What Would Happen If You Don't Blink?

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What Would Happen If You Don't Blink?
Blinking is one of the most innate human' perks that we do each and every day but what would happen if we didn't blink. Well, blinking not only helps in keeping your eyes moist and easy for you to see, but is rather more important then one might think. The longest time a person has gone without blinking was set in 2012 where a man in a stare competition kept his eyes open for 40 minutes and 59 seconds and he later described the pain as getting a tattoo in your eye. Moreover, blinking is also linked with processing bits of information to our brains, this helps the brain in better processing the information in bits. Coming back to the topic, from the moment you stop blinking small dirt particles would start landing on your eyes.

These small particles would start to scratch the surface of your eyes and if you decide not to close them, tears would start flowing out of your eyes to help get rid of these particles. Soon afterwards, you would start losing eyesight and your eyes would start burning more and more until it becomes unbearable.

And if you continue on from there for a few hours ( if at all possible), there could result in some permanent damage like your eyesight becoming weak. That's about it for this video, if you found this video interesting do consider liking and subscribing and we'll see you in the next one!
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