of God states that those who don’t believe, still would not believe even if He came to them physically. It’s not about what we do but if God has saved us He will do so. This is why the Bible says My sheep know my voice and they follow me - Jesus. This is why also salvation of not of ourselves but of God Ephesians 2:8-9.


I trust the chair am sittin on, not to brake


Now ask those who are (emotionally) in bad shape. You would get different anwsers. The scoiety is becoming more and more independent and don't need any help from no one. Therefore trust and faith in general dissapears.


She grew up spiritually but only a phisical presence will convince her? How the f does that even make sense, being spiritual and looking for evidence are opposites of eachother


"Something material, something physical" Everything is a creation of the creator... You see the something physical something material everyday in life. Evil is the absence of good just like cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light


Do you know what is unbelievable ? There are still ppl belives in God or religions.
