Top 10 Funniest Farts On Live TV History

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The Top 10 Funniest Farts On Live TV History.

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The anticipation of waiting for each fart is killing me


Farting is the only joke in the world that a 2 year old and a 102 year old will still laugh at together!


I used to work at a pharmacy. You wouldn’t believe how many old people just walk and fart like nothing happened


Leslie Nielsen was a notorious prankster. One of his favorite jokes was to carry a fart machine in his pocket and set it off at the most opportune time.


*its 2 am and I am watching a video about farts*


Don't always assume your fart will be silent. Especially on a wooden chair.


That last one was so freaking tragic. When you get to a certain age, you never know when a seemingly innocent fart can end up being a catastrophically, embarrassing accident.


My local postman collected the mail from the post box at 7 am and ripped one thinking he was on his own. It echoed round the shopping area like thunder and I cried with laughter, then he turned round and said “sorry I thought I was on my own” classic!


A guy once farted on the bus with his headphones in, forgetting only he could hear his music.


I remember once my teacher said “be quiet” and a kid just farted when everyone was quiet


Farts are merely the ghosts of what you ate yesterday. 😅


The best friendships/relationships are when you are comfortable to fart by each other 😂


Divided by nation, language, gender, age etc and United by fart


My mom farted at the dinner table and I felt my chair vibrate. I laughed so hard because she tried to deny it. I ended up getting in trouble for laughing.


When I was around 30 and my Mum 50, pre mobile device days, we had to endure hours with no power one evening. As we sat there together bored on the sofa in the dark, she let out some gas unintentionally, which had me jump out of my seat. I thought then it was only fair that I answer her back with one of my own. Setting her off laughing, she did another and that was how a fart duel between us was born. Never knowing when in our conversation it would happen next. We created our own fun. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as much as I did that night and it’s been almost 25 years. 🤣

Also fond memories of my grandmother that every time she got up out of her chair she would putt putt putt all the way to where she was going to. We used to say she was powered by gas. It would make the family laugh but we’d always try to keep a straight face around her as she didn’t seem to know she was doing it.


My mom said she went into a fancy shoe store and it was so quiet. She squatted down to try on a shoe and farted. She said she had to stand back up to make it stop because it just kept coming😂


I remember taking a final exam in college when a student in the back of the room ripped one. The entire class erupted in laughter, including the professor.


That fart was the most intelligent thing I'd ever heard on The View.


OMG! 54 years old and this stuff NEVER goes outta style. Most horrendously funny ones to do are "the strafing runs", also known as "crop dusting", also known as "drive-by's"; they can be any type, as long as you are in motion when they go off.
Best time for those to happen? My dad, according to mom, was notorious for doing SBD versions of these in the grocery store, usually around small-to-mid sized groups of older Mexican women chattering in Spanish at the local grocery store in Bakersfield, CA.; he would pass through, then peek around the corner to see them scattering and just about die laughing (mom, on the other hand, was always mortified!).
Always brought a tear to the eye, either from laughter or the smell!


I had a scammer call me last week and I acted like I was going along with it but making increasingly louder and darker fart sounds with my mouth while he was talking.

Towards the end, I said something like, "Excuse me for just a second. I'mma put you on hold, " before letting out a scream-grunt and crying, "I can't hold it in anymore!", then making the worst blood fart sounds mixed with moans of "oh god" and "help" until he finally hung up.

Before he did, though, I heard him gagging like he was about to throw up.

I cracked up for probably close to an hour.
