Watch the Tape - Ivor Myers

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Pastor Ivor, God Bless You! Thank you so much for opening the Word of God. God's hand is definitely upon you to share His Word in a way that feeds the hungering soul. I have heard many preachers over my 50+ years, but Nobody opens the word, Nobody shares the word is such a dynamic exciting manner in how God's Holy Spirit is using you to do. Praise God for people who love His Word so much that they are filled with the Holy Spirit and so excited about it and eager to share it. Praying for you ongoing ministry. Praise God for 3ABN and their worldwide ministry. Thank God for you!


What an eye opener and a rebuke at the same time to remind us to go back to what we have been told to do yet I believe its only by having Jesus in us the hope of glory that we will be able to love God with all our heart mind and soul and to love others the way we should that's why God say the greatest commandment is to love love God and love others....and the Prophesy say its only when this divine love is reproduce in us that Jesus will take us to heaven as his own....


Bless you brother! I love you so much.. and you have helped me have a deeper understanding of God's Word.... more than any other in my history!
You are truly anointed.. and I pray for your continued
mission for the world.. as I pray for your health and safety from all evil attacks to continue in God's plan! In Jesus' Name!


Satan has many weapons, but his weapon of choice is God's word. He handles it deceitfully, mingling it's truth with his lie to deceive. He used it successfully against Eve in the Garden and unsuccessfully against Jesus in the wilderness. All the law and the prophets hang on two commandments; the first and great one is to love God, the second is to love your neighbor as yourself (Matt 22:36-40). Satan deceives mankind by appealing to man's pride and making the second commandment number one and disregarding the first. He then dresses up iniquity as a "social agenda"; if it's "good" for society then it's "good". When that happens anything goes and sin can become the law of the land. Sparta was a militaristic city-state in ancient Greece where the duty of all males was to serve in the military. If a male child was born deformed, and therefore unable to fight, he was killed for the greater societal good. Sparta therefore violated the first and great commandment-to love God which entails keeping His commandments-in favor of a social agenda; murder. Satan's tactic is the same today, legislating the murder of children and same sex "rights" under the social agenda label. But no individual, or nation, has the "right" to make laws that violate divine law. By disguising iniquity as civil rights, Satan deceives the whole world. If it were possible, he would deceive the very elect. But it's not possible (Matt 24:24). Hold fast to your confession of faith. Endure to the end. Amen.-KEVIN GREER A young Samuel ministered unto the Lord (1 Sam 3:1) but he did not yet know the Lord, neither was God's word yet revealed to him (verse 7). God had been speaking to Samuel but he didn't recognize God's voice because he yet lacked two things: intimacy and revelation. Without both everything we do is religion rather than relationship, works rather than worship. Our greatest desire should not be to know what to do; it should be to know Him (Philippians 3:10) What picture was God trying to paint The fight between David and Goliath ?

David fought Goliath and so what ?

God reveals Jesus Christ in every page of the Bible

Goliath means, son of the devil.
The devil is called the accuser of the brethren. What does he accuse us with ? He accuses us with the Law.

David means' beloved son Do you hear God saying "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased ... Jesus Christ.

David and Goliath's s battle was a battle of the Law and Grace.

David buried Goliath at Gilgalta and Christ died at Gilgalta.

God dealt with the law with his beloved son to sure

David cutting the head of Goliath was a sign that God dealt with the heard of the Law - the 13:8-12
Love fulfils the requirements (law)
God (Christ) is Love
We were not able to fulfil the law (thus being self righteous which is a filthy ragged ) because the love of God was not in us.
We love because God first loved us
So now the requirements have been fulfilled by LOVE therefore we need not to look up to the law ( self righteousness )but to Christ.
If that love(Christ) dwells in us then we have fulfilled the law simply because Christ has fulfilled it in us.

